EPISODE 126 - Christmas, Ewing Style

Previously on DALLAS:

-----------------After Krystina fled the Barbecue after learning of John Ross's affair with Brittany, John Ross went to try to talk to her, but Krystina told him to leave her alone.

-----------------At the Barbecue, Conner met a girl named Selena Collier, a cousin of Catlin Ewing's, and the two hit it off.

-----------------John Ross and Jill discovered that Alexis Colby had double crossed them both.

-----------------Margaret went into labor and gave birth to a baby boy, making Ray and Donna grandparents for the first time.

-----------------Lucas and Heather continued to worry about Michael, and decided it was time to seek professional help for their son.

-----------------John Ross told Bobby, Sue Ellen, and Christopher that Ewing Oil was now partners with Westar in the Colby field.

-----------------Pamela took a pregnancy test and was horrified to learn that she was carrying Scott Van Buren's child.

-----------------John Ross confronted Brittany about her betrayal, ordered her to leave town, and vowed revenge on Brad.

----------------After reading a letter written to him by his grandfather, Tripp decided to forgive his mother and form a relationship with her.  Sharon's other son, Shawn, however, had other ideas.

----------------Carter McKay's will was finally read, and Tripp was shocked to learn that his grandfather had secretly been buying Westar stock in order for Tripp to gain enough shares to take the company away from Jill.


Three secretaries are decorating a Christmas tree in the reception area when Tripp walks into the offices of Westar Oil.  Jill comes out of her office.  "Hi, Tripp," she greets him as he walks by her.  "How was the reading of......."  Jill starts to ask, but Tripp ignores her and proceeds into his office, closing the door behind him.  Jill and the secretaries exchange looks, wondering what could have Tripp so upset.  


Meanwhile, as Tripp walks into his office, he heads straight for his bar and pours himself a drink.  He takes a sip, his mind thinking back to the reading of his grandfather's will earlier, and the final request his grandfather made of him......to use the shares Carter left him to take over Westar.  He finishes off the drink with the second sip, then pours another.  He walks over to the window and looks out over the sprawling city of Dallas.


A knock at his door break's Tripp's train of thought.  Jill walks in.  "Hey," she says.  "You seem upset.  What happened?  Your grandfather cut you out of his will or something?"


Tripp turns, looks at her, then returns his gaze out the window.  


"I'm sorry, I guess that was a poor choice of words,"  Jill says.  "Tripp, seriously, what's wrong?"



Tripp sighs, then turns to face her.  "I'd rather not talk about it, if you don't mind."





"Okay, understood,"  says Jill.  "But, I just want you to know that, if you do need someone to talk to, and when you're ready to talk.......I'm here."


"Thank you, Jill.  That really does mean a lot."


"No problem.  That IS what friends are for, after all."


"Yes, it is, isn't it?"  Tripp asks.  "And you have been a good friend, Jill."


"Well, thank you, and so have you, despite the place where we started from.  I'm glad that we've been able to get past the PAST, and stay friends.  Well, I have some work to do and a lunch meeting in just a little while, so I'd better get back to my office.  And my offer still stands.  Whenever you're ready to talk, I'm a good listener."


"Thanks,"  Tripp says.


Jill smiles at him, then leaves the office.


Tripp lets out a deep sigh.  "Damn it, Granddad, why did you put me in this position?  I care about Jill.  But in the end, I know I have to do what's best for this company, and I know that's what you wanted, too."  Tripp finishes off his second drink.

Justin and Amanda's home....

Justin sits in his wheelchair in the middle of his and Amanda's living room, while Amanda and Cally put the finishing touches on decorating the Christmas tree.  As his wife and mother chat while they finish the tree, Justin sits, staring off into space, completely uninterested. 


"Justin, what do you think?"  Amanda asks.  


"How's the tree look?"  Cally asks.


"Looks fine," he snaps.  



"Justin, would you like to come and put your ornament on?"  Cally asks, opening up a square red box.  She takes out a beautiful gold ornament with Justin's name on it.  "This ornament has been on our tree since Justin was 5-years-old."


"It's gorgeous,"  Amanda says.  "I remember it from last year."


"This sweet older lady who lived next door to us in Palm Beach gave this to Justin for Christmas, 1996, when he was 5.  You remember Mrs. Adams, don't you, Justin?"


"Yeah, I remember."


"Hard to believe this thing is 20-years-old,"  says Amanda.  "It still looks brand new."


"I've taken real good care of it,"  Cally says.  "Justin, you always put this on the tree."


"No, thanks,"  Justin says.


"Come on, sweety.  We don't wanna break tradition."


"Justin, would you like me to bring you over to the tree?"  Amanda asks.  


Justin looks at his wife angrily.  "I can wheel MYSELF to the tree," he says.  Reluctantly, he wheels himself over to the women, and Cally hands him the beautiful ornament.  Justin takes the ornament, then reaches over and grabs a branch of the tree.  As he attempts to place the ornament on the tree, it slips from his grasp, falls to the floor, and shatters.  "Damn!"  He says.  "I'm sorry, Mom.  I know how important that was to you."


Cally and Amanda exchange worried looks.  "Sweety, it's okay,"  Cally says.  "It's just an ornament.  We'll get another one."


"I don't WANT another one," Justin says.  "All I want is for the two of you to get off my back and just leave me alone."


"Justin, I understand that you're still angry,"  Amanda says.  "And I'm sorry.  I'd really hoped that if we put the Christmas tree up and decorated a little, it would help you feel a little better.  Sort of put you in the spirit a little."


"Put me in the SPIRIT, Amanda?"  Justin asks harshly.  "I'm in a wheelchair, paralyzed from my waist down from an accident that I can't even remember.  At first, I had hoped that the swellin' would go down around my spine and I'd get some of the feelin' back in my legs, but that hasn't happened, and never will.  I'm gonna be in this chair for the REST of my life, unable to walk.  Unable to work this ranch.  Unable to make love to my wife!  Unable to give us children!  Do you honestly think puttin' up a tree and some Christmas decorations is gonna make me feel better?  Hell, as you both just saw, I'm not even man enough to hang a damned ornament on the tree."  Justin quickly turns his chair around and wheels himself toward the downstairs bedroom, formerly the family room, where he is now sleeping since he is unable to ascend the stairs.  




"Justin....."  Amanda calls after him as he wheels into the bedroom and slams the door.


"No, sweety,"  Cally says, putting her arm around her daughter-in-law.  "Let him go.  He's hurtin' real bad right now, and he needs time to himself to deal with this."


Tears begin falling down Amanda's face as her guilt over her part in Justin's paralysis begins to eat away at her.

Southfork....that evening

John Ross arrives home that evening and brings his car to a stop.  A few moments later, he

walks into the foyer as Christopher is in the den, pouring himself a drink. Seeing Christopher in the den, John Ross pauses a moment, then starts to head upstairs, not really wanting to talk to him.


Christopher sees his cousin, and calls to him.  "John Ross."


Pausing on the stairs, John Ross sighs deeply, then turns and walks into the den.  "Evenin', Christopher.  Where's everybody else?"


"Upstairs getting ready for dinner.  I figured this would be a good time for us to talk."





"I'm in no mood to fight with you tonight, Christopher," says John Ross.

"Well that's good, because I'm in no mood to fight with you, either,"  Christopher says.


"Alright, then what the hell do you want?"


"Just to talk.  John Ross, that was really a stupid move you made goin' behind our backs and buying those oil wells from Alexis Colby."


John Ross sighs.  "I thought you said you didn't wanna fight.  So why you rehashin' this, AGAIN?"


"Look, Christmas is coming up, and for the sake of the family AND Ewing Oil, you and I need to put aside our personal differences,"  Christopher.  


"I agree.  But that aint gonna happen as long as you keep makin' threats to have me kicked outta Ewing Oil.  That comp'ny is just as much my birthright as it is yours, and I belong there."


"As long as you keep putting the survival of Ewing Oil at risk, John Ross, because you can't follow simple rules....."


"Oh don't give me that crap again about rules, Christopher!  Rules that YOU and Uncle Bobby set up just for ME to follow.  You wanna know why I keep goin' behind your back?  Because none of you, includin' my own mother, have trusted me with bein' able to do anything at that comp'ny but change the damned toilet paper in the bathrooms."


"And when have you ever shown yourself worthy to be trusted?  Every time we turn around you're scheming, going behind our backs, and getting us into one mess after another.  This ColbyCo deal is just the latest in a long string of major blunders you've made because you're too damned anxious to prove yourself that you just jump right into something with both feet, never even bothering to consider the consequences....."


"Y'know what, Christopher?  It must be nice to be so damned perfect all the time and never make a mistake...."


"Hey, what's going on in here?"  Courtney asks, walking into the den.  "I could hear you guys all the way down the hall."


John Ross and Christopher glare at each other angrily for a few seconds.  "Why don't you ask your boyfriend?"  John Ross asks.  "Mr. Perfect's always got all the answers," he says, then turns and storms up the stair as Courtney and Christopher watch him go.  Christopher shakes his head in disgust.







"Okay, what was that all about?"  Courtney asks.


"The usual,"  Christopher replies.  "Just John Ross being John Ross."


"Why are you guys always fighting?" Courtney asks.


"This has just been goin' on for years, and John Ross and I will probably be at each others' throats for the rest of our lives.  Just like my Dad and Uncle J.R. were."


"You're FAMILY, Christopher.  It doesn't have to be that way,"  Courtney says.


"Unfortunately, as long as John Ross is as sneaky and underhanded as he is........it's GOING to be that way. ESPECIALLY as long as we're both working at Ewing Oil together."


Courtney looks at him deeply concerned over Christopher and John Ross's constant bickering.

Tripp and Pamela's apartment....the next morning

Pamela puts baby Hunter down in his crib after feeding him the next morning, and after looking down at her son for a moment, she walks out of the bedroom and into the living room.  She sees Tripp standing on the balcony, looking out over Turtle Creek.  After pausing and watching him, Pamela walks onto the balcony to join her husband, the frigid December air hitting her as she steps out of the warmth of the apartment.  "Wow, it's cold out here," she says.  


"Yes it is,"  Tripp says, continuing to stare out over the creek.  


"Tripp, I'm sorry," Pamela says.  "I know that things have been difficult between us lately, but......"


"Difficult?"  Tripp asks, turning to her.  "You think things are difficult?  Yeah, I'd say they are.  You're my wife.  I love you, Pamela, and I wanna help you.  I wanna be there for you.  Hold you in my arms and make love to you, but how can I when you cringe every time I touch you or get too close to you?  And y'know what?  That's something I don't understand.  Why do you pull away every time I try to touch you?"


"Tripp, I wish that I had an answer for all of your questions, but I......"

"But you don't,"  Tripp says.  "Pamela, look, I know it was pure hell, what you went through at that cabin."


"No, Tripp, you DON'T know,"  Pamela says.  "Because you weren't there.  You can't imagine how horrible it was."


"And do you think it was any picnic for me?  Sitting here, day after day, not knowing where you were, or if you were even still alive?  Not knowing what that psychopath was doing to you?  Pamela, you say I can't know what it was like up there?  You're right, I can't.  So why don't you tell me?  Let me help you through this."


"Tripp I........I can't.  I'm not ready to talk about it yet."


Tripp looks at her for a moment.  "Well, I guess you know where I'll be when and IF you are ever ready.  I gotta get to work."  Tripp walks past Pamela and into the apartment.  After he's gone, Pamela begins to cry.

Jay and Jill's apartment....

"Jill, have you seen my red tie?"  Jay asks as he and Jill are each getting ready for work.


"It's right there on the dresser,"  Jill says.


"Not this one.  My OTHER red tie."


"You mean the tacky one with the little Santa Clauses on it?"


"Yeah that's the one.  And that tie is NOT tacky,"  Jay says just as Jill's cell phone rings.


"UGH, who could that be?"  Jill asks, picking up the phone.  "Hello?"  She answers the phone

quickly.  "Tom, hi.  Yes, of course.  What, TODAY?  But Tom, our quarterly board meeting isn't scheduled until the week after Christmas.  Why, has something happened that necessitates calling a special board meeting?  Oh?  Why just the three of us?  Tom, what's going on?  Okay, okay, I understand.  Yes.  10 a.m.  Alright, I will see you then.  Bye, Tom."  


"What was that all about?"  Jay asks.


"That was Tom Griffith, one of Westar's board members, and our former chairman of the board,"  Jill replies.  "He wants a meeting this morning between he, myself, Tripp McKay."


"Did he say why?"  Jay asks.


"No, he didn't.  But it must be important for Tom to call a meeting on such short notice.  Well, I'd better get going.  I have a million things to do before that meeting.  I'll see you tonight."  Jill kisses Jay.


"Yeah, and good luck with that meeting."


"Jay, I may need it,"  Jill says as she rushes out.


Jay sighs in frustration, irritated that Jill's job as CEO of Westar is always getting in the way.

The Krebbs Ranch....

Ray, Donna, Margaret, and Matt walk into the Krebbs home that morning, Margaret carrying baby Ethan.  


"Conner and Dylan are gonna bunk in together, and you two and the baby can take Dylan's room,"  Ray says as they walk in.


"Ray, are you sure Dylan won't mind?"  Matt asks.  "We don't wanna put anyone out."


"You won't be,"  Donna says.  "Dylan was the one who offered to give up his room for a few days for you."


"Well, we really appreciate it,"  Margaret says.  


"Hey,"  Conner says as he and Dylan come down the stairs.  


"Hi, fellas," says Ray.  "Come take a look at my grandson."


Margaret uncovers the baby from the blanket she has over him.  Conner and Dylan move in closer to take a look at the infant.


"Oh, Margaret, he's beautiful.  So cute,"  says Conner.


"Thank you,"  Margaret says with a smile.

"We got Dylan's room cleaned up for you guys, and his stuff moved into my room," says Conner.




"Hey, Dylan, we really wanna thank you for giving up your room for us,"  Matt says.  "And I promise, it's only gonna be for a few days, until it's okay for the baby to travel."



"Yeah, sure, it's no problem,"  Dylan says.


"Well, come on,"  says Donna.  "Margaret, I'm sure you're tired, so let's get you and my grandson upstairs

and settled so you can rest."


"Hey guys, would you mind helping me get our bags out of the car?"  Matt asks Conner and Dylan.


"Yeah, sure, Matt,"  Conner replies.  He follows Matt out of the house.  Dylan hangs behind, an unhappy look on his face.  


"Hey, Dylan, you okay, bud?"  Ray asks the young man.


"I'm fine, Ray.  Just fine,"  Dylan says, his tone sounding unconvincing.  He walks past Ray and out of the house.  Ray watches Dylan with concern as he goes, feeling that something is weighing heavily on Dylan's mind.  


Meanwhile, upstairs, Donna and Margaret walk into Dylan's room, where Margaret sees a cradle sitting in one corner of the room, by the window.  "Oh my God, Mom," she says.  "Is this......"


"Yes, it is,"  Donna says, smiling.  "Your old crib."


"I didn't know you still had this old thing."


"Of course.  I kept it in the attic in the house in Washington for years, and brought it with me when I moved back to Texas.  This old crib is very special to me.  And now I want you and Matt to have it for Ethan."


Margaret smiles at her mother, then gently places her newborn son in the crib.  Donna walks over and looks down at her grandson.


"I just can't get over how beautiful my grandson is,"  Donna says.


"I can't believe he's really mine," says Margaret.  "But......he is."


"Margaret, are you alright?"  Donna asks, detecting in her daughter's voice that something is wrong.


Margaret walks over and takes a seat on the bed.  "To be perfectly honest, Mom, I'm scared to death."


"Scared?  Of what?"


"Of that little guy,"  replies Margaret.  "I know I've had nine months to prepare, but, I'm still not prepared.  I keep thinking, what if something goes wrong?  What if I don't know how to be a good mother?  What if my baby gets sick, or hurt or something?  What if I'm completely unprepared to care for him properly?"


Donna smiles, then takes a seat in a chair beside the bed.  "Sweetheart, those are questions and concerns that every new mother faces when she has her first child.  I had those same fears when I brought you home from the hospital."


"You did?" 


"Of course.  Everyone does,"  Donna says.


"How did you get over them?"


"Margaret, y'know, of course there are all these books out now, and DVDs of how to be a great parent.  But in all honesty, there are NO experts, especially when it comes to a first child.  Motherhood is a lot of trial and error.  Some things you get right, and some you get wrong. But, I do believe that every mother has this basic instinct within them that they can use and rely on, and I've found that that instinct served me well when I was a new mother.  Sweetheart, you'll know what to do, and if you don't, then you have me, and you have Luann, two somewhat experienced mothers to help you."


"I know.  And that means a lot."


"Is that all that's bothering you?"  Donna asks.  "Because I get the feeling that something else is going on."


"I just feel a little overwhelmed.  I'm a new mother, and Matt is seriously thinking about running for his father's old seat in the United States Senate."


"What?  Margaret, that's wonderful.  Why hasn't Matt said anything?"


"We were gonna tell you and Daddy after the Barbecue, but, Ethan decided to show up and we kinda got distracted."


"You don't seem very happy about that,"  says Donna.


"I'm not sure how I feel about it.  Overwhelmed would be a good word.  I mean, a year from now I could be the wife of a United States Senator.  And after that, who knows?"


"Maybe one day......First Lady of the United States."


"I kind of get the feeling that's where Matt's ambition is leading.  I mean, his grandfather was Governor, and then a Senator, and his father was a Senator.  Up until now, I've only been the wife of a state senator.  What if I don't have what it takes to be the wife of a national politician with future ambitions toward the White House?"


Donna reaches out and takes her daughter's hand.  "Oh, Margaret, don't ever doubt that you have what it takes.  Again, just as with being a new mother, I had those same fears and concrns when I married Sam Culver, and Luann felt the same way when Dave ran for the Senate.  And I'm quite sure that Melania Trump is scared to death right about now, so you, my dear, are in good company.  But I for one think that you would be an absolutely amazing political wife, and eventually, First Lady.  You're beautiful, poised, elegant.  Margaret, whatever life has planned for you, I know you'll do well at it.  You're already the most wonderful daughter I could ever hope for.  You're a terrific wife.  You're going to be a terrific mother, and I have no doubt in my mind that you will make a fine political wife."


"Well, there's one thing that I know for sure," says Margaret.  "Everything I know, and everything that I am today is because I learned it from you.  I am who I am because I have the best Mom in the whole world."


Donna smiles with pride. "Margaret, I love you," she says.


"I love you too, Mom,"  Margaret says, just as baby Ethan starts to cry.  


"Well, my darling, now is your chance to start learning what motherhood is all about," Donna says.  


Jill walks into the Westar board meeting that morning and finds Tom Griffith chatting with another board member, a woman of about fifty.


"Hello, Tom,"  Jill says.  "Barbara."


"Jill, hello, how are you?"  The woman, Barbara asks.


"Just fine."


"Jill, I want to thank you for agreeing to this impromptu meeting this morning,"  Tom says.


"It's no problem, Tom, now could you please tell me what this is about?"  Jill asks.  "We have a regular board meeting scheduled for December 29, so why the urgency to have one now."


"This isn't exactlt a board meeting, Jill.  Just a meeting between Barbara, myself, you, and Tripp McKay, since he inherited his grandfather's seat on the board, as well as his shares of Westar, in Carter's will.  I'm sure that Tripp will be here any moment and we can get started."


"It's okay, I'm here,"  Tripp says, walking into the room with his grandfather's attorney, Carl Jessup.


"Okay, now can we get started?"  Jill asks.  "I'm very anxious to know why you called this meeting, Tom."


"Jill, actually, Tom didn't call this meeting,"  Tripp says.  "I did."


Jill looks at him, puzzled.  "You?"


"That's right."


"Is this about the shares of stock your grandfather left you, and his seat on the board."


"Yes, Mrs. Smithfield, this meeting is about the shares of Westar stock Carter McKay left to his grandson."


"And who are you?"


"I'm Carl Jessup.  I was Carter McKay's attorney for a number of years, and now I serve as counsel to Tripp McKay."


"I'm sorry, I don't understand what's going on here,"  Jill says.  "Tripp, why this mystery meeting to tell us about your grandfather's will?"


"Jill, in my grandfather's will, he left me 47 percent of this company,"  Tripp replies, much to Jill's shock.


"47.......how is that possible?  Carter McKay didn't own that much Westar stock."


"Yes, he did, Mrs. Smithfield,"  Carl says.



"Jill,"  Barbara says.  "Carter McKay had secretly been buying up chunks of Westar stock from various shareholders during the last several months before his death.  And in doing so, he managed to acquire enough stock to attain 47% ownership of Westar."


"And the terms of Carter McKay's will were very specific," Carl Jessup says.  "His purchase of these shares of Westar were to be kept secret until after his death, and until the reading of his will."


"Barbara and I just learned of this ourselves late last evening,"  says Tom Griffith.


"Did you know?"  Jill asks Tripp.


"No.  I had no idea," he replies.


"Well let's get on with this,"  Tom says.  "I think that Jill needs to hear the rest."





"The secrecy behind his purchase of these shares of Westar stock was not the only thing stipulated in Mr. McKay's will,"  Carl continues.  "He also left very specific instructions for his grandson, Tripp, which is why we're here this morning."


"What instructions?"  Jill asks.  "Would someone please just tell me what this is all about?"



"Jill, my grandfather left me two letters," Tripp says.  "One, I read a few days ago.  The other was in a safe deposit box he left to me in his will.  The box was in this building, in the Bank Of America.  In that second letter was my grandfather's last wish for me, which was that I use the shares of Westar he gave me to take over this company and run it myself."


"Take over Westar?"  Asks a stunned Jill. "Your grandfather wanted you to take Westar away from me?  But you can't.  You need 51% in order to do that."


"Or.....my 47% combined with at least one other board member who has at least 4% of company stock, which I have,"  Tripp says.


Jill looks at Tom and Barbara.  "You two?"


"Jill, I'm sorry,"  Tom says.  


"Tom, I can't believe that you're doing this.  You're siding with Tripp to unseat me as CEO?"


"Jill, I really feel that Tripp would be better suited for the job of running this company."


"My grandfather started this company,"  says an angry Jill.  "Who is better suited to run this company than the granddaughter of Herbert Styles, its founder?"


"Tripp, whose grandfather was involved in the day to day operations of Westar for decades, long after your grandfather had settled into a comfortable retirement away from the business world,"  Barbara says.


Jill walks over to Tripp.  "How?  How can you do this to me?  We're supposed to be FRIENDS!"


"Jill, this isn't personal,"  Tripp says.  "I'm only doing what my grandfather wanted me to do, and what I feel is best for the future of Westar."


"You're doing what's best for Tripp McKay, same as you always have. You're nothing but a lying, ruthless backstabber and you probably had this planned all along, the whole time you've been working here, PRETENDING to be my friend!"

"Jill, that's NOT true,"  says Tripp.  "I didn't know about any of this until the reading of my grandfather's will.  Look, Jill, you will always have a place here at Westar.  You're a part of this company, and I want you to stay on."


"What, and work for YOU?"  Asks an angry and insulted Jill.  "When hell freezes over."


"Jill, I'm sorry,"  Tripp says.  "I'm REALLY sorry, but I have to do this."


Suddenly, Jill slaps Tripp across the face as hard as she can.  "You bastard.  Go to hell," she says to him.  After glaring angrily at him for a moment, Jill turns and storms out of the office as Tripp rubs his stinging face.  Tripp feels guilty over what he's done to his now former friend, but feels he is right in honoring his grandfather's last wish.


Jill storms into her office and slams the door.  Going over to her desk, she opens the drawers and starts removing her things.  As she does so, she begins to cry, feeling not only devastated that she is being tossed out of a job she loves, but feeling betrayed by Tripp.

An apartment in Dallas.....later

Afton, Mitch, and Mitch's son Daniel are walking through an apartment in Dallas with another woman, who is showing them the apartment.  


"And as you can see, the apartment is fully furnished, and has a fully modernized and updated kitchen," the woman says.  "As well as three bedrooms, and two baths."


Mitch looks around the kitchen, then walks into the adjoining living room, followed by Daniel, Afton and the other woman.  "Afton, what do you think?"  Mitch asks.


"I like it.  I like it very much.  But Mitch, YOU'RE the one who's going to be living here, so what matters more is what YOU think."


He looks around again, then looks at the other woman and smiles.  "Mrs. Kirkland, I really like this apartment, and the location.  I'm sold.  Daniel?"


"Yeah, sure,"  the boy says.  "It's okay with me."


Mitch smiles again.  "Mrs. Kirkland, that's teenage language for 'I love it,' so we'll take it."


"Wonderful.  I know you and your son will be very happy here, Dr. Cooper."


"I'm sure we will, thank you,"  Mitch says.


"Well, I can have the lease drawn up for you to sign by tomorrow, and you can be all moved in before Christmas."


"That would be wonderful,"  Mitch says.  


As Mrs. Kirkland is about to say something, her cell phone rings.  She takes the phone from her purse and looks at it.  "Would you excuse me?  I need to take this call."


"Of course, take your time,"  says Mitch.  The woman leaves the apartment, and Daniel walks into one of the bedrooms.  Once they are alone in the living room, Mitch looks at his sister and smiles.


"Are you sure that this is what you want?"  Afton asks.  "To move back here to Dallas?"


"It's exactly what I want,"  Mitch replies.  "At least for now.  I need a change in my life, Afton.  These last couple of years have been very difficult ones, first with Mama dying, and then my divorce.  And then, finding out that I had another son who was murdered.......a son I never even got the chance to meet."


"Yes, thanks to Lucy Ewing,"  says Afton.


"I think that moving back here will be good for me, and for Daniel.  As I said, I need a change, and I feel that good things could happen for me here in Dallas."


"Mitch, would one of those good things happen to be Tripp's mother, Sharon Smith?"  Afton asks.


"Why do you ask?"


"You and Sharon have been spending quite a bit of time together since we all returned from Canada.  I was just wondering if maybe the two of you were getting close.  Becoming more than friends."


"You don't like her very much, do you?"  Mitch asks.


"Mitch, I don't really know her all that well.  But I do know that she abandoned Tripp and his twin brother when they were very small."


"Sharon has already explained to me why she had to leave her sons with their grandfather."


"So you admit that you do like her as more than a friend?"


"Afton, I find Sharon Smith to be a fascinating woman.  I'm attracted to her.  She's very interesting to talk to, and a lot of fun to spend time with.  I also think that she's very vulnerable right now.  After all, she just lost her husband not too long ago, so I don't think she's ready for any serious relationship yet.  Besides, Afton, I'm a grown man.  I even have a couple of years on you, so I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself."


"I know,"  says Afton.  "It's just that, you're my big brother and I don't wanna see you hurt anymore.  So just be careful, Mitch.  There's just something about Tripp's mother that I don't trust"


"I'll be careful,"  Mitch says, kissing his sister on the forehead.  "And thank you for your concern."

Jay and Jill's apartment.....that evening

Jay walks into his and Jill's apartment that evening.  He switches on the light in the living room and is surprised to see Jill sitting on the sofa, in the dark, a pile of papers and files on the coffee table and floor in front of the sofa.  He can tell his wife has been crying.  "Jill," he says, walking over to her.  "Jill, sweetheart, what's wrong?  And what's all this stuff?"


"This is my stuff,"  replies a tearful Jill.  "My stuff from my office.  Oh, wait, my FORMER office."


"Former office?  Jill, what are you talking about?"


"I'm out of a job, Jay.  I was.........deposed a CEO of Westar today."


"Oh, honey, I'm sorry.  What happened?"


"Tripp McKay, that's what happened."


"Tripp?"  Jay asks.  "I don't understand."


"Carter McKay left Tripp a very sizable amount of Westar stock in his will.  Stock the old man had been buying up from our stockholders behind my back.  That stock, and the fact that two of our major shareholders aligned themselves with Tripp, was enough to give him controlling interest in Westar.  So today, Tripp announced that he intends to take over as CEO himself, and I am out in the cold."


"Oh, no.  Jill, I'm so sorry,"  Jay says.  "I know how much Westar and your job there mean to you."


"I've devoted my life to that company," Jill says.  "And now I just get kicked out, for the SECOND time?  I think the main problem is that those old bastards on the board could never stand the fact that I was a young woman running that company.  If I was a man, John Ross never would've been able to take my job two years ago, and Tripp McKay wouldn't have been able to do the same thing to me now."


"Well what about your stock in the company?"  Jay asks.  "You and your mother still own a pretty big chunk of Westar stock, don't you?"


"Yes, but Tripp has enough to give him controlling interest.  And, I've looked at a list of the shareholders who sold their stock to Carter McKay.  People I never would have expected to stab me in the back like this."


"Have you told your mother about this?'  Jay asks.


"No.  She's still in Europe and won't be back until Christmas."  Jill begins to cry again.  "Jay, what am I gonna do?"


Jay puts his arms around his wife and embraces her.


"I don't care how long it takes me,"  Jill says.  "I'm gonna make Tripp pay for this.  Somehow, I'll make him pay."


As Jay holds his wife in his arms, a look of worry comes over his face. 

Sue Ellen's home....the next day

"Krystina, please, come in,"  Sue Ellen says, welcoming her daughter-in-law into her sitting room, which has been beautifully decorated for the Christmas holidays.


"Thank you, Sue Ellen."


"I'm so glad you accepted my invitation to come over today.  Please, sit down and have some tea."


"I really appreciate you asking me,"  Krystina says, taking a seat on the sofa.  "Sue Ellen, what a beautiful tree."


"Thank you,"  Sue Ellen says.  "I really do love the holidays."


"I always have, too.  Christmas at my parents' home was always such a magical time.  We always had snow, and the mansion was decorated so beautifully.  My Daddy always made the holiday special.  I miss those days."


"I can imagine.  Krystina, how are you?"


"I'm........not so good, actually.  I keep thinking back to last Christmas, and how happy John Ross and I were.  We had just gotten married a few weeks before.  It's amazing how things have changed."


"Yes, it certainly is,"  Sue Ellen says.  "Krystina, one of the reasons I asked you over today was because of Christmas coming up next week."


"Oh?"  Krystina asks.


"Yes, I was wondering if you have any plans for the holidays."


Krystina sighs.  "With everything such a mess, I really hadn't thought that much about it.  But, I suppose I'll go home to Denver."


"I really wish you'd change your mind,"  says Sue Ellen.  "Krystina, we would LOVE it if you would come to Southfork to spend Christmas with the family."


"Sue Ellen, I just don't think I can,"  Krystina says.  "Not with John Ross there."


"Sweetheart, I do understand how upset you are.  How hurt.  If anyone knows, I do.  I'm very angry with John Ross right now, myself.  But if there's one thing that I do know, it's that my son loves you."


"Oh, yes.  He loves me so much that he slept with another woman."


"I think that both you and John Ross have made terrible mistakes, you with Brad Stone, and John Ross with Brittany."


"Sue Ellen, the thing that really angers me is the fact that John Ross was so angry with me, so judgemental and he refused to even talk to me.  But then, while he was being so judgemental about my sleeping with Brad ONE time, he was carrying on a full fledged affair with Catlin's wife."


"I know.  Krystina, I am in no way defending John Ross, nor am I trying to intervene with you on his behalf.  I simply would love for you to come to Southfork and spend Thanksgiving with the family.  I know Bobby and Ann would also love it, and so would Alex.  And Little John."


Krystina smiles through tears.  "Little John.  I miss that little boy so much."


"And he misses you.  I hope that, despite what's going on between you and John Ross, you will think about it.  I've grown very fond of you, Krystina.  And after having spent years married to John Ross's father and enduring many of his affairs......I can truly understand how much you're hurting."


"Sue Ellen, I don't know how you put up with J.R.'s affairs all those years.  But I do know that I just can't put up with the same thing from John Ross.  And I won't."  Krystina stops talking and begins crying.  "But, even though part of me hates John Ross for what he did, another part of me still love him so much.  And that's what's tearing me up inside."

A sympathetic Sue Ellen walks over, takes a seat beside her daughter-in-law, and embraces Krystina as she cries.  


John Ross's car turns through the front gates at Southfork that afternoon and speeds up the long driveway to the house, coming to a stop in the parking area as Christopher and Lucas are putting up some Christmas decorations on the patio with Courtney, Heather and Michael.  

John Ross gets out of his car and walks over to them.  "Christopher, where's Uncle Bobby?" He abruptly asks.





"Well, good afternoon to you, too, John Ross," Christopher says with a sarcastic tone.


"Look, this is important.  Where is he?"


"He's inside, with Ann.  They're getting ready to put up the Christmas tree."

"Come on in the house,"  John Ross says.  "I need to talk to you and Uncle Bobby about somethin'."

Annoyed at being summoned into the house by John Ross, Christopher watches his cousin as John Ross walks to the house and goes inside.  He looks at Courtney, then follows John Ross into the house through the patio doors.


Bobby and Ann are in the living room, Bobby putting together the stand for the Christmas tree, which is still atop Ann's SUV waiting to be taken off and brought into the house.  "Have you talked to Gary yet about comin' for Christmas?"  Ann asks.


"Yes, I did this morning, and he and Val and Bobby are all set to come.  Betsy and Daniel.....MAYBE.  And James and Debra Lynn will be here, too."


Ann smiles.  "Oh, good, I can't wait to see that new baby of theirs."


"Neither can I,"  says Bobby.  "And, Catlin's sister Blaine, her family, and Catlin's aunt Corrine are all gonna be in town, so I told Catlin to invite the whole family over here."


"Wow, it looks like we're gonna have an even fuller house for Christmas than last year and the year before,"  Ann says.  


"Y'know, honey, I really love this new tradition we've started of havin' the whole family come to Southfork for Christmas.  Even with all the bickering and dysfunction, it's still nice havin' everybody here."


"I'm sure Miss Ellie would be very happy you've started this tradition of a Ewing family Christmas,"  Ann says.


Bobby smiles.  "I'm sure she would.  I only wish Mama could be here to see this house filled with all of her grandchildren, and most of her great-grandchildren.  It's a shame we couldn't have done this while she was alive."


"Yes it is."


John Ross walks in, followed by Christopher.



"Uncle Bobby, we gotta talk,"  John Ross says abruptly.  

"Okay, so talk,"  Bobby says.


"Preferably, in private."


Ann and Bobby exchange looks, then she gives John Ross a look of displeasure.


"Sorry, Ann, this is business,"  John Ross says.


"Alright, then,"  Ann says.  "I'll just go and see if I can find that box of ornaments." She quickly leaves the room, giving John Ross another displeased look as she walks past him on her way out.


"Okay, John Ross, now that you have us here, what's so important?"  Christopher asks..


"You're never gonna guess who our new partner is in those ColbyCo wells in California,"  John Ross says.


"Last I checked, our partner was Westar,"  Bobby says.  "Are you telling me that's changed?"


"What happened?  Did Westar sell their half of that field?"  Christopher asks.


"Oh, no,"  replies John Ross.  "Westar is still our partner, but the problem is that Jill is no longer CEO of Westar. Tripp McKay is."


A stunned Bobby and Christopher exchange looks.  "McKay?"  Bobby asks.


"How the hell did THAT happen?"  Christopher asks.


"McKay orchestrated some sort of coup to oust Jill as CEO after the reading of his Granddaddy's will.  Apparently, ol' Carter McKay left his grandson a very sizable chunk of Westar stock that he'd been secretly buyin' up from shareholders before he died, and that made Tripp McKay the majority shareholder."



"Well, that's just GREAT,"  Bobby says.  "It was bad enough when Westar was our partner with Jill as CEO, but now we have to deal with Carter McKay's grandson and Pamela Barnes's husband, who HATES this family and Ewing Oil with a passion."


"Well, John Ross, you've done it again,"  says Christopher.  "You've gotten us into yet ANOTHER mess because you went behind our backs and got us into a deal after both Sue Ellen and I told you this was a bad move."


"Y'know, I'm really gettin' sick and tired of your holier than thou attitude, Christopher,"  John Ross says.  



"I don't really give a damn what you're sick and tired of, John Ross....."


"Alright, that's ENOUGH, from both of you," Bobby intervenes.  "Instead of fighting among ourselves, what we need to be doing is finding a way to live with Tripp McKay as our new partner in that California field, AND, saving our strength.  Because I have a feeling that we're in for some trouble with McKay over this, especially if Cliff Barnes starts advising him."


"It'd be just like Cliff to use his son-in-law's new power and position to come after us,"  says Christopher.  "Especially since both Cliff and McKay have a personal score to settle with this family."


"Alright, then, I say we make Westar an offer on those fields.  We offer to buy their half," John Ross says.


"And just what would you suggest we used for money to do that, John Ross?"  Bobby asks.


John Ross thinks for a moment.  "The field in Cherokee County.  We could sell our half, offer it to McKay as a trade, or use it as collateral for a loan."


"We own that field jointly with Catlin Ewing.  That land has been in the Ewing family since my great-grandfather's time, and we're not selling it."


"Even if it means havin' Tripp McKay as a partner in the California wells?"


"Yes, even if it means that Tripp McKay is now our partner," says Bobby.  "John Ross, you got us into this, so YOU either figure out a way to live with McKay as a partner.......or come up with a way out of this situation, and I mean a LEGITIMATE way.  Nothing underhanded or illegal.  And John Ross.......any ideas you come up with, you'd damned well better run them by ME first, is that clear?"


John Ross remains silent as he stands there, an angry look on his face.


Bobby walks over to him.  "I said, is that clear, John Ross?"  Bobby repeats, an angry tone in his voice.


John Ross looks his uncle in the eye for a moment before answering.  "Crystal clear," he finally says.


"Good,"  Bobby says, then walks past John Ross and out of the room.  


After he's gone, John Ross and Christopher look angrily at each other.  Christopher shakes his head in frustration, then walks out, leaving John Ross alone in the living room, extremely angry that he has to answer to his uncle and cousin for everything he does.



                                     ALSO STARRING



                     as Afton Cooper



                     as Dr. Mitch Cooper



                     as Jay Smithfield



                     as Cally Harper



                     as Conner Ewing



                     as Dylan Baxter



                     as Margaret Krebbs Culver



                    as Senator Matt Culver



                   as Tom Griffith



                   as Carl Jessup



                   as Barbara



                   as Courtney Wapner



                   as Heather McCabe



                   as Michael McCabe

EPISODE 126 - Christmas, Ewing Style, Part 2

Southfork.....6 days later

Friday, December 23, the day before Christmas Eve, dawned cold at Southfork, with a high temporature expected only in the mid-50s.

That morning, Bobby, Ann, Christopher, and Lucy are gathered around the table having breakfast in the dining room when Ray and Donna walk in.


"Morning,"  Ray says.


"Well, good morning, you two,"  Bobby says.


"Have some breakfast?"  Ann asks.


"Actually, we'd love some,"  Donna replies.


"Good, have a seat."


"What brings you two over so early?"  Christopher asks, stuffing a piece of bacon into his mouth.


"I am here to accompany Ann into town so we can do some last minute Christmas shopping and pick up a few things we need for tomorrow's Ewing family feast,"  Donna says.


"And I just tagged along," says Ray.  "Actually, Donna's car's in the shop, so I'm just droppin' her off."


"Ray, you know you never need an excuse to drop by,"  Bobby says.  "We haven't seen nearly enough of you lately."

"Sorry about that.  Things have just been kinda hectic over at the ranch lately, and with the family, too."


"Speaking of which, I hope Matt and Margaret are gonna come for Christmas tomorrow," Ann says.


"I hope so too,"  Lucy adds.  "I'm dying to see that new little grandbaby of yours."



Donna smiles.  "Well, Matt and Margaret are going to be here tomorrow with the baby, so you'll see my beautiful little grandson then."


"By the way, Ray, how's the search coming for Heath Allen?"  Lucy asks.  "Your private eye still working on finding him?"


Donna's smile disappears upon hearing Lucy's question, and she and Ray exchange awkward looks between them.  


"Umm, yeah, Lucy, he is,"  Ray says.   "He's still workin' for me on findin' Heath.  Couple days ago my P.I. checked in and said he'd tracked Heath to Albuquerque.  But, he left about a week ago, with no forwarding address. But I'm gonna keep searchin' until I find him."


Bobby looks over at Donna, noticing how uncomfortable the mention of Heath Allen is making her.  "Ray, we have a couple new steers I'd like ya to take a look at later, if you have the time."


"Sure, Bob,"  Ray says as Lucas and Heather walk in with Michael.   Ray looks at them and smiles.  "Mornin', Lucas."




"Aren't you having breakfast?"  Ann asks.







"No, actually, we have some place to be, and if we don't get going we're gonna be late,"  replies Lucas.



"Where on earth are you heading so early the day before Christmas?"  Bobby asks.


Heather smiles.  "We just have some more Christmas shopping to finish."


"And you're taking Michael?"  


"Yeah,"  Lucas says.  "Since we've already bought all of Michael's gifts, except for those he's asked Santa Clause to bring, and since this particular gift is for someone else, he can come along."


"And who might that gift be for?"  Christopher asks.


Lucas and Heather exchange smiles.  "That, big brother, is a surprise,"  says Lucas.  "We'll see you all later."  


"Bye,"  Heather says as they turn and walk out.


"Well, that was certainly mysterious,"  Donna says.  


Meanwhile, as Lucas, Heather, and Michael walk onto the patio, they pause for a moment.  


"See, I didn't say anything,"  Michael remarks.


Lucas laughs.  "No, you didn't buddy.  You did great.  Thanks for not telling anyone about the surprise we have for Bobby."


"And remember, Michael, don't say a word about this to ANYONE,"  Heather tells her son.  "This is gonna be a Christmas surprise for your Grandpa Bobby."


"He's gonna be REALLY happy,"  Michael says.


Lucas looks at Heather and smiles.  "I hope so.  I know I sure am.  And I hope the rest of the family is gonna be happy about this."


"I know they will,"  Heather says, kissing him.  "Now let's go or we're gonna be late."


Lucas nods, then the three head out to Lucas's car.

Tripp and Pamela's apartment....

"Come in, Mom,"  Pamela says, opening the door to let Afton into the apartment.


"Sweetheart, are you alright?  Is Tripp here?"  Afton asks.


Pamela sighs.  "No.  He went to the office for a while."


"The office?  On the day before Christmas Eve?"


"Tripp's CEO of Westar now.  That job requires a much larger workload than he had before."


"You don't seem unhappy about that,"  Afton says.


"Honestly, Mom........I'm not.  When Tripp isn't here, I have time to myself, to think.  To......."


"To not have to deal with telling your husband that you're pregnant?"  Afton asks, walking over to her daughter.  "Pamela, you HAVE to tell him.  You're already starting to show."


"Not that Tripp would notice,"  Pamela says.  "He's far too preoccupied with Westar these days to notice much of anything."


"Pamela, you have to tell Tripp sooner or later, and the longer you wait, the harder it's going to be."


"Harder?  Mom, how could it possibly get any harder?  How do I tell my husband that I'm pregnant and carrying the baby of the monster who raped me, when I haven't even told him about the rape yet?  How?"


"Darling........"  Afton pauses a moment before continuing.  "You know, if you don't want to have this baby, there are options.  Pamela, you don't have to go through with this pregnancy."


Pamela looks at her mother.  "Mom, what are you suggesting?  That I have an abortion?"


"Under the circumstances, Pamela, maybe that's the best thing."


"No.  No.  Mom, I lost two babies, remember?  My twins.  I will not kill this baby."


"That was completely different, Pamela,"  Afton says.  "You WANTED those twins.  You loved those babies.  And they weren't conceived in rape."


"They weren't exactly conceived in love, either, were they?"  Pamela asks.  "At least not on my part.  Yes, I cared for Christopher, but I married him to help Daddy get control of Christopher's methane patten.  It wasn't because I loved him, and I paid for that.   God punished me for what I did by taking my babies.  And I won't, Mom.  I won't abort this child. I could never, NEVER do that."


Afton nods.  "I understand.  I just wanted you to know that, whatever you decide, you have my support.  Now, let's change the subject.  Your father and I talked it over, and we're having Christmas at our apartment tomorrow.  Invite Tripp's mother and little brother if you'd like.  Mitch and Daniel will be there, and I also invited Tracey, since she's alone now that her father is gone."


Pamela looks at her mother in tears.  "Mom, I'm sorry, but don't count on us, or at least don't count on me being there."


"But Pamela, why?"


"I can't think about Christmas.  Not now.  I just don't think I could get through it,"  Pamela says as baby Hunter begins to cry.  "Excuse me, Mom," she says as she rushes from the room to check on her son.  Afton sighs, deeply worried about her daughter's state of mind now.

Galleria Mall, Dallas....

Ann, Sue Ellen, Donna, and Lucy are shopping at Dallas's elegant Galleria Mall later.  "I always love this tree, the way they put it right in the center of the mall,"  Lucy says.


"Yes, it's always so beautiful,"  Sue Ellen says.  


"I love this time of year, with the Christmas music playing,"  says Ann.  "And, I just LOVE Christmas shopping."


"So do I,"  Donna agrees.  "And this year it's even more fun for me since I have a new grandbaby to buy for and spoil."


Ann smiles.  "And, by this time next year, I'll have a new grandbaby to do the same thing with."


"Ann, how is Emma?"  Sue Ellen asks.


"She's doing fine.  A little worried about the baby, but, so far things are lookin' good."


"I'm very glad to hear that,"  Donna says.


"Itn't this nice, ladies?"  Ann asks.  "All us Ewing women out shoppin' together for Christmas."


"It really is nice, and very enjoyable,"  Sue Ellen says.


"Y'know, Sue Ellen,"  Donna says.  "All those years I was married to Ray the first time, and you were married to J.R., I never remember us doing this together."


"Neither do I,"  Sue Ellen says.  "But, you and I weren't that close in those days, Donna.  I was very selfish back then, caught up in my own little world."


"Hah!  You can say that again,"  Lucy remarks.


"Lucy!"  Ann says.


"I'm just tellin' the truth."


"Lucy, you're right.  I'm sure that I was a quite the pain in the old days."


"You really were,"  Lucy says.  "I remember when I was growing up, I couldn't stand you.  I thought you were like the ice queen, or something, you were so cold and distant."


"Well, you, my dear, left a lot to be desired, as well," says Sue Ellen.  "You were quite the spoiled brat."


"You're absolutely right,"  Lucy says.  "Grandma and Granddaddy had me so spoiled I thought I could get away with just about anything."


"And you did,"  says Sue Ellen.


"Yes, I sure did."


"At least until Pam came along."


Lucy chuckles slightly.  "Oh yes.  She straightened me out real quick."


"And how'd she do that?"  Ann asks.


"By not taking any of my crap,"  replies Lucy.  "Pam came into the family as an outsider when she married Bobby, and she had a different perspective from the rest of the Ewings. Pam dished out tough love to me, and, if I'm to be completely honest, I'm glad she did.  If it hadn't been for Pam, I don't know how I would've turned out.....or where I'd be today."


"Well, thank Heaven all of us are very different people than we were back then,"  Donna says.


"Oh, I don't see that you're all that different now, Donna,"  Sue Ellen says.  "You were always the most stable, the most sensible one of us.  Even in the old days you had your head screwed on right while the rest of us Ewing women were struggling just to maintain our sanity.  I always envied that."


Donna smiles.  "Well, thank you, Sue Ellen.  But, I am different now, in some ways."


At that moment, Brittany Ewing comes out of Macy's Department store and almost bumps into the women as she carries several shopping bags.  "Oh, I'm terribly sorry," she says.  "Oh, Sue Ellen, hello."


Sue Ellen simply looks at her rival without saying anything.


"Merry Christmas,"  Brittany says.  "Sue Ellen, aren't you gonna introduce me to your friends?"


"I hadn't planned on it."


"I'm Ann Ewing, Bobby's wife.  I saw you when you crashed our Barbecue with Brad Stone."


"Yes, that WAS an unfortunate incident, wasn't it?"


"I'm Lucy Ewing, and this is Donna Krebbs,"  says Lucy.


"It's very nice to meet all of you.  I'm Brittany Ewing."


"Ewing?"  Lucy asks.


"Yes.  I'm Catlin Ewing's wife.  C.J.'s mother."


"SUE ELLEN'S Catlin?"  Lucy asks.


"Actually, he's MY Catlin,"  Brittany replies.  "At least as long as we're still married."


"Which won't be for very long,"  Sue Ellen says.


"I wouldn't count on that, Sue Ellen.  I've just been doing some Christmas shopping for Catlin and our son.  Well, you all have a very Merry Christmas."  Brittany smiles, then walks away from the other women.


"Are you alright, Sue Ellen?"  Ann asks.


"That woman is so insufferable!"  Sue Ellen says angrily.

An apartment in Dallas....afternoon

Bum walks up to an apartment in Dallas and rings the doorbell.  After a moment, his son Steven opens the door.


"Hello, Steven,"  Bum says.  




"Can I come in?"


"Yeah, sure,"  Steven says.  Bum walks into the apartment, and Steven closes the door.  "So what brings you over?"




"I was just wondering, what you're doing for Christmas Eve tomorrow,"  says Bum.


"I'm working,"  Steven says.  "Since I had no plans for the holiday, I agreed to pull a double tomorrow."

"I see,"  Bum says, disappointment apparent in his voice.




"Yeah, well, since I just returned to the force after being shot, and since I didn't wanna spend Christmas Eve alone sitting around this apartment eating a TV dinner, I decided to work.  And then I'll spend all day Christmas Day sleeping."


"Doesn't sound like much of a Christmas," says Bum.


"Well, I never was big on the holidays.  Christmas was never that great for me."


"I'm sorry, Steven."


"Why'd you ask?"


"Well, I, uh, I'm like you,"  Bum says.  "Christmas and other holidays never meant so much to me, either.  I usually spend them eating a TV dinner while watching an old classic like White Christmas or It's A Wonderful Life.  I was kinda hopin' this year'd be different now that I know you're here in Dallas."


"Different, how?"  Steven asks.  "You were hoping the two of us could spend Christmas together and just forget the past ever happened?"


"Not forget, but maybe......forgive.  Steven, I know I made a lot of mistakes when you were a kid.  But I'd like to make that up to you.  I'd hoped that, after we worked together to find Scott Van Buren after he kidnapped Afton Cooper and Pamela McKay, that things would be a little different between us."


"What do you want me to say?"  Steven asks.  "Oh, gee, Dad, I forgive you for all the times you weren't there for me when I was growing up.  For all the Christmases and Thanksgivings you were drunk.  Oh, and the time you were so drunk on Christmas Eve when I was 12, that you stumbled and knocked the Christmas tree over, breaking every ornament on the damned the damned. and then when you tried to get back up, you stepped on one of my Christmas presents that was under the tree.  My electric train set, and broke it.  THAT'S the kind of stuff I remember about Christmas.  Not this warm, fuzzy family feeling."


"I know, son, and I'm sorry.  If I could take those years back, I would,"  Bum says.  "Well, look, if you do happen to find a few minutes, maybe on your lunch or dinner break or somethin', stop by my place.  I missed so many Christmases with you, I'd really love to see you, even if it's only for a minute."  A look of sadness on his face, Bum turns and walks out of the apartment.


Steven sighs, a look of sadness on his face as he thinks about what his father had said.  But despite the fact that Bum seems to be a completely different man now than when he was a kid, Steven still can't forget all the anger and all the years of wrongs Bum had done.

The Omni Hotel.....evening

Krystina is walking toward the Omni Hotel that night, and as she is approaching the hotel's front entrance, John Ross walks up and meets her.


"Krystina," he says.  


"John Ross, what are you doing here?"


"I came to see you.  I'm actually glad to see you're still in Dallas.  I sorta figured you'd be headin' to Denver to spend Christmas with your Mama."


"I'll be flying to Denver tomorrow,"  Krystina says.  "L.B. is sending the Denver Carrington jet for me tomorrow morning."

"I really do wish you'd change your mind about that and come to Southfork for Christmas."


"John Ross......"


"Darlin', just......hear me out,"  John Ross says.  "While it's true that you comin' to Southfork to spend Christmas would mean a lot to me, I realize you don't really care about that right now.  But you bein' there would also mean a lot to the rest of the fam'ly.  Mama, Alex, Ann. They's all love to see ya.  And especially Little John.  He misses you, Krystina.  Elena and Channing are comin' for her to see the baby on Christmas Day.  And I could use you there for support."


"Support?"  Krystina asks.  "John Ross, are you kidding me?  Look, I know that I made the worst mistake of my life when I slept with Brad.  But you were the one who had a full blown affair with Catlin Ewing's wife.  You think that I'm really going to just forget that?  You think I can come to Southfork to spend Christmas with your entire family and act perfectly normal, like everything's just fine?  No, John Ross, I can't do that.  Not when you treated me so horribly and refused to forgive me for MY indiscretion and you were doing the same thing, if not worse.  So no."  




Krystina starts to walk past him, but John Ross grabs her by the arm.  "Krystina, it's Christmas.  I know you hate me right now, but can't you find it in your heart to put aside our differences for the sake of Christmas, and for the sake of givin' my little boy a Christmas with his family all together?"







Krystina looks at him for a moment, then pulls out of his grasp.  "Goodbye, John Ross," she says, then walks away from him and into the hotel.

John Ross just stands there for a moment after Krystina leaves him, each breath he takes visible as a mist in the cold, December night air.  After hesitating for a few seconds, a disappointed and rejected John Ross turns and walks away.

Southfork....the next day....Christmas Eve

Bobby comes down the stairs at Southfork the next day to answer the ringing doorbell.  He opens the door to find Gary, Val, their son Bobby II, and grandson, Daniel Avery, Jr.  





"Gary,"  Bobby says with a smile.  "Val, how are you?"


"Bobby, we're just fine,"  Val replies, greeting her favorite brother-in-law with a hug.  "Thank you."


"Gary, how the hell are ya?"  Bobby asks, shaking his brother's hand.




"I'm doing great, Bobby," replies Gary.  


"How's the real estate business?"  


"Well, things were kinda slow there for a while, but it's picked up a lot in the last couple months."


"That's good to hear,"  Bobby says.  "And look at this guy.  How's my nephew and namesake?"





"Hey, Bobby,"  Christopher says as he and Courtney walk into the foyer from the living room.


"Chris, what's up, man?"  Bobby II says, hugging his cousin.


"Uncle Gary, Aunt Val, how are you guys?"


"Never better,"  replies Gary.


"Christopher, it's so good to see you,"  Val says, hugging him.


"Great to see you, too, Aunt Val.  Guys, this is Courtney Wapner,"  Christopher says.  "The young lady who has stolen my heart.  "Courtney, I'd like you to meet my cousin Bobby, Uncle Gary, and Aunt Val.  These are Lucy's parents."



"It's really great to meet you guys,"  Courtney says.  "I've heard a lot about you from Christopher."



"Courtney, it's really great to finally meet you, too,"  Bobby II says.  "I've heard a lot about you from my cousin.  But he failed to tell me just how beautiful you are."


Courtney smiles.  "Well, thank you, Bobby."




"Hey, don't get any funny ideas now, cousin,"  Christopher says with a smile.  "She's all mine."


"Wouldn't dream of it, cuz.  Besides, I have a beautiful girl of my own."


"Hey, aren't Betsy and Daniel gonna make it?" Bobby asks.


"They are,"  Val replies.  


"Yeah, they were following behind us," Gary says. "But they were gonna stop by a store on the way."


The doorbell rings at that moment.  "Oh, excuse me,"  Bobby says, walking over to the door.  He opens the door to Sue Ellen and Catlin, who are standing on the porch, both with an arm full of presents.


"Sue Ellen, Catlin, come in,"  Bobby says.  "Here, let me take some of those."  He grabs four boxes from Sue Ellen.


"Thank you, Bobby,"  Sue Ellen says, walking in.  "Merry Christmas."


"Merry Christmas to you, too,"  Bobby says, kissing her on the cheek.


"Hi, Sue Ellen,"  says Gary.


"Gary, how wonderful to see you."


"You look great."


"Well, thank you, and so do you.  Hello, Valene."



"Sue Ellen,"  Val says, her dislike for her sister-in-law apparent in her cold tone of voice.


"Gary, I'd like for you to meet someone,"  Bobby says.  "This is our second cousin, Catlin Ewing.  Catlin, meet my other brother, Gary Ewing."


"Gary, it's a pleasure,"  Catlin says.  "Bobby has told me all about you."


"Well, I certainly hope my brother hasn't told you ALL about me," Gary jokes.  


Catlin laughs.  "Don't worry, it was all good."


"Catlin, I'm very pleased to meet you.  This is my wife, Valene, and my son Bobby."


"Catlin,"  Val says.


"Nice to meet all of you."


"Do you need help with these packages?"  Bobby II asks.


"As a matter of fact, we have quite a few more out in my car, in the backseat and the trunk," replies Sue Ellen.  "So if you and Christopher wouldn't mind?"


"Sure, we'll get 'em, Aunt Sue Ellen,"  Christopher says.


"Thank you," Sue Ellen replies as Christopher and Bobby II walk out of the front door.  "Let's get the rest of these under the tree," she says.  "Bobby, where's Ann?"


"In the kitchen with Lucy and Donna,"  Bobby says.  "Everybody come on in the living room. Catlin, I thought you were bringin' the rest of your family."


"My son will be here soon,"  Catlin says.  "He stopped by to see his mother, and then he was going to the airport to pick up my sister, brother-in-law, nephew, and Aunt Corrine."


"Gary, I can't wait for ya to meet Catlin's Aunt Corrine.  She's Daddy's first cousin, and she's 95,"  Bobby says as the group leaves the foyer and heads into the living room. 

Cliff and Afton's apartment....






Tripp and Pamela step off the elevator down the hall from Cliff and Afton's apartment, Pamela carrying baby Hunter.  Walking the short distance down the hall to the apartment, neither says a word, both of them looking as if they really don't want to be attending this family Christmas gathering.  Tripp pauses outside Cliff and Afton's apartment and turns to his wife.  


"You know, Pamela, your Mom

 wanted us to be here today,"  Tripp says.  "You could at least ACT like you wanted to come."


"But I DIDN'T want to come,"  says an angry Pamela.  "You were the one who insisted that we be here."


"Pamela, this is Hunter's first Christmas.  He should spend it surrounded by his family."


"Hunter is just a few months old, he's not gonna remember anything about this Christmas."


"Y'know, I really don't understand what your problem is,"  Tripp says.  "And I don't understand this attitude of yours."


"Can we PLEASE just try to get through this day and get it over with?"  Pamela asks.


"Fine with me,"  Tripp says as Afton opens the door.  


"Hello,"  Afton says.  "I thought I heard someone out here.  Come in."


"Thanks,"  Tripp says, walking past Afton and into the apartment.


Afton turns to her daughter.  "Is everything alright?"


"No, Mom, it's not."


"Have you and Tripp been arguing?"


"Of course."


"About what?"  Afton asks.


"What DON'T we argue about these days?"


"Sweetheart, come in, Afton says, ushering her daughter into the apartment.  


Across the room, Cliff is chatting with Mitch and Tracey McKay, when he spots his daughter. Smiling, he walks over to Afton and Pamela.

"Pamela, hello, sweetheart,"  Cliff says.  "Merry Christmas."


"Thank you, Daddy, and Merry Christmas to you, too," Pamela says.



"Oh, would you just look at my little grandson,"  Cliff says, smiling as he looks down at baby Hunter.  "I swear this kid gets cuter every time I see him."


"He certainly does,"  says Afton.


"He's been a little fussy,"  Pamela says.  "He didn't have his nap."


"Well why don't I just take him into the guest bedroom and put him down for a nap?"  Afton asks.


"Thanks, Mom."


"Come on, sweety,"  Afton says, picking the baby up.  She takes him away.


Cliff looks at his daughter, then hugs her.  "Is everything alright, sweetheart?"


"Everything's fine, Daddy,"  Pamela snaps.


Meanwhile, in the hallway outside the apartment, Sharon and her son Shawn approach Cliff and Afton's door.  

"This really sucks, Mom,"  Shawn says.  "Why do I even have to be here?"


"Because we were invited,"  Sharon tells the boy.  "Honey, don't you wanna spend Christmas with your brother and his family?"


"No, not really, I'd much rather have gone to Southfork.  Ann DID invite us, ya know, and my friend Alex is gonna be there."


"Well, Dr. Cooper is gonna be here with HIS son, Daniel, who's just about your age.  You and he can become friends and hang out today."


"If you wanted to come here, then why couldn't I have gone to Southfork?"  Shawn asks.


Sharon sighs.  "Shawn, I'm really tired of this discussion.  I want you and your brother to spend some time together and get to know one another.  END of discussion."  Sharon rings the doorbell.  A moment later, Mitch answers the door.  Sharon smiles upon seeing him.  


"Sharon, hello,"  Mitch says.  "Come in and Merry Christmas."


"Merry Christmas to you, too, Mitch."


"Hello, Shawn, Merry Christmas,"  Mitch says.


"Yeah," the sulking teenager replies.


"Well, you don't look too happy today."


"He's just in a foul mood,"  says Sharon.  "You know, the terrible teens."


Mitch smiles.  "Oh, yes, I do.  Shawn, you haven't met my son yet.  Daniel,"  Mitch calls to his son, who is talking to Pamela across the room.  The boy walks over to his father.


"Yeah, Dad," Daniel says.


"Son, you remember Mrs. Smith, don't you?"




"Hello, Daniel,"  Sharon says, smiling at the boy.


"Daniel this is Mrs. Smith's son, Shawn," says Mitch.


"Hey, what's up, man?"  Daniel asks.  "Actually, Shawn and I did meet at the Ewing Barbecue."


"Well, then, the two of you should hit it off pretty well, then,"  Sharon.


"You, uh, wanna go play a game?"  Daniel asks Shawn.  "I brought my Xbox over 'cause I figured it might get a little boring over here today.  I got some new games for Christmas, too."


"Yeah, sure,"  says Shawn.


"Come on,"  Daniel says.


Mitch and Sharon watch as their sons head up the stairs to one of the bedrooms where Daniel had set his Xbox up.  Mitch looks at Sharon and smiles.  "I think the boys are gonna get along just fine."


"I hope so."


"I'm really glad you came today, Sharon."


She looks at Mitch and smiles.


Back at Southfork, John Ross stands in the living room drinking a glass of bourbon and looking at the beautiful Christmas tree when Gary and Val's daughter Betsy and her husband, Dr. Daniel Avery, walk over to him.  



"Hi, John Ross," Betsy says.


"Betsy, Dr. Avery, hello,"  John Ross says.


"John Ross, good to see ya,"  Daniel Avery says.  


"Good to see you both, too.  Glad y'all could make it."


"So how're you doing, John Ross?"  Betsy asks.

"Doin' just fine, thanks to this husband of yours and that surgery he performed on me when I was blind last year,"  John Ross replies. "And from what I hear, Krystina's cousin Sammy Jo is makin' a real nice recovery after that operation you did on her."


Daniel smiles.  "I'm very glad to hear that.  Where is Krystina, by the way?"


"Yeah, I haven't seen her here,"  says Betsy.


John Ross hesitates for a moment before answering.  "Krystina and I are separated.  We have been for quite some time."


"Oh, John Ross, I'm sorry,"  Betsy says.


"Yeah, we had no idea.  I mean, especially since you were with Krystina in Denver a few weeks ago when I did the surgery on her cousin."


"I was in Denver on business when I heard Krystina's cousin Sammy Jo was in the hospital, so I went over to see if there was anything I could do."


The conversation is interrupted when Sue Ellen walks over.  "Excuse me," she says.  "Could I have a word with my son?"


"Of course,"  Daniel says, he and Betsy walking away.  





"Have you spoken to Krystina at all?"  Sue Ellen asks.

"I went to see her last night," says John Ross.  "I asked her to come and spend Christmas here at Southfork, but......."


"She refused," Sue Ellen says.


"Yes, she did.  She made it clear she wants nothin' more to do with me.  I really messed up, again, just like I messed things up with Pamela."





"Yes, John Ross, you certainly did," Sue Ellen.  "If you hadn't brought that witch to Dallas in order to break up my relationship with Catlin, then none of this would've happened."




"Can we not do a lecture right now?" John Ross asks, beginning to lose patience.  "It's Christmas Eve.  I just wanna enjoy this day with my sons without havin' to listen to you, Uncle Bobby, and Christopher constantly remindin' me of what a screw up I am."  John Ross turns and walks away from his mother.


Catlin's son C.J. arrives with Catlin's sister Blaine, her husband Sandy Cory, their son Alexander, and Catlin's 95-year-old Aunt Corrine and her great-great-granddaughter, Selena Collier.  Bobby and Catlin greet the group as they walk into the living room.  Catlin greets his aunt and sister with a kiss.


"Blaine, Sandy, glad you could all make it,"  Bobby says.



"Bobby, thank you so much for having us,"  Blaine Ewing Cory says.  


"Yeah, this is the first time in years that we've all been together for Christmas,"  says Catlin.  "I only wish our brother Larry was here."


"So do I,"  Blaine says.  "Bobby, that's a beautiful tree."


"Well, thank you,  but credit for that goes to my beautiful wife here,"  Bobby says as Ann walks over to them.





"Hello, and welcome to Southfork,"  Ann says to them.  "Merry Christmas."


"Thank you, Ann, and Merry Christmas to you as well,"  Blaine says.


Cliff and Afton's apartment....




As dusk begins to settle over the city of Dallas, the Christmas get together at Cliff and Afton's apartment is in full swing, as Afton, Tracey, Pamela, and Sharon are placing Christmas dinner on the table in preparation for the holiday feast.  


"Wow, everything looks so good,"  Cliff says, taking a seat at the table.


"What do you mean 'good'?"  Mitch asks.  "It looks DELICIOUS, and I know these ladies put in a lot of work on this meal."


"Especially Afton,"  says Cliff.  "She cooked the turkey last night, and today she made the dressing, and potato salad."


"And of course Sharon, Tracey, and Pamela also contributed to this meal,"  Afton says.


"That's right,"  says Tracey.  "I made my mother's famous pecan pie and coconut cake."


"And Sharon did the pumpkin pie," says Afton.


"I guess since we're about ready to eat, we should probably call the boys down,"  Sharon says.


"You're right,"  Mitch says, walking to the bottom of the stairs.  "DANIEL!  SHAWN!"  he yells up the stairs.  "COME ON DOWN!  TIME TO EAT, BOYS!"  Mitch returns to the dining area and takes his seat at the table.  


A moment later, Shawn and Daniel emerge from the bedroom and Shawn pauses a moment at the top of the stairs as he watches his mother and Mitch chatting intimately in the dining room.


"Hey, what's wrong, man?"  Daniel asks him.





"My Mom and your Dad, they seem to be gettin' pretty close, don't they?"  Shawn asks.


"Yeah, I guess.  So?"  Daniel asks.


"Dude, that doesn't bother you?"

"Well, yeah, maybe a little but, nothing I can do about it,"  says Daniel. "Nothing you can do about it, either."


"You honestly wanna see your Dad with another woman after his divorce from your Mom?"


"No, I don't.   That's why I left my Mom's and moved in with my Dad, because I didn't like the guy she was dating.  But it's different with your Mom.  She seems really nice, and my Dad seems happy."


"Yeah, well, MY Dad isn't even cold in his grave yet, so, I really don't wanna see my Mom dating another guy just yet.  No offense against your Dad."


"Well, what are you gonna do about it?"  Daniel asks.


Shawn looks at him.  "Whatever it takes to put a stop to this before it ever gets started," he replies.  "Come on, let's eat.  I'm starved."  Shawn walks past Daniel and heads down the stairs, Daniel watching him as he goes, wondering what Shawn is up to and how he plans to put a stop to Mitch and Sharon's budding relationship.

Back at Southfork....

Bobby opens the front door at Southfork to let Jill, Jay, Matt, and Margaret in, Margaret carrying the baby.


"Come on in, everybody,"  Bobby says.  


"Bobby, how are you?"  Matt asks, shaking Bobby's hand.


"Matt, I couldn't be better.  Merry Christmas.  Hey, let me see my new little grandnephew."  


Margaret takes the infant out of his little carrier and unwraps him.  "Ethan, say hello to your Uncle Bobby,"  Margaret says, turning the baby to face Bobby.


"Margaret, he is adorable,"  Bobby says.



"Thank you, Uncle Bobby, we think so,"  Margaret says as Ray and Donna walk into the foyer.


"Hey, we were startin' to worry you weren't gonna make it,"  Ray says.


"Sorry we're a little late,"  Matt says.  "Traffic was a nightmare, and there was an accident on the Expressway."


"Well, we're glad that you're here,"  says Donna.  "Now let me take my beautiful grandson and show him off to the rest of the family.  Everyone wants to see him."  She takes the baby from Margaret.


"Well, you're gonna have to let me do some bragging on him, too,"  Margaret says as she and Donna head into the living room, followed by Ray, Bobby, and Matt.


Jay watches them go with sadness.  "Jay, what's wrong?"  Jill asks her husband.


"I was just watching how happy they are, Matt and Margaret, with the baby,"  replies Jay.  "Jill, I was thinking.  Now that you don't have the pressure and stress of being CEO of Westar, maybe now is a good time for us to think about having a baby."


"Jay, we've already discussed this before,"  Jill says.  "And nothing's changed.  I'm still not ready to have a baby yet."  She turns and walks away from her husband, leaving Jay alone in the foyer, disappointed at his wife's continued refusal to start a family.


Meanwhile, in the living room, standing near the bar, Conner spots Selena Collier across the crowded room.  The same feelings of instant attraction he'd felt for this girl upon meeting her at the Ewing Barbecue a few weeks ago, were again present within him.  Selena spots Conner and smiles at him.  After a momentary hesitation, he makes his way through the crowd and over to her.



"Hi, Selena,"  he says.


"Hi, Conner.  I was really hoping I'd get to see you here."


"I'm really glad to see you here, too."


"Wow, you look great all dressed up in a suit,"  Selena says.  "Really handsome."




Conner smiles at the compliment.  "Thank you.  I normally don't dress up like this, but, it's Christmas, so....... and you look really great, too."


"Thanks,"  Selena says with a smile.  "Wow, there's a LOT of people here."


"Yeah, all Ewings, and various relatives and various branches of the family," says Conner.


"So, since you're a Ewing, I guess that makes us related somehow?"  


"Well, umm.....how are you related to the Ewings?"  


"You see the old lady over there talking to......what are their names?  Bobby and Ann?"  Selena asks, pointing to Corrine.


"Yeah,"  replies.


"She's my great-great-grandmother, and she was a Ewing.  I think she and Bobby's dad were like first cousins or something.  So Bobby's your......what?  Uncle?'


"No,"  says Conner.  "My Dad was Bobby's cousin, Jack Ewing.  My grandfather, Jason Ewing, and Bobby's Dad, Jock, were brothers."


Selena smiles.  "Hmmm, well, I guess we ARE related, then.  But, sounds kinda distant to me."


"Yeah, it does,"  Conner says, smiling back at the beautiful blonde girl as the sound of the doorbell can be heard  ringing.  


Sue Ellen makes her way into the foyer and opens the door.  Cally, Justin, and Amanda are there, Amanda holding two bags of Christmas gifts.  She smiles upon seeing them.  "Cally, hello and Merry Christmas," she says, hugging her old friend.


"Merry Christmas, Sue Ellen, you look wonderful."


"Thank you.  Justin, how are you?"


"Just great," he replies sarcastically.  "Considering that I'm in a wheelchair."


The smile disappears from Sue Ellen's face as she looks at Cally with concern for the young man.  "Please, go on in,"  Sue Ellen says.  "Everyone's in the living room.  And, Amanda, you can leave those in here, by the stairs with those other gifts.  It's filled up under the tree so we're having to put the others in here."


"Sure, Sue Ellen,"  Amanda says as Sue Ellen, Cally, and Justin make their way into the living room.  Amanda walks over and places the two bags by the stairs among a pile of other beautifull wrapped Christmas gifts.  Then, as she is about to go into the living room herself, the doorbell rings.  Amanda walks over to answer the door and opens it to find Jimmy on the front porch, also holding a bag of gifts.  Amanda is not happy to see him.  



"Merry Christmas, Amanda," he says.


"Thank you," Amanda replies, her tone cold.


"Ummm....aren't you gonna let me in?"


Amanda looks at him for a few seconds.  "Sure," she finally says.  "Come in."


"Thanks,"  Jimmy says, walking into the house.  "I have gifts.  I guess I should put these under the tree."


"No, put 'em over there,"  Amanda says, pointing to the pile of gifts by the stairs.


"Okay."  Jimmy walks over and places his gifts with the rest, taking one out of the bag.  "Amanda, this one is yours, if you'd like to go ahead and open it."


"Jimmy, no.  You shouldn't have gotten me a gift."


"Why not?  It's Christmas."


"You KNOW why not,"  Amanda says.  "Jimmy, just take this back."  She holds the gift out to him.


"No, Amanda, I'm not gonna take it back,"  Jimmy says.  "I gave that to you as a friend.  Besides, wouldn't it look a little weird that I got Justin a gift, as well as Cally, but not you?"


As the two are talking, Jill is heading from the living room into the foyer, but stops in the doorway when she sees Jimmy and Amanda talking.  Jill stands there watching them.


"Jimmy, one of us shouldn't even be here right now,"  Amanda says.  "This is YOUR family, so you stay.  I'm going home."


"You're gonna go home and spend the evening alone, on CHRISTMAS EVE?"  Jimmy asks.  "No, Amanda, this is YOUR family, too.  I'm not gonna let you do that.  There's no reason that we both can't stay here and have a great evening."


"Are you KIDDING me?"  Amanda whispers.  "After what happened between us and what happened to Justin, I can't......"


John Ross walks up to Jill, who is still standing in the doorway watching Jimmy and Amanda.  "Hey," he says, startling Jill.


"John Ross, you scared me,"  she says.


"Sorry.  I need to talk to you."




"Yes, now.  Hey, what's goin' on with those two?"  John Ross says as he looks at Jimmy and Amanda.


"Nothing, they're just.....talking,"  Jill says.  "Come on if you wanna talk."  Jill turns and walks down the hallway.  John Ross follows her just as Amanda walks out of the foyer and into the living room.  


As Jimmy walks into the living room, he is greeted by Justin, who wheels himself over to him in his chair.  


"Hey, man,"  Justin says.  "Merry Christmas."


"Same to you, Justin."


"Have you talked to James?"  Justin asks.  "I thought they were comin'."


Jimmy sighs.  "Yeah, I talked to Dad a couple hours ago.  They're not gonna be able to make it.  Boston is snowed in.  Dad, Mom, Ashley and the baby waited at the airport for HOURS, and then they announced that all flights in and out of Boston had been cancelled for the rest of the day."


"I'm sorry to hear that,"  Justin says sadly.  "I was really lookin' forward to seein' my new little niece for the first time."


"Yeah, Dad was really disappointed that they couldn't come," says Jimmy.

Meanwhile, John Ross and Jill step onto the back porch, both putting on their coats.  


"Okay, what was so important?"  Jill asks.


"What do you plan on doin' now that you been deposed as CEO of Westar?"  John Ross asks.


"Why do you care?"


"You're my sister."


"Yet, that blood bond didn't stop YOU from stealing my job two years ago, now did it?"


"I didn't come out here to fight, or to rehash ancient history," John Ross says.  "I asked you out here to offer my help."


"Your help?"


"That's right."


"Your help doing what?"  Jill asks.


"Gettin' revenge on Tripp McKay for kickin' you out of Westar."


"And what makes you think that I would want to get revenge on Tripp?"


"Because, darlin', you're a Ewing, and revenge is what we do, especially the J.R. Ewing branch of the fam'ly.  You and me got the same blood flowin' through our veins, and I can just feel the need you have to get that son of a bitch back for stealin' your com'ny away from you."


"Okay, I'll bite.  So how is it you wanna go about helping me?"  Jill asks.


"We team up.  You join Ewing Oil.  Together, I think you and I could make one hell of an unbeatable team, Jill.  Together, we could bury Westar.......and Tripp McKay."


As Jill is about to say something, she and John Ross see headlights pulling up to Southfork and a car comes to a stop.  Jill looks at John Ross.  "Well, that's something to think about," she says.  "I'll get back to you on that after the holidays."  She turns and heads back into the house.


As John Ross is about to go back in, he sees that the newcomer who just drove us is none other than Krystina.  Both happy and surprised to see his wife, he walks out to meet her.  


"Merry Christmas, John Ross,"  Krystina says.  


"I thought you were goin' to Denver for Christmas," John Ross says.


"I changed my mind.  I phoned L.B. this morning early and told him to cancel sending the plane.  I'm gonna fly to Denver this week to spend some time with my Mom."


"What changed your mind?"


"What you said about Little John.  I really wanted to see him tonight, and watch him open his gifts.  And Alex, too.  I brought them both something."


"I got you a gift, too,"  John Ross says.  "It's under the tree."


"I......didn't get you anything."


"Yes you did, Krystina.  You comin' here tonight is all the Christmas present I need."


Krystina looks at him for a moment.  "Let's go in.  It's kinda cold out here."


John Ross nods, then the two head into the house.  As the two walk into the living room, a happy Sue Ellen greets Krystina with a hug.  




Meanwhile, Bobby and Gary are standing in the foyer, watching as Michael plays in the den with Gary's grandchildren Laura and Daniel Avery, Jr., Alex, and Little John.  


Bobby smiles.  "Itn't that a beautiful sight, Gary?"  He asks.


"Yeah, it sure is,"  Gary replies.


"My grandson, your grandchildren, and J.R.'s grandsons, all playin' together like that."


"Yeah, it's a shame the ADULTS in this family can't get along that well,"  Gary jokes.


Bobby laughs at his brother's comment.  Then, after a couple of seconds his face turns serious. "Gary, I can't tell you how happy I am that you and Val and the kids are all here.  It's really great to have almost the entire family together like this for Christmas."


"It really is nice, Bobby. Y'now, all those years I stayed away from Southfork, mainly because of J.R., looking back on all that time now, it just seems wasted.  All those years I missed with Mama, and the years SHE missed with Bobby and Betsy."


"Well, I do understand why you and Val stayed away.  J.R. never did make you feel welcome here, in your own home.  I only wish that the two of you could've gotten along better.  Been more like brothers, the way you and I've always been."


"J.R.........God, Bobby, I never in a million years thought I would say this.  But I actually miss the guy.  His endless insults.  I can almost hear him putting me or somebody else here down right now."


At that moment, Lucas, Heather, and Ann walk into the foyer.  "Hope we're not interrupt," Lucas says.


"No, not at all,"  Bobby says.


"Uncle Gary, would you mind giving us a minute?"  Lucas asks.


"No, of course not,"  Gary says, then leaves the room.


"What's goin' on?"  Bobby asks his wife.


"I have no idea,"  Ann replies.  "These two just came up to me and said we need to see you, and pulled me in here."


"So what's up?"  Bobby asks.


"I.....WE......wanted to go ahead and give you our Christmas present,"  Lucas says.  "Or rather, PRESENTS, since we have two.  But, here's the first."  Lucas pulls a piece of paper from his pocket and hands it to Bobby.


"What's this?"  Bobby asks.


"Just take a look at it."


Bobby opens the piece of paper and reads it, then looks at Lucas.


"What is it?"  Ann asks.


"Friday morning, when Heather and I rushed out of here, we went to the courthouse in Braddock.  I petitioned the court a while back to legally change my name from Krebbs to Ewing.  And on Friday morning, it became official.  I am now Lucas Wade Ewing."


Bobby looks at his son and smiles.  "Son, this couldn't have made me any happier."


"And now, if it's okay with you, I'd like to start calling you Dad instead of Bobby, I mean now that my name change is official."


"I'd like nothing better,"  Bobby says, hugging Lucas.  


"Actually, we have three gifts for you,"  Lucas says after the hug.  "The second, is, Heather and I applied for a marriage license.  We wanna get married on New Year's Eve.  Now I know the Oil Baron's Ball is that night, but we wanna have just a small, intimate ceremony here at Southfork early that day.  If that's okay with you?"


"Next Saturday, a week from today, that's awfully short notice to put together a weddin',"  says Ann.


"We just want it small,"  says Heather.  "Just the family."


Ann smiles.  "Then we will give you the most beautiful small weddin' we can," she says, hugging Heather, then Lucas.


"And now the third gift,"  Lucas says.  "When we were in court on Friday, we also petitioned to have Michael's last name legally changed from McCabe to Ewing.  We had to provide a DNA test to prove that I'm Michael's biological father, but once we did that, the judge agreed to the name change.  So, looks like you just gained three new Ewings."


"Lucas, you've made this the best Christmas ever,"  Bobby says.


"Well,"  Ann says, wiping away a tear.  "Now that we've been reduced to tears here, I think it's time we all go in and eat."


"Sounds good to me,"  Heather says, walking over to the doorway to the den.  "Michael, kids, come on," she tells the younger generation.  "Time to eat."


Smiling, Ann puts her arm around Heather and the two women walk into the living room to let the rest of the family know it was time to eat.


Lucas turns to Bobby.  "I hope you're okay with all of this.  Me changing my name, and changing Michael's name.  Me calling you Dad."


"Lucas......I have waited 29 years to hear you call me Dad.  You've made me the happiest father and grandfather in the world tonight."


Lucas smiles, then hugs his father.

Meanwhile....Bum's apartment....

As Bum is just sitting down at his kitchen table to a dinner of a small ham and cornbread stuffing, his doorbell rings.  Getting up from the table, he walks through his darkened living room and opens his door to find Steven there.


"Hi,"  Steven says.  


"Steven, I thought you were working tonight,"  Bum says.


"I traded with someone.  A guy who has no family or anyone to spend Christmas with.  I did a lot of thinking during my first shift today.  And I wanna spend Christmas Eve with my father, if I'm welcome."


Bum smiles.  "Of course you're welcome, son.  Come in."


Steven walks into the apartment and Bum closes the door.


Half an hour later, the very large extended Ewing family were gathered around the dining room table, while others sat at two smaller tables set up in the foyer, including a table for the kids, and another table set up in the den.  The family were enjoying their delicious Christmas feast.  


The large crowd of assembled Ewing family members consists of Bobby, Ann, Christopher, Courtney Wapner, Lucas, Heather, Michael, John Ross, Krystina, Alex, Little John, Justin, Amanda, Cally, Jimmy, Jill, Jay, Sue Ellen, Catlin, his son C.J., Catlin's sister Blaine Ewing Cory, her husband Sandy, their son Alex Cory, Catlin's aunt Corrine Ewing Hodges, her great-great-granddaughter Selena Collier, Ray, Donna, Margaret, Matt, Conner, Dylan, Gary, Val, Lucy, Bobby II, Betsy, her husband Daniel Avery, and their children Laura and Daniel, Jr.  It was a noisy Christmas dinner, as several conversations were going on around each of the tables where family members were seated.  


As he looks around the dining room and into the foyer and den filled with his family, Bobby can't help but smile and think of how proud Miss Ellie would be if she were alive to see this.....most of her entire family, with the exception of James, Debra Lynn, Ashley, and their now 1-year-old daughter Eve......all gathered at Southfork for Christmas.  Bobby looks across the table at the 95-year-old Corrine Ewing Hodges, the oldest member of his family, and his last connection to his father's generation of the family.  And he listens to the sounds of all the chatter, and the sounds of the children in the next room......children......EWING children, a whole new generation of Ewings to carry the name and the legacy into the future.  And for this one night, all the dysfunction, all the in-fighting that plagues the Ewings the rest of the year, is set aside to remember and celebrate what's really important at Christmas.


Ann leans over to her husband and kisses him.  "Merry Christmas, Bobby," she says.


"Merry Christmas, Annie."



                                     ALSO STARRING



                     as Afton Cooper



                     as Dr. Mitch Cooper



                     as Jay Smithfield



                     as Cally Harper



                     as Conner Ewing



                     as Dylan Baxter



                     as Margaret Krebbs Culver



                    as Senator Matt Culver



                   as Courtney Wapner



                   as Heather McCabe



                  as Michael McCabe



                 as Bum



                 as Steven Jones



                 as Gary Ewing



                 as Valene Ewing



                 as Bobby Ewing II



                 as Betsy Ewing Avery



                 as Dr. Jason Avery



                 as Blaine Ewing Cory



                 as Alexander "Sandy" Cory



                 as Alex Cory



                 as Corrine Ewing Hodges



                 as Selena Collier



                 as Brittany Peterson Ewing



                 as Sharon Smith



                 as Shawn Smith



                as Daniel Cooper

Write a comment

Comments: 15
  • #1

    Perry cox (Tuesday, 27 December 2016 01:00)

    Awesome as always man! Merry Christmas and Happy new yr. Keep up the great writing!

  • #2

    Kathy (Tuesday, 27 December 2016 01:06)

    Thank you for allowing some hope for John Ross any Krystina. It was a great Christmas episode.

  • #3

    Ada Vincent (Tuesday, 27 December 2016 12:05)

    Great job once again

  • #4

    Kathy from Fla (Tuesday, 27 December 2016 13:08)

    Great story as always. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Missed the BBQ story. Is there a way I can go on and read it?

  • #5

    John Walden (Tuesday, 27 December 2016 13:23)

    Kathy, here is the link to my website with all the episodes. https://johnwaldenblog.wordpress.com/

  • #6

    janie Fleischer (Tuesday, 27 December 2016 14:14)

    Fantastic episode I wrote a comment and it disappeared. I loved all of this Thank you John

  • #7

    Linda Carman (Tuesday, 27 December 2016 22:29)

    John another great episode. So nice to see the whole family together. Glad Kristine decided to come to, home, and Steven went to see his dad. Christmas is for families.

  • #8

    Marie Kinsey (Wednesday, 28 December 2016 00:49)

    I loved this episode as well as the BBQ episode...I have hope for John Ross and Krystina. Wishing you a Happy New Year.

  • #9

    Julia Cherri (Monday, 06 March 2017 01:52)

    Just finished this episode, and it was wonderful. I am so far behind but am enjoying each of them. God Bless you John and thank you so much. I have got to get to bed and will continue reading tomorrow. My home health nurse will be here early today. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas, John.

  • #10

    Kimberly (Monday, 29 May 2017 23:01)

    John your just to awesome of a writer. I wished I had been reading this at Christmas it would made my Christmas to know that Kristina was so sweet to have Christmas with John Ross and his family even with their marriage on the rocks. This takes a lot for someone to do this no matter the problem you need to spend Christmas with everyone you know even if it its just a few minutes. I wish things would go this awesome in my life. Daniel better tell Mitch about Shawns plan before it all blows up. Pamela should have told Tripp before Christmas about the Rape and pschos baby and I know its going to take her time to to get through this but there looking at new year coming up on them plus Tripp is Ceo of westar and so his going to spending a lot more time at work.; So for them to work this out he needs to be there for her or this marriage may not last for ever like they would like it to do. I wish jill would change her mind that shes nolonger ceo of westar that its time for her and Jay to have a baby he wants to be a father so bad that would make him the happiest man in the world. I hope you don't ruin her marriage like Amanda has even though Justin don't know or like Kristina and John Ross and end up teaming up with John Ross and still not wanting and baby then Jay just get pissed and be like lets separate. John Ross is right that South Fork weddings are cursed look at Justin and Amanda even though Justin don't know and soon it may be Jill and jay . I had a feeling when heather and Michael and Lucas rushed out so early it was about the Ewing name. Also Margaret and Matts baby Ethan is getting more and more cuter every day is so true. Well finally some one mentioned Emma Ann did that Emma's worried about her baby but by next Christmas she will grandmother just like Donna and Sue Ellen! John it was cool how you put part 1 and part 2 in the same Episode I first thought the computer messed up or it was shorter Episode Nice One! Its hard to remember everything but I love it and cant wait until Episode 127! Good Night!

  • #11

    Derek Mathews (Wednesday, 06 December 2017 19:56)

    I feel bad for John Ross, but in a way I can't blame him for the things he does. Why? Because he constantly has his cousin, Uncle, and mother on his case, lecturing him about all the mistakes he has made, mistakes that he has made in business and his relationships. I would hate being reminded from those three that he's a screw up! But really Sue Ellen, Bobby, and Christopher have no business lecturing John Ross on his mistakes, cause they have made plenty of their own. At the end of the day, I just can't stand self-righteous people, and these three come off too self-righteous! Christopher forgot that he married Pamela Barnes when she was Rebecca Sutter, took Elena right from under John Ross nose, then they flaunted their relationship in his face. And Sue Ellen, OMG, she has no business lecturing anybody! She has been an alcoholic for 20 years, she drank when she was pregnant with John Ross, had affairs with Cliff Barnes, Peter Richards, and Dusty Farlow, not to mention JRs own brother Ray Krebbs. And Bobby has done his fair share of dirt too. He shouldn't be lecturing anybody about mistakes they have made in their life, personal or business, he's made mistakes in both parts of his life. Man, I'm just tired of people in this family lecturing John Ross about mistakes, his faults, when they have done the same thing. John Ross has a point, I'd be really sick of Christopher's holier than thou attitude too;

  • #12

    Derek Mathews (Wednesday, 06 December 2017 20:14)

    I'm so glad that John Ross and Krystina are together again, despite their marriage troubles. It is the Christmas holidays, the season for forgiving. But man, the damage has been done! Brad Stone and Micheal Channing have really done serious damage to a once solid marriage! Both of them will get done with accordingly! But this is also a chance for them to start fresh. And I know that Krystina has missed Little John. And I see Tripp and Pamela's marriage continue to crumble, they never really made much sense as a couple anyway. And I know that somewhere Ray is really hurt that Lucas changed his last name from Krebbs to Ewing, then he changed his sons last name to Ewing, and they are getting married! Jimmy and Amanda better be glad that Justin doesn't remember anything, cause they are responsible for him being paralyzed.

  • #13

    Derek Mathews (Wednesday, 06 December 2017 20:24)

    Tripp McKay is exactly what Jill Cryder-Smithfield said he was. A lying, backstabbing, ruthless piece of shit, and he deserved to be slapped for what he did to her, his own friend. And John Ross is right, he knows that Jill wants revenge, and she should, because she's JRs daughter, and they have his blood flowing through their veins.

  • #14

    Derek Mathews (Wednesday, 06 December 2017 21:14)

    I can still see that Valene Ewing hates Sue Ellen, and I just don't know why. Outside of trying to seduce Gary, she has never done anything to Valene. But Valene seems to love Sue Ellen's sister like it's nothing, and I have no idea. Just no idea why. And I don't like Caitlin and Sue Ellen together. They barely know each other, and the guy is a married man still. I see things being very rough for the couple as long as they are together.

  • #15

    Tina (Tuesday, 12 September 2023 20:04)

    I absolutely love the Christmas � episodes. I plan to reread them during the Christmas holidays so hopefully they will get me in the Christmas spirit. Keep writing John.
    You are absolutely awesome � � �