Previously on DALLAS:

--------------Peyton Allen demanded one hundred thousand dollars from Lucas in exchange for Michael's safe return.

--------------Sue Ellen, John Ross, Christopher, Alex, and Courtney returned from California.

--------------Justin continued to have no memory of the accident, or of seeing Jimmy and Amanda together.

--------------Catlin told Sue Ellen he was going to demand a divorce from Brittany again.

--------------Donna had misgivings about Ray agreeing to give the hundred thousand to the extortionist.

--------------Brad visited Krystina, who warned him that if John Ross didn't pay him back for what he did, she would.

--------------Christopher again reiterated his commitment to Courtney to help her find the son she gave up for adoption.

--------------John Ross asked Bum to investigate the bombing at the Channing mansion.

--------------Justin called Jimmy and asked him to come to the hospital to see him, causing Jimmy to fear that Justin had remembered everything.

Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital....late morning



"You wanna talk about the accident?  And about Amanda?"  Asks a nervous Jimmy.


"Yeah, I do,"  Justin replies.


Jimmy's heart sinks.  "Okay, dude.  What do you wanna talk about?"



"I wanna know what happened,"  says Justin.  "Jimmy, I've been wracking my brain and I can't remember anything that happened the day I fell.  Nothing.  I don't even remember us going to the lake."


"What is the last thing you DO remember?"  Jimmy asks, worried about Justin's answer.


"That's the thing.  I really don't KNOW what the last thing I remember is.  I know that sounds crazy, but my mind is so hazy right now.  It's like I'm missing a whole week or something."


Jimmy privately breathes a sigh of relief.  "Well, Justin, dude, maybe you shouldn't even try.  I mean, when you fell, that was really traumatic for you, and it was for me, too."


"But I'd like to know what happened.  Jimmy, can you tell me anything?"


Jimmy looks at him for a moment.  "Well, I went to get something.  You went to the edge of the cliff to look over.  Next thing I knew, you fell.  I guess you must've gotten too close to the edge."


"Maybe, but I'm usually not that clumsy."


"Accidents happen, bro,"  Jimmy says.  "Hey, before it happened to you, I almost fell off that same cliff myself earlier that day, so it could be me laying here."


"What happened after I fell?"  Justin asks.


"I.....I, ummm......I heard you yell.  I looked, and I didn't see you, so I ran to the cliff and you were hanging onto this tree branch.  I grabbed you, and........."  Jimmy stops talking as he chokes back tears.  "I tried to pull you up, but, it was hot, and both our arms and hands were sweaty, so you slipped out of my grasp and fell.  Justin, look, bro, I really don't wanna talk about this.  It was horrible seeing you fall, and then seeing you laying on the ground like that, hurt."


"I'm sorry, man,"  Justin says.  "It's just hard, not being able to remember, y'know?"


"Yeah, I can imagine.  Umm, you said you wanted to talk about Amanda?  What about her?"


"This accident really got me thinkin'.  Jimmy, I could've been killed......"


"But you WEREN'T,"  Jimmy says.


"No, but I could've been,"  says Justin.  "And if anything ever happens to me, I wanna make sure that Amanda is gonna be taken care of."


"What........what do you mean?"


"I want you to promise me that you'll take care of Amanda for me, Jimmy.  Look, I may be laid up for a while after I get outta here.  I don't know for how long I'm even gonna be in this hospital, dependin' on whether my legs start workin' again.  Amanda's gonna need somebody to be there for her.  I want that person to be you.  Just help her, Jimmy, with anything she needs."


"Why me, man?"  Jimmy asks.


"Because you're not only my best friend, you're fam'ly.  I trust you more'n I trust anybody.  So will ya help me?  Look after Amanda for me until I'm back on my feet?"


"Yeah, man.  I will."


"Thanks, Jimmy.  I knew I could count on you if I could count on anybody."


"Well, look, man, I hate to run, but I've gotta go.  I have some things to do."


"Thanks for comin' by, dude,"  Justin says.


"Yeah, no problem, man.  You........you just get well, okay."  Jimmy turns and walks out of the room, closing the door behind him.  In the hallway, he leans against Justin's door and breathes another sigh of relief that he had dodged a bullet, at least for now.  But Jimmy knows that eventually, Justin will probably remember everything.

Southfork......early afternoon

Bobby's car turns into the driveway at Southfork and comes to a stop in the parking area.  Bobby, Ann, and Christopher get out of the car.  Bobby and Ann look around at the beautiful ranch.  


"Well, it sure feels good to be back at Southfork,"  Bobby says as they get out of the car.


"I couldn't agree more,"  Ann says.  "There's no place like home."


"Sure is great to have you both back, too,"  says Christopher.


"Christopher, is everything alright?"  Bobby asks.  "All the way home from the airport I got the feelin' that you wanted to tell us somethin'."


"Is everything alright?"  Ann asks.


Christopher sighs.  "No.  Actually, everything's not alright."


Bobby and Ann exchang worried looks.  "What's wrong?"  Ann asks.


"I didn't wanna tell you guys on the way from the airport but, Michael has been kidnapped.  Lucas and Heather are down in Waco hoping to find him."


"Oh my Lord,"  says Ann.


"Kidnapped?"  Bobby asks.  "Have the police been notified?"


"Yeah.  And they know who did it. It was Bo McCabe, Heather's ex-husband."


"Bo?"  Bobby asks.  


"Yeah.  The cops have been looking for him for days.  Heather managed to get in touch with Bo's brother Reece, and he gave her the address of their uncle's farm down in Waco where he thought Bo might be, but, by the time Lucas and Heather got there, Bo was gone.  And then, someone called Lucas, apparently with information on Bo's whereabouts, and wanted money.  Uncle Ray flew down to Waco a couple days ago with the money the guy wanted."


"Have you heard anything since?"  Bobby asks.


"Yeah.  The guy wanted more money."


"How much?"  Ann asks.


Christopher looks at Ann, then at Bobby.  "A hundred grand, in exchange for Michael's safe return."


"Oh my God,"  says Bobby.  "This whole thing sounds fishy.  Are they sure it was Bo who took Michael?"


"Yeah.  Lucy took Michael to the water park Saturday after we all left for California.  Bo kidnapped Michael there.  The whole thing was caught on camera, so there's no question that Bo's the one who took him."


"I'd better fly down to Waco and see if I can help."


"Do you want me to go with you?"  Ann asks.  


"No, honey, we just got home, and I know you're exhausted.  You also have your brother's funeral to deal with.  Look, I'll try my best to be back in time to go with you to Gilmer for Mark's funeral."


"I understand,"  Ann says.  "That sweet little boy's your grandson.  You go and help Lucas find his son."


"Dad, I'm coming with you,"  Christopher says.  


Bobby nods at his son, kisses Ann, then he and Christopher head to the house to get ready for their trip to Waco.

Tripp and Pamela's apartment....

"Hi, come in,"  Cliff says, welcoming Bum and Steven into Tripp's apartment that afternoon.  


"Thanks,"  Bum says as he and Steven walk in.  Cliff, Tripp, Mitch, and Tracey are waiting in the living room.




"Okay, when you called, you said you had some information about Van Buren,"  Tripp says.  "So what is it?  Do you know where he's taken my wife?"




"Not exactly,"  replies Bum.


"What do you mean, 'not exactly'?"  Cliff asks.


"We've tracked down Scott's father, Harrison Van Buren,"  says Bum.


"Harrison?"  Mitch asks.

"Yeah,"  says Steven.  "Scott's old man has been living in Columbus, Georgia, for the past several years.  I'm going there to see him.  Hopefully he can tell me where Scott might've gone with the women."


"Steven, I'm gonna go myself,"  Bum says.  "You just got out of the hospital, and you're not recovered from that gunshot."


"Bum, I'm fine.  I'm going.  Scott's father might be more willing to talk to me, since I was Scott's partner."


"And I'm going with you,"  Tripp says.  


"So am I," says Cliff.

"Cliff, it might be better if I went instead,"  Mitch says.


"Why YOU and not me?"  Cliff asks.  "Pamela's MY daughter."


"And Afton is MY sister,"  says Mitch.  "Besides, from what I've heard, the last time you and Harrison Van Buren met, it didn't go very well.  I didn't like the guy when he was married to Afton, but I never had any problems with him.  I think he'd be much more willing to talk to me than to you."


"Cliff, I think Mitch is right,"  Tracey says.  


Cliff shakes his head.  "No.  If Van Buren refuses to talk to us because I'm there......then we'll MAKE him talk.  But I'm GOING."


Mitch exchanges looks with Bum and Steven.


"I'm gonna get us a flight to Columbus right now,"  Tripp says, walking over and picking up the phone.

Waco, Texas....later

Ray paces around his hotel room at the Hotel Hilton in Waco as he talks to Bobby on his cell phone.  Lucas and Heather sit on the bed and look on.


"Bob, I dunno,"  Ray says to Bobby on the phone.  "There's somethin' about this guy that seems familiar to me but I just can't place him.  But I know I've seen him someplace.  Alright, Bob, we'll see ya when ya get here.  Bye."  Ray puts his phone down and looks at the young couple.  "Bobby and Christopher are on their way."


Lucas stands to his feet.  "I'm ready to get this whole thing over with and get Michael back."


"Now don't you worry none,"  Ray says.  "We're gonna get the boy back.  I promise ya that.  I just wish I could remember who this guy is."


At that moment, Lucas's cell phone beeps, indicating an incoming text message.  Heather gets up and walks over to him as he opens his messages.  He and Heather look, as a photo pops up in Lucas's  

phone.  It's a photo of Michael.


"Lucas, look,"  Heather says.  "It's him.  It's Michael.  It's our baby."


"Yeah.  That's proof.  This guy does have Michael, which means........Bo was probably working for him all the time."


Lucas's cell phone rings.  Lucas picks the phone up and looks at it.  "It's him."


"Lucas, put it on speaker,"  Ray says.  


Heather stands and walks over to Lucas as he answers the phone.  "Hello?"


"Well now,"  says Peyton Allen on the other end of the line.  "I trust that I gave you ample time to decide whether or not we can do business.  And I said I'd give you proof that the little boy is here, and that he's alright.  Now you seen the proof.  So how 'bout it?  I get my money, and you get the kid back."  


"Alright.  You have a deal.  As soon as I get Michael back, you get the money."


The sound of Peyton laughing is heard over the speaker.  "No dice, kid.  I get that money first, and THEN you get the boy back."


"And what if I say no to that?"  Lucas asks.


"Then you never see this cute lil' fellow again,"  Peyton replies coldly, causing Heather to begin crying.


"Okay," Lucas says.  "Just tell me when, and where."


"I'll be in touch with that information later on,"  Peyton says, then hangs up before Lucas can say anymore.


"Oh my God, Lucas,"  Heather says.  "That man's crazy.  If he duttin' get that money, we'll never see Michael again."


"Heather, don't worry,"  Lucas says.  "We're gonna get our son back, and when we do, I'm gonna make sure that whoever this old man is, he and Bo McCabe are gonna pay for this, and I mean pay BIG."


A strange expression comes over Ray's face.  "Oh my God," he says.


"Ray, what is it?"  Heather asks.


"That voice, I know that voice.  Lucas.......I know who that guy is."


"Wait, you know the guy who has Michael?"  Lucas asks.


"Who is he?"  Heather asks.


"His name's Peyton Allen,"  Ray replies.  "I knew I recognized him from somewhere."


"How do you know him?"  Lucas asks.  "Ray, who is he?  Who's this guy who's kidnapped my son?  And does he have some grudge against the Ewings? The first time he called me, he asked me if I was related to J.R.  Does this guy have something against Uncle J.R.?  Is he another person Uncle J.R. screwed over?"


Ray looks at the young man.  "Yeah.  But not just J.R.  Maybe me, too."


"I don't understand."


Ray lets out a deep sigh as he walks to the window and looks out.  After a brief pauses, he turns back to Lucas and Heather.  "A long time ago, back in the old days, me and J.R. were pretty close.  Before we had a big fallin' out.  Anyway, we use to pal around a lot together, and sometimes, we'd.........well we'd raise a little hell, go find us a couple women and have a good ol' time.  This was before I married Donna the first time.  One of those times, J.R. and I ended up here in Waco, spendin' a night with these two women.  One of them was named Wanda.  Wanda Frick.  She was the one J.R. was with.  The other was named Mary Lou.  Wanda was Peyton Allen's sister and Mary was his......well, I don't know, I guess she was his girlfriend or somethin'.  J.R. and me, we didn't think anything about it, and we headed on back to Southfork.  Later, just as a storm was comin', a big hurricane, these two men showed up at Southfork.  Peyton, and Wanda's husband, Luther Frick.  At first they pretended that their truck had broke down in front of the ranch.  They even helped up shore up the ranch and take care of the cattle before the worst of the storm hit.  But then, later, they pulled guns and explained why they were there. I'd hurt my leg, and I wasn't in any condition to do anything."

Ray continues:  "They tied me up in the kitchen while they held J.R., Sue Ellen, Miss Ellie, Lucy, and Pam at gunpoint.  The sadistic bastards took real pleasure in tormentin' them, especially Sue Ellen, because she was J.R.'s wife.  That Peyton, he......he was even worse than the other one."

"What happened?"  Heather asks.  


"Bobby and my father, Jock Ewing, came home.  Took ol' Peyton and Luther by surprise, roughed 'em up pretty good, and Jock warned 'em never to come around again or he'd kill 'em."


"Why weren't they arrested?"  Lucas asks.


"The family wanted to avoid the scandal, so Jock and Miss Ellie decided not to involve the police.  After that, we never saw or heard anything out of Luther or Peyton again.  Until now."


"Lucas, how could Peyton Allen have gotten your number?"  Heather asks.


"Isn't it obvious?  That damned bartender.  He's the only one I gave my cell phone number to.  This Peyton guy must've been in the bar that day and heard me tell the bartender my name.  He saw me give him the card.  DAMN IT!  How could I have been so stupid."

"Lucas you couldn't have known,"  Heather says.


"Wait, this still doesn't make any sense,"  says Ray.  "If Peyton were in that bar, and heard you give your name as Ewing to the bartender.........then how does that tie Peyton in with Bo?"


"Again, the bartender,"  Heather says.


"What?"  Ray asks.


"The bartender, he said he knew Bo.  They grew up together or somethin'."


"Yeah, he said he use to hang out with Bo whenever Bo came to Waco to stay with his aunt and uncle at that farm."


"I remember Bo talkin' about a friend of his he use to hang with when they were kids,"  Heather says.  "What was his name?  Jack, or......Jake.  That's it.  Jake."


"Maybe we should go back to that bar and see if Jake is there,"  says Lucas.  "If he's not, then we'll ask around about him.  If he gave this Peyton Allen my name and number, then there must be some tie between them.  And I'm sure as hell gonna find out what that is."

Back in Dallas.....the Hyatt Regency Hotel, evening....

Brittany Ewing walks into the living room of her suite at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Dallas that evening.  She picks up the remote control from the coffee table and switches on the TV.  As she's about to take a seat on the sofa, someone knocks on the door.  Brittany turns the TV off, walks over and opens the door to find Catlin standing before her.  She smiles.  "Well, Catlin.  Perfect timing.  You caught me just out of the shower and about to relax for the evening with a good movie.  Come in."


Catlin walks past Brittany and into the suite.  "Brittany, we need to talk."


She closes the door and turns to him.  "My, my.  No 'good evening, Brittany, you look wonderful this evening'?"  


"This is important."


"Alright, so talk."



"Brittany, let's just end this.  Now.  I'm gonna ask you again.......give me my divorce, so we can both just get on with our lives."


Brittany smiles.  "No, Catlin.  I have no intention of doing that."


"And why the hell not?"  Catlin asks.  "Or maybe I should ask, exactly how much is John Ross paying you to stay in Dallas and cause problems for Sue Ellen and I?"


"You know, hubby, dear, this constant accusing me of being in cahoots with Sue Ellen's son really IS starting to get a little old."


"Brittany, just come off it.  I know John Ross found you and then paid you to come here to Dallas, no matter how much both of you deny it."

"Y'know, speaking of my being in Dallas, I haven't even seen our son since I've been here."


"Catlin, Jr. doesn't wanna see you."


"I AM still his mother."


"You were never much of a mother to that boy, Brittany,"  Catlin says.  "You haven't even seen him in five years.  You walked out of his life, AND ,mine.  That's grounds for divorce."


Brittany smiles again.  "It's not going to be that simple, Catlin.  I'm not going to make it that simple for you.  Or that easy."


"Why?  I'm sure John Ross is paying you very well, but what if I offered to match what he's paying you?"


"Nice try, darling,"  Brittany says.  "But no.  There's only one thing that I want from you."


"I'm almost afraid to ask.  But what?  Just name it."


Brittany moves closer to him and places her hand on his chest.  "I want YOU, Catlin.  You, and our son.  I want our family back.  We were together for 25 years.  Some of those years were very good ones.  Remember how exciting our lives together were?  We can have that again."


"Never.  Never in this life, nor the next.  What we had, you destroyed years ago.  My future is with Sue Ellen."


Brittany laughs.  "Oh, Catlin.  Come on.  I've met the lady.  She's very beautiful, but I can tell that life with her would be about as exciting as watching ice melt.  Besides, isn't she a little old for you?  You're 54, and she must be what?  Late 60s at least?"


Catlin looks at her.  "Sue Ellen is more exciting, and more of a woman than you ever were, Brittany.  And she's made me feel more like a man in a few short months than you did in the entire 26 years we were together."  Catlin walks to the door and starts to leave, then turns back to her.  "I'm gonna get that divorce, Brittany.  And then, I never wanna see you again."  Without another word, Catlin leaves.


"Don't be too sure of that, darling,"  Brittany says after he's gone.  "Because I have no INTENTION of letting you go."


"Come on in, Bob, Christopher,"  Ray says, welcoming Bobby and Christopher into his hotel room at the Hilton.  


"Thanks Ray,"  Bobby says, walking in.  Lucas and Heather meet them.  "Lucas, I'm so sorry I wasn't here for you,"  he says.


"It's okay.  I heard about what happened in California.  I'm sorry.  Thank God you're alright."


"I told Dad everything,"  Christopher.


"Yeah, well, Bob, there's somethin' else.  Somethin' you don't know,"  says Ray.


"It's about the guy who has Michael now,"  says Lucas.  


"We do know that Bo McCabe is the one who took Michael from the water park,"  says Ray.  "But we don't know if Bo even has the boy now."


"Then who does?  The man who wanted the money?"


"Yeah,"  replies Ray.  "Bob, that man is Peyton Allen.  I'm sure you remember him."


"Peyton Allen?"  Bobby asks.  "Oh my God.  You mean one of the two men who held the family hostage all those years ago?  Durin' the hurricane?"


"The one and the same,"  says Ray.


"How the hell did he get mixed up in all this?" Bobby asks.


"When Heather and I got here, Bo was gone from the farmhouse,"  Lucas replies.  "We went to this bar and asked the bartender if he knew Bo.  He said he did.  I gave him my name, and a card with my cell number on it."

"We think Peyton Allen must've been in the bar and overheard Lucas's conversation with the bartender, and then later, Peyton must have convinced the bartender to give him Lucas's number for a cut of the money.  How he actually got his hands on Michael we have NO idea."


"And you're sure Peyton Allen has Michael?"  Bobby asks.


"Yeah, he texted a photo of Michael to my phone.  A new photo.  In the bar, I gave my name as Lucas Ewing instead of Krebbs.  Allen had to have heard me, because the first time he called me, he asked if I was related to J.R. Ewing."


"Oh my God."


"Looks like that son of a bitch waited all these years for the chance to get revenge against a Ewing.  ANY Ewing,"  Ray says angrily.


"Dad, who is this Peyton Allen?"  Christopher asks.  "And what does he have against the Ewings?"


"It's a long story, son, and I'll explain later,"  replies Bobby.  


"So what are we gonna do, Bob?"  Ray asks.  


Bobby walks to the window and looks out.  "We give him what he wants,"  Bobby says, then turns around to face the others.  "Or at least we give him the APPEARANCE of giving him what he wants.  In other words, we set a trap.  Then when Mr. Peyton Allen steps into it..........we spring that trap and take care of him once and for all.  Make sure he NEVER bothers this family again."


Ray, Lucas, Heather, and Christopher all exchange looks, wondering what Bobby has in mind.

Southfork....the next morning

Ann and Lucy are having breakfast the next morning on the patio when Donna's car drives up and comes to a stop in the parking area. Donna, Conner, and Dylan get out of the car and walk up to the women.  


"Mornin',"  Donna says.


"Mornin',"  Lucy says.


"Hello, Donna.  Boy,"  Ann greets.


"Ann, I heard you were back, and the guys and I wanted to come by and tell you how very sorry I was to hear about your brother and everything that happened in California,"  Donna says.


"Thank you,"  Ann says with a smile.  "That means a lot."


"When is your brother's funeral?"  Conner asks.


"Day after tomorrow, in Gilmer.  I hope Bobby's back in time to go."


"I'm sure they'll all be back,"  Donna says.  "But if not, Ann, I would be more than happy to go with you."


"So will I," Lucy says.


"And I will, too,"  says Conner.  "You've been so good to me."


"I really appreciate that,"  Ann says.  "From all of you.  Donna have you talked to Ray since Bobby got to Waco?"


Donna sighs.  "Yeah, we talked for a while last night.  I guess Bobby told you who the man is that they think has Michael."


"Yes, he did, and that really scares me."


Lucy looks at both of the other women.  "Wait a minute,"  she says.  "Heather's ex-husband kidnapped Michael.  He was captured on tape doing it."


"Lucy, I didn't tell you this last night, but, there's another man now asking ransom money for Michael, and he sent Lucas a photo of Michael that proves the child is with him."


"Oh no.   Do they know who the man is?"  Lucy asks.


"Yeah, they do,"  replies Donna.  "Do you remember Peyton Allen?  This was long before my time here, but, Ray told he and a friend of his, or rather, his brother-in-law, held you, Sue Ellen, Pam, Miss Ellie, Ray, and J.R. hostage at Southfork during a storm, many years ago."


Lucy thinks back for a moment, then her mouth falls open in shock.  "Oh, dear God.  I remember him. Those two were positively evil, especially the younger one, Peyton.  He would've raped one of us if Grandpa and Bobby hadn't shown up.  How did he end up with Michael."


"We don't really know,"  says Ann.  "Unless he was somehow......workin' with Bo."


"This sounds like it could be really dangerous,"  Dylan says.


"That's what I'm worried about,"  says Ann.

Sue Ellen's home....

John Ross rings the doorbell at Sue Ellen's home that morning.  After a few moments, Sue Ellen opens the door and is surprised to see her son.  "John Ross," she says with a smile.  


"Mornin', Mama."


"Come in."


John Ross walks into the house and Sue Ellen closes the door behind.  


"What on earth brings you by on a Saturday morning?"  Sue Ellen asks.


"Well, a little business, and a little personal."




"Yeah.  I wanted to talk to you about Ewing Oil, and a real sweet deal on some wells down near Austin that I think would make a real good addition our comp'ny, and since Uncle Bobby and Christopher are down in Waco, you're the only one I can talk to about it."


"Bobby and Christopher are in Waco?"  Sue Ellen asks.  "Does this have anything to do with Lucas and Heather's son being kidnapped?"


"From what I understand, yes,"  John Ross replies as Catlin comes down the stairs dressed in his bathrobe.  John Ross looks at him, an angry expression on his face.


"Well, good morning, John Ross,"  Catlin says.  


"Catlin,"  John Ross says rudely. "Already moved into my Mama's house, have ya?"


"No, I haven't moved in."


"Coulda fooled me.  Every time I come over, you're here.  Even first thing in the mornin'.


"John Ross, Catlin spent the night,"  says Sue Ellen.  "But, if he were to move in, it would be no one else's business but our own.  Now, you said you had some business to discuss?"


"It can wait til we get to the office Monday mornin',"  John Ross says as he turns and starts to leave.


"John Ross, wait.  We can talk about it now."


John Ross looks at his mother, then at Catlin.  "I really do have to be goin' now.  The air in here is kinda........stale.  See you at the office, Mama."  Without saying another word, John Ross leaves.


Sue Ellen sighs deeply.  "I'm really sorry about that."


"It's not your fault that your son hates me."


"Catlin, it isn't you,"  Sue Ellen says.  "John Ross had the same attitude toward Dusty."


"Well, I guess he'd probably feel that way about any man in your life.  Any man, that is, who ISN'T J.R."


"Which I don't understand.  J.R. and I were divorced when John Ross was 9-years-old.  But it's like, after John Ross and I returned to Dallas from England 20 years ago, he expected J.R. and I to get back together.  I guess he never really gave up that fantasy of what his family should be."


Catlin walks over and takes her face in his hands.  "Sue Ellen, I hope that John Ross's attitude doesn't ever change things between us, or deter you from wanting to have a life with me."


Sue Ellen looks up at him and smiles.  "Of course not.  Catlin, I have fallen in love with you, and I want you in my life.  John Ross is a grown man now.  I love my son with all my heart, but, who I decide to share my life with is really none of his business now."


Catlin smiles, then begins kissing her.  After a moment, he pulls out of the kiss and looks at her.  "Today is Saturday.  So, why don't we go back to bed?  We can cuddle, watch an old movie on TV, or........."


"Or?"  Sue Ellen asks.


"Or, we can spend the morning making mad, passionate love.  Take your pick."


"I think I choose........the latter," she says, then kisses him again.


Lucas quickly picks up his ringing cell phone from a table as Heather stands beside him.  Bobby, Ray, and Christopher look on.  Lucas looks at the caller I.D. and quickly answers when he sees it's Peyton calling.  "Yeah?" Lucas answers, putting Peyton on speaker.


"Well, well,"  Peyton says.  "I can tell you must be real anxious, ya answered so fast."


"Look, just tell me when and we can meet so we can get this over with and I can get my son back,"  Lucas says.


"Alright, now, just calm down, junior.  I aint in that big of a hurry.  I kinda like havin' this little fella around."


"You listen to me, you bastard.  If you hurt my son, I swear, I'll......


Meanwhile.....a house in Waco

"You won't do ANYTHING, young Ewing,"  Peyton says.  "I don't like threats.  So you play nice, or there's gonna be some consequences."

Hilton Hotel....

"Alright, alright, look, I'm sorry,"  Lucas says.  "Please, all I want is my son back.  Please.....tell me where we can meet.  You get your money, and I get Michael."

A house in Waco....

"Now, we're gettin' somewhere," Peyton says with a smile.  "Four o'clock this afternoon, same place we met last time, at the park.  And......one other thing........I won't have the boy with me, just in case you decide to try somethin' stupid.  I get my money, I get away safely, and then I'll text you with a location where you can pick up the boy."

Hilton Hotel....

"No deal!"  Lucas says angrily.  "We make an EVEN exchange.  I get my son back, and you get that that hundred thousand."

A house in Waco....

"You aint got a choice,"  Peyton says.  "We do it MY way, or we don't do this at all.  You want that kid back, then you do everything, and I do mean EVERYTHING, exactly as I say.  Meet me at four o'clock this afternoon, at Cameron Park.  The gazebo, just like last time.  And come alone.  Any involvement of the cops, or any of your fam'ly members.........you don't ever see that little fella again.  I get my money and get safely away from there, and within an hour, your get an address where you can pick the boy up."

Hilton Hotel....

"Okay, yeah, alright, we do it your way,"  says a nervous Lucas.  


"Good,"  Peyton says.  "Cuz I'd sure hate for any harm to come to such a sweet little boy as Michael.  But if anything goes wrong........you'll never see the kid again.  Least not alive."  Peyton quickly hangs up.


"Oh dear God,"  Heather cries.  "Lucas......"


"Heather, we're gonna get Michael back, I PROMISE you that."


"And then Peyton Allen is gonna pay for this,"  Bobby says.  


"You heard what he said,"  Heather says.  "No cops.  And no one else involved but Lucas."


At that moment, Bobby's cell phone rings.  He takes the phone from his pocket and answers quickly.  "Yeah, this is Bobby Ewing," he says.  "You do?  That's great."  Bobby takes a pen and a small note pad from his inside jacket pocket.  "Okay, give me the address," he says to the person on the other end of the line.  Bobby writes down an address.  "Thank you. Is Allen there now? No, no.  Just stand by until you hear from me.  Thanks.  Bye."  Bobby puts his phone away.  "I have an address for Peyton Allen.  1447 North Front Street, here in Waco."  


"So what are we gonna do?"  Ray asks.


"I have a man, a private detective, watching the house now.  The truck you said Allen arrived at the park in the other day isn't at the house, so chances are, Allen isn't keeping Michael at his place."


"He'd be pretty stupid if he were,"  says Ray.  


"Yes, he would,"  Bobby says.  "Lucas, you meet Peyton as planned.  Heather, you and I are gonna be at that park, watching, and making sure Lucas is alright."


"And what do you want me to do, Bob?"  Ray asks.


"Ray, I want you and Christopher to keep an eye on Allen's house,"  Bobby says.  "And if he returns there after picking up the money....."




"We'll take care of it,"  Christopher says.


"Good,"  says Bobby.  "We can't afford to let anything go wrong with this.  Michael's life could depend on it, and that's the main thing here.  But I want him.  I want Peyton Allen, and I wanna make sure that son of a bitch can never trouble us again."

A house in Waco....

Peyton hangs up the phone and turns around, where Jake the bartender is seated at a table.  "Look,  

Peyton, I don't like this,"  Jake says.  "I don't like this at all."


"No?  Well, you'll feel different, I'm sure, when ya get half of that hundred grand."


"When I first agreed to help you with this, you said all I had to do was lure Bo here.  I did that.  You never said a damned word about kidnapping, and a ransom."


"Well.......now ya know,"  Peyton says with a sadistic smile.


"You crazy son of a bitch, you're gonna have the law down on us!"  Jake says angrily.


Peyton turns to him, the smile now gone from his face.  "Now you listen to me, Jake McCallister.  You're in this now just as deep as I am.  And you're GONNA help me.  Now you go and check on our........ guests.  Go on."


Reluctantly, Jake stands to his feet, looks at Peyton angrily, then leaves the room.  He walks down a short hallway and at the end, stops and takes a key from his pocket.  He unlocks a door and opens it.  Jake walks into a small room where Bo is tied to one chair, and Michael to another, their mouths gagged.  Jake walks over and removes the gag from Bo's mouth.


"You no good son of a BITCH!"  Bo yells at him.


"Bo, man, look, I'm sorry about all this,"  Jake says.  


"Not sorry as you're gonna be, Jake,"  Bo says.  "We were supposed to be FRIENDS!  I called you and asked for your help, and THIS is what I get?"

"Bo, everything is gonna be okay.  Just relax.  Once this is all over and that crazy old man gets his money......you and the boy are free to go.  I promise."


Bo looks over at a scared Michael, tears running down the little boy's face.  "Any harm comes to him, Jake, and I swear to God.....I'll kill you."


Jake looks at Bo, the severity of Bo's threat sinking into his mind, then he replaces the gag in Bo's mouth and walks out of the room.  In the hallway outside, Jake closes the door and locks it again, a worried expression on his face as he began to regret what he had gotten himself into helping Peyton for half of the ransom money.

Columbus, Georgia.....afternoon

Cliff, Mitch, Tripp, Bum, and Steven descend some steps leading down to the beautiful River Walk on the Chattahoochee River in Columbus, Georgia that afternoon.  They look around.  No sigh of Harrison Van Buren yet.  


Cliff looks at his watch.  "What time was this guy supposed to meet us here?"  He asks.


"Three-thirty,"  Mitch replies.


"It's after that now,"  says an impatient Tripp.


"Just relax,"  Bum says.  "It's only three-thirty two."


"Yeah, well I wish he'd show up,"  says Cliff.


"Listen, Mr. Barnes, when Van Buren does show up, I'm gonna need you to let ME do the talking,"  says Steven.  "That goes for you, too, Mr. McKay."


"Yeah, okay, whatever, as long as we get answers."


"There he comes,"  Mitch says, looking down the river walk.


Cliff looks at the man as he approaches.




Harrison Van Buren, Afton's ex-husband, walks up to the other men.  "Well, well, well," he says, looking at Mitch.  "If it isn't the good Dr. Mitchell Cooper, my former brother-in-law.  Sure never thought I'd ever see you again."


"I could say the same about you, Harrison."


"Oh, my,"  Harrison says, looking at Cliff.  "And Cliff Barnes.  A face I sure as HELL never expected to see again."





"And if I'd had my way, I'd certainly never be seeing you again,"  Cliff says.


Harrison smiles.  "The years haven't been kind to you, Mr. Barnes.  And, who are these other three gentlemen?"


"Harrison, this Tripp McKay, Pamela's husband, and Bum Jones, and his son, Detective Steven Jones from the Dallas PD,"  Mitch says.


"Dallas Police?"  Harrison asks.  "What's this about?  Is it Afton?"


"Yes, it's Afton,"  Mitch replies.

"Mr. Van Buren, we need to talk to you about your son,"  says Bum.


"Scotty?"  Harrison asks.  "I haven't seen or spoken to my kid in over five years."


"We know,"  Steven says.  "Mr. Van Buren, Scott was my partner in the Dallas PD."


"Detective, huh?  So, my boy made detective?"


"Yes,"  replies Steven. 


"Okay, so what's this all about?"  Harrison asks.  "Has something happened to my son?"


"Yeah, ya might say that,"  Cliff remarks.


"What?  Come on, damn it, tell me!"



"Your crazy son has kidnapped Afton and my wife,"  says an angry Tripp.


"What?  Kidnapped them?  I don't believe that."


"It's true, Harrison,"  Mitch says.


"My son is a cop......"


"A cop with some very serious psychological problems,"  Steven says.  "Mr. Van Buren, several months ago, Afton Cooper began receiving some mysterious gifts and phone calls from a stalker.  Then, two people close to Miss Cooper were murdered."


"Now you wait just one minute here,"  Harrison says.  "You tryin' to say that my boy, that Scotty had somethin' to do with that?"


"We know that he did,"  Steven continues.  "Scott and I were assigned to investigate Afton Cooper's stalking, as well as the murders of Jan Pierce and Jesse Matthews, who was........."  Steven pauses as he looks at Mitch.  "Jesse Matthews was the son of Dr. Cooper here."


Harrison looks at Mitch.  "Son?"


"That's right,"  says Mitch.


"Scott was using an alias,"  Steven says.  "He called himself Scott Miller."


"Miller,"  says Harrison.  "Wow.  That was his grandmother's.......my mother's maiden name.  Scott was very close to her until she passed away when he was 17.  So, you think my son is a killer?"


"Mr. Van Buren,"  Steven says.  "Scott had everyone fooled.  Even me, and I was his partner and his best friend.  Not only did we work together, we also socialized together.  Double dated together.  His fake identity was the perfect cover.  No one suspected anything, not even the department, and they even did a background check before he was hired.  Scott had this whole entire fake history of himself created, and it seemed air tight.  Not only that, but he was very lucky.  Sometimes the department does deeper, more comprehensive background investigations, but by chance, Scott was able to dodge that.  He was a good detective.  He helped solve more than 50 murder cases in the two years we worked together.  There was never any indication that something was wrong with him.  The only thing was, he never liked to talk much about his family, or his past. Now I know why.  All these months, he and I were working on this stalker case, and then the murders of Jan Pierce and Jesse Matthews.  We arrested a suspect.  The department was ready to close the case, but I felt something wasn't right.  There were pieces of the puzzle missing, so I wanted to keep the investigation open.  When I talked to Scott about it, he snapped, and he tried to kill me."


"Tried to kill you?"  Asks a stunned Harrison.  


"Yeah.  He hit me over the head, and when I was unconscious, he shot me.  He must have thought I was dead.  When he thought the truth would be exposed, that's when he kidnapped Afton Cooper and her daughter, Pamela McKay."


"And what is it you want from me?"  Harrison asks.  "As I already told you, I haven't seen or heard from my son in years......not since Christmas of 2010."


"We thought maybe you could tell us if you know of anyplace that might be special to Scott,"  Bum says. "And and those women couldn't have just vanished into thin air.  So if there's anything you know, maybe a special place from Scott's childhood where he might be hiding."


"It's very important that we find Scott before he gets in this any deeper,"  Steven says.


"Any deeper?  From what you're telling me, my son is already in as deep as he can get.  Stalking, two murders, kidnapping, and even the attempted murder of a cop."


"Mr. Van Buren, please,"  Tripp says.  "My wife and I just had a baby, and now she's been taken by YOUR son.  My little boy needs his mother back, and I need my wife, so I'm begging you, if you know ANYTHING........tell us."


"Why should I?"  Harrison asks.  "Why should I help you save Afton and her daughter?  The cops would probably kill my boy when they found him."


"No one wants to kill Scott,"  Steven says.  "We just wanna find him before he hurts those women and adds to his charges."


"Good luck, then,"  Harrison says, then turns and starts to walk away.


"YOU SON OF A BITCH!"  Tripp yells as he grabs Harrison, shoves him against a wall and begins choking him.   "IF YOU DON'T TELL ME WHERE THAT PSYCHO SON OF YOURS TOOK MY WIFE, I SWEAR I'LL KILL YOU!"


Bum, Steven, and Mitch all grab Tripp and try to pull him off of Harrison.  "Tripp, stop it!"  Mitch says.  "Come on, let him go!"


Finally, all three men manage to pull Tripp away, and Harrison falls to the ground gasping for breath.  He looks up at the young man.  "That's it.  I wouldn't help you now if my own life depended on it!"


"YOU!"  Tripp again attempts to lunge at Harrison, but Bum, Steven, and Mitch restrain him as Cliff looks on, standing back out of the way.


"That kid's crazy, you keep him the hell away from me!"  Harrison says as he stands.  


"Your life might just depend on you helping us, Van Buren,"  Bum says.  "You don't tell us what we wanna know, we're gonna let him loose to do whatever he wants to you."


"Okay, okay,"  Harrison finally says.  "All I can tell you is......there was this place, where we use to go when Scotty was a kid.  It belonged to a cousin of mine."


"Where is this place?"  Cliff asks.




"Canada?"  Tripp asks.


"Yeah, Canada.  We used to go up there every summer, and sometimes in the fall.  That's the only place I can think of."


"That's gotta be it, then,"  Cliff says.



Steven looks at Harrison.  "Tell us exactly where this place is, and how we get there,"  he says.  "And if you don't, I'll contact the police here in Columbus and have you charged as an accessory to your son's crimes."


"You can't do that."


"Yeah?  Just try me, Van Buren.  Now, where is this place in Ontario?"  Steven asks.


Harrison looks at Steven, realizing that the young detective means business, and he has no choice but to cooperate.

Cameron Park, Waco....later

As Heather and Bobby wait in Bobby's car at a safe distance at Cameron Park in Waco that afternoon, Lucas paces around in front of the gazebo, the briefcase full of money in his hands, waiting impatiently for Peyton to show up.  Finally, Lucas sees Peyton's old pickup arrive and come to a stop behind his car.  Peyton sits in his truck for several seconds as he watches Lucas, then looks around to make sure no one else is close by.  Finally, Peyton gets out of his truck and walks over to Lucas.


"On time,"  Peyton says.  "I like that."


"Let's get this over with,"  Lucas says.  "I got your money."


Peyton looks at the briefcase in Lucas's hand and smiles.  "Lemme have it," he says.


Reluctantly, Lucas hands over the briefcase as Bobby watches from his car with binoculars.  


Peyton looks around to make sure no one is looking, then opens the case slightly, looking at the rows of stacks of crisp, new bills.  His smile grows wider.  "I'm just gone take this some place where I can count it, unseen, and make sure it's all here."


"It's all there,"  Lucas says.  



"Forgive me if I don't take your word for it, young Ewing.  Soon as I get safely away and make sure my whole hundred thousand is here.......I'll send ya a text, with an address where you can pick up your boy."  Peyton backs away a few feet, then smiles at Lucas.  "Nice doin' business with ya," he says, then hurries back to his truck.  Lucas watches as Peyton gets in and drives away.


Sitting in his car also watching, Bobby picks up his cell phone and dials Christopher's number.  After the first ring, he answers.  "Christopher, Allen just picked up the money and left."

Peyton's house....

"Ten-four, Dad," says Christopher, sitting in Ray's rented car with Ray in front of Peyton's home.  Christopher puts his phone down and looks at Ray.  "Allen just left."


"Then it's time to make our move,"  Ray says.


"And what move would that be, boys?"  Comes a voice from outside Christopher's side of the car.  Ray and Christopher turn and see Peyton's son standing beside the car, holding a revolver.  "Why don't you boys just raise your hands and step outta the car,"  he says, pointing the gun in the car at them.


Ray and Christopher look at each other, then raise their hands as they're told, realizing that their plan has begun to fall apart....





                             ALSO STARRING



                  as Dr. Mitch Cooper



                 as Tracey McKay



                  as Bum



                  as Det. Steven Jones



                  as Heather McCabe



                  as Michael McCabe



                 as Bo McCabe



                  as Catlin Ewing, Sr.



                  as Brittany Ewing



                  as Conner Ewing



                  as Dylan Baxter



                  as Peyton Allen



                  as Jake



                  as Harrison Van Buren



                   as Peyton's son

Write a comment

Comments: 12
  • #1

    Sara Duckworth (Sunday, 23 October 2016 22:28)

    Another wonderful and entertaining episode as always!!! :) Can't wait until the next!!! On the edge of my seat as always. Can't believe the episode is over already!!! Time definitely goes by when you're having fun. Thanks for the flashbacks. My mother thinks you should bring Ray into Dallas more since he and Bobby along with Gary are the only Ewing brothers left. I'm going to email the link to this episode for her to read now.

  • #2

    Janie Fleischer (Sunday, 23 October 2016 23:50)

    John I really think Peyton is going to be in trouble when Bobby or rRay gets their hands on him and he deserves it. I want Micheal home and I wish Bum would hurry and find Afton and Pam. She has been gone from her baby so long. I wish Justin would get him memory back. This suspense is killing me. Another great episode of course. Thank you so much my beloved friend I love this and you

  • #3

    Ada Vincent (Monday, 24 October 2016 13:01)

    Great job writing

  • #4

    Cindy Shaft (Monday, 24 October 2016 17:38)

    Loved every word you wrote. Wow. Can't wait to see how Christopher and Ray handle this. It will be interesting to see Pamela and Afton get rescued. Too bad it could not be Christopher.

  • #5

    Brian (Monday, 24 October 2016 18:43)

    Awesome as usual john keep up the good stories

  • #6

    mary baez (Tuesday, 25 October 2016 01:38)

    Great job as usually John. Thank you!!

  • #7

    Linda Csrman (Tuesday, 25 October 2016 21:14)

    You have done it again!!! Another outstanding episode. You really are a very talented writer John. Thank you.

  • #8

    Julia Cherri (Wednesday, 26 October 2016 00:25)

    I almost fell off my chair from setting on the edge of it. What a wonderful written, full of suspense, exciting episode this was. I enjoyed every minute of it and was left with wanting more. You are the most talented writer, John. Oh how I wish you could get paid for all your efforts. Wish that you could somehow get your writings published. You have such a creative mind and I feel so honored to be able to read what you write. You leave me wondering what will come next. So much going on and many unanswered questions. Can hardly wait for the next episode. Thank you so much for all your hard work.

  • #9

    Chris Hawkins (Saturday, 29 October 2016 11:30)

    I really enjoyed the episode, I really feel that I could envision everything as it was happening, looking forward to more! keep up the great work.

  • #10

    Teri Bauguess (Monday, 31 October 2016 21:55)

    Just tonight read this episode. Loved it!! I'm so glad they finally know where Pamela & Afton are, it's time to put mother & son back together. This baby needs his mother. Also not sure what's going to happen with Christopher and Ray???? And although I hope Justin never remembers what happened, we all know he will eventually (that's why we keep watching our favorite tv shows and in this case reading these great episodes.

    Thanks again John for continuing to keep Dallas going, I/We love what you do for us!!

  • #11

    Kimberly (Saturday, 20 May 2017 20:31)

    I know the Ewings well they will get Michael back and the barnes will fight like hell to get afton and Pamela back. I am still wondering after the explosion what happened to Richard Channing and Shawn as in Sharon and Marks son and Katherine I don't think they have been mentioned if their killed or In the hospital or what happened to them. So if Anns back home at south fork that means that Emma and Kevin are out of the hospital I am guessing. I cant wait for Justin to get home to just afton, Pamela and Michael all home safe and sound and for more drama to start lol. This is the best show ever made. I grew up on Dallas and still love it to this day. Bum, Steven, Mitch Tripp and Cliff better hurry to Canada to get scotty and afton and Pamela soon Another awesome Episode John. I cant wait until Episode 119

  • #12

    John Walden (Monday, 22 May 2017 01:23)

    @Kimberly......all those questions about Richard, Katherine, etc., are answered on the FALCON CREST episodes that crossover with these episodes of DALLAS.