EPISODE 131 - Hello, and Goodbye

Previously on DALLAS:

--------------------Sue Ellen was questioned by Detective Steven Jones, and Steven suspected that Mrs. Ewing was not being completely honest in her interview.

--------------------Ann and Bobby figured out that Brittany may have drugged Sue Ellen at the Oil Baron's Ball.

--------------------Ray's private detective contacted him with the news that he had finally located Heath Allen in Tulsa.

--------------------Krystina confided to John Ross that she feels like a horrible person for being glad that Brittany is out of their lives.

--------------------Ray traveled to Tulsa and convinced Heath to return to Dallas with him and take a DNA test.

--------------------Bobby told John Ross he suspected Sue Ellen had been drugged.

--------------------An angry John Ross confronted Brad after learning that Brad had been involved in Brittany's plan to drug Sue Ellen.



John Ross's car turns into the front gate at Southfork and comes to a stop in the parking area. 

Meanwhile, Bobby, Ann, Christopher, Courtney, Krystina, and Lucy are gathered in the den for drinks before dinner, and Christopher is explaining to the family about Bum finding Courtney's son in California.


"So Courtney and I are gonna be flying out to L.A. tomorrow," Christopher informs them.


"Courtney, you must be so excited,"  Ann says.  


"Excited, and nervous at the same time.  I just can't believe that, tomorrow, I could see my little boy for the first time since right after he was born."


"Well, I'm very happy for you,"  Krystina says, hugging her.


"And so am I,"  says Ann.  "I remember how excited I was when I first found Emma again after all those years."  As she speaks, Ann notices Lucy, who is sitting alone on the sofa, not saying a word, a sad look on her face after hearing the news that Courtney may be reunited with her son.


This warm family moment is interrupted when John Ross walks in, still angry from his earlier confrontation with Brad Stone.  


"John Ross,"  Krystina says, greeting her husband with a kiss.  "You're late, I was getting worried."


"Sorry, darlin', didn't mean to worry you,"  John Ross says, walking to the bar to pour himself a glass of bourbon.


"Everything alright, John Ross?"  Bobby asks.


"Aside from bein' royally pissed off, I guess everything's alright,"  John Ross barks.


"What's wrong?"  Krystina asks.


John Ross looks at his wife, then at the others.  "You were right, Uncle Bobby.  Mama WAS drugged the night of the Ball, and it was Brittany Ewing that did it."


"Drugged?  Sue Ellen was DRUGGED?"  Lucy asks.  "That's why she was acting like she'd been drinking?"




"You know this for a fact?"  Christopher asks.


"I do.  After I left the office today, I tracked down that young waiter who spilled the wine on Mama's dress.  He was paid to do that in order to create a diversion, just like Uncle Bobby said, so that Brittany could slip somethin' in Mama's drink to make a fool of her. And guess who paid that kid to do it."


"Who?"  Krystina asks.  "Brittany?"


"Uh-uh,"  replies John Ross.  "Brad Stone, the bastard son of Cliff Barnes and Marilee Stone."


"Oh my God,"  says Christopher.


"Then you were right,"  Bobby says.  "Stone was involved.  Damn."


"I can promise you all one thing right here and now,"  says John Ross.  "I'm gonna make Brad Stone sorry for the day he EVER crossed this fam'ly.  I'm gonna crush that man, and his comp'ny."






"No, John Ross,"  Bobby says. "WE are gonna crush Brad Stone and his company for what he did to Sue Ellen."


"Dad's right," says Christopher.  "No matter what differences we may have among ourselves, we're family.  Any outsider who messes with one of us, has messed with ALL of us."




John Ross looks at his uncle and cousin, and nods.

The Cattlemen's Club....

Meanwhile, Cliff and Brad are at The Cattlemen's Club as a waitress brings them drinks.  "Thank you,"  Cliff says.  The girl smiles, then walks away.  Cliff looks at his watch.  


Brad looks at his watch.  "I wish he'd hurry up and get here."


"He'll be here.  Don't worry.  Have a little patience.  In the meantime, I'm really glad you called me about this.  I'm also happy that you're taking up the torch and carrying on my long sought goal of destroying the Ewings."


"John Ross is NOT gonna get away with barging into my office and talking to me the way he did today.  I also have a few other scores to settle with that guy."


"Ah, here he is,"  Cliff says as he looks up and sees Tripp being led to their table by the restaurant's hostess.  "Tripp, glad you could make it."


Tripp takes a seat at the table.  "Cliff, if you asked me here to talk about my marriage to Pamela, then...."





"Nope, that's not why we're here,"  Cliff interrupts.  "This is strictly business."


"Okay, good."


"I already took the liberty of ordering for you, since I've had dinner with you enough to know what your favorites are."


"So what's this all about?"  Tripp asks.  "And Brad, what are you doing here?"

"Well, Tripp, we're having this little meeting not only as a family, but as three men who share a common interest, and a common goal," replies Brad.


"And what common goal is that?"  Tripp asks.


"Bringing down the Ewings," Cliff replies. "Something all three of us have wanted to do for a long time.  It's something your grandfather wanted, too, Tripp.  That's why he pulled some strings to get you in the CEO seat at Westar, so that you'd have the power you needed to take them down."


"Okay, I'm listening,"  Tripp says.  


"I suggest we pool our resources," Brad says.  "Our companies join forces.  Go after the Ewings with everything with we've got, and we could use the new cartel to do it."

"If Westar and Stone Oil join forces and go after the Ewings, there's no way they can survive," Cliff says.  "Your two companies would be an unbeatable team."


"So how about it, Tripp?"  Brad asks.  "What do you say?"

"I say let's do this,"  Tripp replies.  "Let's bring the Ewings to their knees."


Cliff smiles.  "I propose a toast," he says, raising his glass.  "To teamwork, and to me working toward achieving something I've wanted most of my life, with the help of my son and my son-in-law."


Tripp and Brad also raise their glasses and the three men toast to their newfound anti-Ewing alliance.

Sue Ellen's home....the next morning

Sue Ellen stands alone in her kitchen the next morning drinking a cup of coffee when Catlin walks in.  "Sue Ellen," he says.  "You're up awful early."


"I couldn't sleep.  I keep thinking about last Saturday night.  The Ball, and......and Brittany."


Catlin walks over to her and puts his arms around her.  "I sure hate to leave you today."


"I know, but you have to.  C.J. is going to need you to be there for him at his mother's funeral tomorrow."


Catlin sighs deeply.  "I wish to God I knew how things ended up like this," he says with sadness.  "Brittany and I met when we were kids, fell in love, fell OUT of  love.  Then after I moved to Bay City to find my family, I met Sally Frame and fell in love with her.  But then, here comes Brittany back into my life to try and break that up."


"Sounds exactly like what she did to us,"  says Sue Ellen.


"It IS exactly what she did to us.  History repeated itself.  But then, after all the drama we went through, Brittany ended up pregnant with C.J. and married to another man.  I married Sally, and then.........then I lost her.  And after Sally's death, Brittany and I found our way back to each other and I fell in love with her all over again.  We did have some happy years together.  But things changed.  Brittany changed, and when she did, she killed my love for her."


"I'm so sorry, Catlin,"  Sue Ellen says.  "Even after all the pain and trouble Brittany has caused, I can imagine how hard this must be for you, having to go back to Wyoming to bury her.  I felt the same way when J.R. died.  He had hurt me SO much over the years, but, he was the father of my son, and......."


"And you still loved him?"  Catlin asks.


"Yes,"  Sue Ellen replies with a nod.


"I didn't love Brittany anymore, Sue Ellen," Catlin says.  "That died a long time ago. But, you're right, she WAS the mother of my son, so, for that reason, I did.....I DO.....feel something for her.  Sadness, even anger.  I feel angry that everything turned out this way.  I feel angry that my son is now without his mother, and that it's all because of me."


"Because of you?"  Sue Ellen asks.  "What do you mean?"


"Nothing,"  Catlin replies very quickly as the doorbell rings.  He walks over to the stove and pours himself a cup of coffee.


John Ross walks in.  "Mama," he says.


"Oh, John Ross, hello."


"John Ross,"  Catlin says, coldly.  


John Ross looks at the man but refuses to acknowledge his greeting, quickly returning his gaze to his mother.  "I need to tell you somethin'.  I'm real sorry that I didn't believe you when you said you hadn't been drinkin' the night of the Oil Baron's Ball."


"You believe me now?"  


"I do.  Uncle Bobby and Ann were right.  You were drugged that night, and Brittany was the one who did it."


"Are you absolutely sure about this?"  Catlin asks, walking over.


"I am.  That whole scene when that waiter spilled wine on you.......it was all set up.  That little scene created a diversion, durin' which Brittany slipped somethin' in your drink.  The waiter was paid to spill the drink.  I found him and got him to talk."



"So, Brittany paid that waiter to spill the drink?"  Sue Ellen asks.


"Wuttin' Brittany," says John Ross.  "Brad Stone is the one who paid the waiter, but he did it helpin' Brittany."


"My God," Sue Ellen says.  "I never realized the lengths Brittany Ewing was willing to go to in order to hurt me."


"Neither did I,"  Catlin says.


"Don't you worry, Mama,  says John Ross. "I can promise you, Brad Stone won't get away with this.  Well, I gotta get to the office."


"John Ross,"  Sue Ellen says.  She walks over to her son.  "Thank you for telling me this."


John Ross nods, looks at Catlin, then turns and walks out.  Catlin walks past Sue Ellen and follows him.


"John Ross, wait,  Catlins says, catching up to him in the foyer.


John Ross turns back to him.  "What do you want?"


"Look, I know you don't like me at all, and I'm not very fond of you, either, so we'll probably never be friends," Catlin says.


"So tell me somethin' I don't already know."


"You and I do have one very important thing in common.  We both love your mother.  I have to go out of town today.  I'm flying up to Wyoming with my son for Brittany's funeral, which is tomorrow.  While I'm gone, take care of your mother."


"You don't have to ask me to do somethin' I plan to do anyway,"  John Ross says, then quickly leaves.

Justin and Amanda's home....

Amanda opens the front door of her and Justin's home and finds Jimmy standing there.  "Hello, Amanda," he says.


"Jimmy, what are you doing here?"  Amanda asks.


"I asked him to come over,"  Justin says, wheeling himself into the living room in his wheelchair.  "Come in, Jimmy."


"Thanks,"  Jimmy says, walking into the house.


Amanda looks at Jimmy, then at Justin.  "Well, I have some laundry to do," she says, walking out of the room.  


Jimmy walks over and takes a seat on the sofa.


"She didn't seem real happy to see you, did she?"  Justin asks.  "Why is that?"


"No idea," a nervous Jimmy replies.


"Is everything okay between you and Amanda, Jimmy?"

"Of course,"  Jimmy says.  "Why wouldn't it be?"


"I dunno," Justin says.  "My wife has been actin' real strange lately.  Kinda nervous like.  Especially around me.  Maybe it's hormones, or maybe it's....."


"Maybe it's......what?" Jimmy asks.


"Maybe it's my condition.  A husband in a wheelchair........I'm sure that's kinda depressin' to her.  Especially since I can't fulfill my........well, you know......my duties as a husband.  She's stuck here with me all day and all night.  She must get pretty lonely.  Wouldn't you imagine, Jimmy?"


"Umm.....I guess.  Justin, why are we talking about this?  And why'd you ask me to come over?"


"Well, you're my best friend,"  Justin says.  "I hadn't seen you since Christmas, so I thought it'd be nice if we had a little visit."


"Yeah, it's been a while."


"So how've ya been?"  


"Just fine,"  replies Jimmy.  "How about you?"


Justin looks at him for a few seconds before answering.  "Well, still in a wheelchair," he says with a slight smile.  "All I can really do is sit around the house.  Nothin' much changed."

Jimmy lowers his eyes, again overcome with guilt over his role in Justin's accident and paralysis.  "Aren't you supposed to be doing some kind of exercises, or physical therapy?"


"I did for a while.  But they weren't doin' any good.  None at all.  Still can't feel anything below my waist.  So, I guess i'm just gonna have to accept the fact that I'm gonna be in this wheelchair the rest of my life."  Justin pauses for a few seconds and looks at Jimmy.  "I wish I could just remember what happened that day of my accident.  But it's still blank.  I keep tryin' and tryin', but, nothin'.  Jimmy, if you could help me remember....."


"Justin, I've already told you everything that happened that day.  I don't think it's gonna help you to remember.  It's certainly not gonna help you be able to walk any sooner.  You're just torturing yourself."


Again, Justin looks at him.  "Maybe you're right.  It's just hard, Jim.  Havin' big holes in your memory, especially about an event that totally changed your whole life.  Maybe I should just let it go, and accept the fact that my memory of that day is gone forever, just like the use of my legs.  Hey, man, I have to go to the bathroom for a few minutes."


"Ummm, okay, you need some help?"  Jimmy asks.


"Nah, I got it, bro.  We had the downstairs bathroom remodeled so I can go all by myself." Justin starts to wheel himself away but stops.  "Hey, Amanda!"  He calls to his wife.


Amanda rushes into the living room.  "Justin, what is it?" 


"Darlin', I gotta run.......oops, excuse me, I gotta WHEEL......to the bathroom.  How about stayin' in here and keepin' Jimmy comp'ny while I'm gone?"


Jimmy and Amanda exchange awkward looks.  "Justin, that's not necessary,"  Jimmy says.  "I'll be fine.  I'm sure Amanda has other things to do."


"Nonsense.  You're a guest in our home.  Don't want ya sittin' in here all by yourself.  I'll be back in a few."  Justin wheels himself out of the living room and into the bathroom, appearing to close the door behind him, but leaving it slightly ajar so as to hear what was going on in the living room.  


Again, Jimmy and Amanda exchange awkward looks as an uncomfortable silence follows Justin's exit from the living room.  "Amanda, I know that you'd rather me not be here."


"You're right about that," she says.


"Is this how it's ALWAYS gonna be between us?  Amanda, what happened between us was MONTHS ago."


"It may have been months ago, but every time I look at my husband, I'm reminded of what we did,"  Amanda says.  


Jimmy stands to his feet to face her. "Amanda, don't you think I feel the same way?  Why do you think that I've stayed away from you and Justin so much?  It's because I can't stand to see him in that wheelchair."


"Would you keep your voice down?"  Amanda says in a whisper.  "Jimmy I am SICK of this whole thing.  Sick of this secrecy.  But I know that Justin can never find out the truth.  I pray every day that he will never remember what happened that day, or why you and he were up there."


"So do I,"  says Jimmy.  


Meanwhile, now out of his wheelchair, Justin is standing inside the bathroom door listening to Jimmy and Amanda's conversation, plotting his revenge against his wife and his supposed best friend.

The Krebbs home....

As Donna comes up the stairs early in the afternoon, the phone in her and Ray's bedroom begins to ring.  She hurries into the bedroom and picks up the phone.  "Hello?"  She says.


"Donna, hey, it's Matt," says Matt Culver on the other end of the line.


"Matt, hello.  Is anything wrong?"  Donna asks.








"Now, Donna, does anything have to be wrong for me to be calling my FAVORITE mother-in-law?"  Matt asks

The Krebbs home....

Donna laughs.  "Of course not.  I'm always very happy to hear from my favorite son-in-law.  So what's up?"


"Well, Donna, the reason I'm calling is, I have to fly to Dallas on business this afternoon, and I was wondering if I could drop by the house later tonight,"  Matt says.  "I have a business proposition to throw your way."

The Krebbs home....

"Of course,"  Donna says.  "Matt, you know you don't have to have an invitation to drop by.  Is Margaret coming with you?"






"Unfortunately no, not this time," replies Matt.  "This is only gonna be a short trip, for several hours, and it's all business.  But we will visit soon, and I promise, when I come tonight I'll bring you lots of pictures of your grandson.  So would 8 be okay?"

The Krebbs home....

"8 would be perfect,"  says Donna.  "Ray is out of town on business, but I'm expecting him back this afternoon, so you just come on out.  I'll see you then.  Love you.  Bye."  Donna hangs up the phone, wondering what business young Senator Culver wanted to discuss with her.

Los Angeles, California.....afternoon

Christopher and Courtney drive up in a rented car to a quiet, suburban neighborhood off of 

Sunset Boulevard in Los Angeles that afternoon and come to a stop. Christopher gets out of the car, followed a couple of seconds later by Courtney. They look at a house across the street from where they have parked.

"That's it," says Christopher.  "The one in the middle. 423 West Sycamore."


"It's a beautiful place," Courtney says, pausing to look at the home.


"You ready?"


Courtney sighs. "As ready as I'll ever be, I suppose."


"Come on,"  Christopher says, holding out his hand.  Courtney takes his hand, and together, the couple walk across the street to the house and walk onto the front porch.  Pausing again to brace herself, Courtney nods to him, and Christopher rings the doorbell.  After almost a minute, an attractive blonde woman comes to the door and opens it.


"Can I help you?"  The woman asks.


"Jennifer Reed?"  Christopher asks.




"Mrs. Reed, my name is Christopher Ewing, and this is Courtney Wapner.  We were wondering if we could have  a word with you?"


"What's this about?"  Jennifer asks.


"If we could come in for a few minutes, we'll explain," Christopher says.  "And I promise we won't take too much of your time."


Jennifer looks at the couple.  "Well, you two look safe enough.  Come in."


"Thank you," Christopher says as he and Courtney walk into the modestly furnished home.


"Would you like some coffee?"  Jennifer asks.


"No, thank you."


"Please, have a seat."


Christopher and Courtney take seats on the sofa.  


"Now, then, what can I do for you?"  Jennifer asks. 


Before either Christopher or Courtney can answer her question, a little boy with brown, curly hair walks in.  "Mom," the boy, who appears to be about 9, says.


"Oh, hey, baby.  What's up?"  Jennifer asks the child.


"Can I go over to Tyler's?"  The boy asks.


"Alright, but only for a little while.  Oh, I'm sorry.  This is my son, Jacob."


Christopher and Courtney look at the child, Courtney with tears filling her eyes.  "Hello, Jacob.  I'm Christopher, and this is Courtney."




"Hello,"  Jacob says.  


"Come on, sweety, I'll walk you to the door."  


"It was nice meeting you,"  Jacob says, looking at the two strangers in his home.


"Nice meeting you too, Jacob,"  Courtney says as she fights back tears.  She and Christopher watch as Jennifer walks the child to the door, and onto the front porch.  A moment later, she returns to the living room and takes a seat.


"Jacob likes to go next door to visit his best friend, Tyler."






"He sure is a cute little guy," Christopher says.


"Oh, thank you," says Jennifer.  "We're very proud of him.  Now, then, what was it again, that you wanted?"

"Mrs. Reed, I need to ask you a question that might seem strange," Courtney says.  "Your son, Jacob.......he's adopted, isn't he?"


The smile fades of Jennifer's face.  "Yes, he is.  That's no secret.  Jacob knows he's adopted.  Why are you asking me this?"


"Because, I have every reason to believe that.........that Jacob is my son."




"Nine and a half years ago, when I was only 16, I gave birth to a little boy."


"Mrs. Reed, for the past several months, we've had a private detective searching for Courtney's son," Christopher says.  "We discovered recently that the child's name was Jacob. The first couple who adopted Jacob were killed in a car accident, and he was later placed in an orphanage.  Our detective traced the child here, to you."


Jennifer stands.  "No, that's impossible."


"Mrs. Reed, did you adopt Jacob from the Kellerman Orphanage, here in L.A.?"  Courtney asks.


"That's none of your business, and I think you should leave now,"  Jennifer says, her tone changing from friendly to one of rudeness.


"Mrs. Reed, please,"  Courtney says as she and Christopher stand.  "I've been looking for my son for months, now, and I just need answers."


"And I've given you all the answers I'm going to.  Now get out of my home."


"Please, I'm begging, you, just......"


"Get out!  Now, or I'm calling the police!"


"Alright, alright,"  Christopher says.  "We're going.  Look, we're gonna be staying at the Double Tree Hotel here in L.A.  If you change your mind, please give us a call."


"I won't be changing my mind,"  Jennifer says.  "Now, get out of my home, and don't ever try to contact me again."


As Courtney begins to cry, Christopher puts his arms around her.  "We're sorry we troubled you," Christopher says.  He and Courtney walk to the front door, Jennifer following.  


"Mrs. Reed, I am BEGGING you,"  Courtney says.  "Please, just tell me if you adopted Jacob from the Kellerman Orphanage......"


"We DIDN'T,"  the woman insists.  "It was a private adoption.  Now, I won't tell you again.  Leave and don't ever come back, or I'm calling the police."


Christopher looks at the woman, then he and Courtney leave the house, Jennifer closing the door behind them.  On the porch, Courtney begins to cry.  "Christopher, I know that was him," she says.  "I know that was my little boy."


"I know it, too.  And somehow, we're gonna have to prove it.  Come on.  Let's go."  As the two walk off the porch and back across the street, Jennifer Reed is standing at the window of her living room, watching them.  

The Krebbs home....that night

"Matt, it's so good to see you,"  Donna says, greeting her son-in-law with a hug as Ray looks on with a smile.


"Good to see you, too, Donna.  Ray."


"Matt, come on in and have a seat,"  Ray says.


The three walk into the living room, where Matt takes a seat on the sofa.  


"Would you like a drink?"  Donna asks.


"That would be lovely, thanks."


"I'll get it,"  says Ray.  


Donna takes a seat in the chair beside the sofa.  "Now, you said you had a business proposition to talk over with me?"


"Yes I do,"  Matt says.  "Donna, as you've probably heard, Tim Haskins, our Texas Railroad Commissioner, announced his resignation earlier this week due to family issues."


"Yes, I heard that on the news. His wife was diagnosed with cancer?"


Ray hands Matt his drink. "Thanks, Ray.  Yes, Karen Haskins was sadly diagnosed with colon and liver cancer, and Tim needs to be there for her.  Donna, I've been talking to the governor, and we would very much like for you to replace Haskins as the new Texas Railroad Commissioner."


Donna looks at him in shock, then she and Ray exchange looks.  "You.....you want ME to be the new railroad commissioner?"  Donna asks.


"Yes, we do.  Neither the governor nor I could think of anyone better suited, more qualified, or more ethical to head the commission."





Donna smiles.  "Matt, I......I really don't know what to say to that."


"Well, I certainly hope you'll say yes."


"I don't know, Matt, I....."

"Donna, I know that I just threw this at you out of nowhere, and I also realize that, since you and Ray were remarried a year ago, you've been enjoying a comfortable life here, out of the public eye," Matt says.  "And of course you and Ray are gonna wanna talk this over between you.  But can you honestly tell me that you haven't missed being a public servant?  Not even a little?"


"Well, of course, I have missed it.  Ray, what do you think?"


Ray looks at his wife and smiles.  "I think that, if it's what you want, you should do it."


"What about Conner and Dylan?"  Donna asks.


"Conner and Dylan are adults," Ray says.  "They can take care of themselves."


"You can have an office in Dallas, and of course you'd have to travel to Austin for meetings on occasion, but that shouldn't be a problem.  So how about it?"


Donna lets out a sigh.  "Do you absolutely need an answer tonight?"


"No, not necessarily, but we do need one as soon as possible,"  Matt replies.


"You'll have one.  Tomorrow.  I promise."


Matt smiles.  "Great."


"Matt, as long as you're here, I may as well let you in on somethin', too,"  Ray says.  "I was hopin' to tell you and Margaret at the same time, but long as you're here, I'll tell you.  You remember me tellin' you about Heath Allen?"


"Yeah, the man you think might be your son.  You'd hired a private eye to find him."


"That's right,"  Ray says.  "Well, my detective tracked Heath down.  I went to see him, and I brought him back to Dallas with me.  Got him checked into a hotel in town, and he's agreed to take a DNA test to find out if I'm his father or not.  I just wanted Margaret to be prepared, in case Heath does turn out to be my son.  Would you tell her for me?  I'd tell her myself, but, I didn't wanna break this kinda news over the phone, and it might be better comin' from you, anyway."


"Sure, Ray.  I'll tell her,"  Matt says.


"Okay, now, as I recall,"  Donna says.  "You, promised you were gonna bring lots of pictures of our grandson."


Matt smiles.  "And I didn't forget," he says reaching into his jacket pocket, pulling out a packet of photos.  


Donna opens the pack and takes out the photos.  Matt watches as Ray and Donna look through the photos, both beaming with love and pride as they look at their little grandson.

Meanwhile....an apartment building in Dallas....

A 2017 Toyota Camry pulls into a parking space at the Victory Park Apartments in Dallas that night.  Brad Stone's secretary, Brenda, gets out of the car.  Taking her purse, Brenda locks her car, and as she heads toward the entrance of the building, her cell phone rings.  She stops, takes the phone from her purse, and answers.  "Hello?  Eric, honey, where are you?" Brenda asks the person on the other end of the line.  "You're WHERE?  Oh my God, what the hell happened?  Did you call your father?  Oh, that's right, I forgot he was out of town this weekend.  Okay, just sit tight, and I'll be right there."  Brenda ends the call and puts her phone away.  "Damn," she says to herself in an angry tone.  As she turns to head back to her car, Bum steps out.  


"Brenda Purvis?"  Bum asks.


"Who wants to know?"


Bum pulls out a badge.  "I'm a detective.  I need to ask you some questions."


"Look, whatever this is about and whoever you are, I don't have time,"  Brenda says.  She attempts to walk past Bum, but he grabs her by the arm.


"I'm afraid you'll have to make time, Ms. Purvis."


"What?  Let GO of me!"


"You're coming with me,"  Bum says, his hand in his pocket, pointing what appears to be a gun at the woman in his pocket.  A frightened Brenda looks down at the apparent weapon.  "Don't make a sound.  Let's go."


Frightened and left with no choice, Brenda is led to Bum's car, parked next to hers, and gets in.  Bum gets in, and drives away.

Ewing Oil....a short time later

John Ross is standing in his office that night looking out over the skyline of Dallas. Meanwhile, in the outer office, the elevator door opens, and Bum steps out with Brenda.  He leads her into John Ross's office.  John Ross turns around to face them.

"Brenda, so nice of you to join us,"  John Ross says.


Brenda looks at him, confused.  "Mr. Ewing?  What is this?  What's going on?"


"Sorry I had to use such strong arm tactics to get you here, Brenda, but, I didn't see any other way."


"You know this is kidnapping, don't you?"  Brenda asks.  "And at gunpoint, too."


Bum takes his hand from his pocket.  "Nope, I never had a gun," he says, turning his pocket out.


"What do you want?"  Brenda asks.


"Just a little cooperation.  By the way, Brenda, sure was a shame, your 17-year-old son gettin' arrested like that tonight.  And for possession of cocaine, too.  I swear, ya never know what these kids are into these days."


"How did you know about that?"

"Word travels fast, Brenda, especially in Dallas.  And ya know, I might even be able to help your boy out.  I could use my connections to make a couple phone calls."


"This is some kind of a set up, isn't it?"  Brenda asks.  "This whole thing.  What have you done with my son?"


"Not to worry, Brenda.  Eric really IS at the police station, safe and sound.  He really was picked up tonight, he just hadn't been charged with anything.......yet."


"Alright,"  Brenda says.  "I think I know what's going on here.  What is it you want from me in exchange for you.......'helping'........ my son out with the cops?"


John Ross smiles.  "You're a smart lady, Brenda.  I like that.  And I'm real glad that you asked me what you can do for me.  Because, as a matter of fact, there is a little somthin' I need in exchange for persuadin' a couple of my friends on the police force not to charge Eric with possession of cocaine."


"And what is this little something you need?"  Brenda asks, near tears.


"I need for you to do a little spy work for me.  Brenda, I need for you to keep tabs on your boss, Brad Stone.  I need to know what deals he's workin' on, and, anything goin' on in his personal life, as well as whoever he happens to have meetings with."


"Mr. Ewing, I can't do that.  I've worked for Mr. Stone for a long time, and....."


"Brenda, I'm not givin' you a choice here,"  John Ross says.  "I have a 17-year-old son myself, and it would just hurt me to my core to see that bright boy of yours end up in jail and have a felony on his record.  I'd just really hate to see that happen, and I know you do, too."






"Why are you doing this?"  Brenda asks.  "Why pick on MY son?  He's innocent!"


"I needed leverage, Brenda,"  John Ross says.  "Nothin' personal at all."


"Alright.  I'll help you.  And my son is released, right?"


"Right.  And of course, as part of our little ongoin'  deal, I'll have to hold on to a little leverage."


"What do you mean?"


"Your son won't be charged with anything tonight, pending an investigation.  And if you do as I say until I inform you otherwise, he won't be charged at all.  You'll also be paid well for your efforts.  But if, at any time while you're workin' for me, you double cross me in any way, such as tellin' your boss what we're up to, well, poor Eric....."


Tears begin streaming down Brenda's face.  "I'll do what you want."


John Ross smiles.  "I knew you'd see things my way.  You can go.  Bum, take the lady home. You have a good weekend, Brenda."


She looks at John Ross for a moment as he turns his back to her and returns his gaze out the window at the city skyline.  Brenda turns and she and Bum leave.  John Ross again smiles as he looks over the city, convinced that he would soon have Brad Stone exactly where he wants him.

A cemetery in Dry Creek, Wyoming....the next day

In bitterly cold temperatures, under a sky alternating between overcast with periodic snow flurries and occasional peaks of sun, Catlin, C.J., Catlin's sister Blaine, her husband Sandy Cory, Catlin's sister-in-law Clarice Ewing, and her daughter Jeanne Ewing join a couple dozen other mourners at the graveside as a minister delivers Brittany's eulogy.  

Catlin and C.J. look on, surrounded by their family.  C.J. begins to cry as the minister finishes his eulogy and begins to read the Twenty-Third Psalm:   "The Lord is my shepherd.  I shall not want.  He maketh me to lie down in green pastures.  He leadeth me beside the still waters.  He restoreth my soul.  He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.  Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for Thou art with me.  Thy rod and Thy staff, they comfort me.  Thou preparest a table before me in the 

presence of mine enemies.  Thou anointest my head with oil.  My cup runneth over.  Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.  Amen.  Now, as we commend the body of Brittany Peterson Ewing to the earth, we pray comfort on the family of Brittany......but most especially on her son, Catlin Ewing, Jr.  May the comfort of the Lord be with you all.  And this concludes our graveside service."


A few minutes after the service is over, Catlin and C.J. are standing with Blaine as they greet mourners and friends of the family as they file by, some of whom are older people who had known Catlin and Brittany in their youth.  

Catlin and Blaine's sister-in-law, Clarice Ewing, widow of their brother Larry, walks over to them with her and Larry's daughter, Jeanne.  


"Oh, Catlin,"  Clarice says, hugging her brother-in-law.  "I am SO sorry."


"Thank you, Clarice."


She looks at him.  "Brittany was never one of my favorite people, especially after she left you the way she did, but, I'm really very sorry this happened to her."


"I appreciate it,"  Catlin says.  "And how are you doing?"


"I'm okay.  I still miss your brother like crazy.  Every day, I miss him."






Catlin smiles.  "I know.  I miss Larry, too."  Catlin turns to Jeanne, a young woman of 34.  "And, look at this niece of mine.  Jeanne, you get more beautiful every time I see you."


"Thank you, Uncle Catlin," Jeanne says.  "And C.J., I'm so sorry for your loss."  Jeanne hugs her cousin.


"Thanks, cuz, I really appreciate you being here."


"Call me if you need to talk," says Jeanne.  "My number's still the same, and I know what it's like to lose a parent."

"Thanks, I will,"  C.J. says.  "And you need to come and visit me in Dallas.  I've got a really nice apartment, with lots of room, and I'd love a visit from my cousin."


Jeanne smiles.  "You can count on it," she says, again hugging C.J.


"Jeanne, you ready to go?"  Clarice asks her daughter.  

"All set, Mom.  C.J., you take care, and remember what I said.  Call me."


"Sure thing."


Clarice exchanges hugs with Blaine and Sandy, then she and Jeanne walk away toward the cars parked nearby.  


"Well, why don't we all get out of here,"  Catlin says.  "Go back to the hotel, get warm, and unwind."


"Sounds good to me," says Sandy.  "It's freezing out here."


"Catlin, Sandy and I have been talking,"  Blaine says.  "And, we're both gonna take a leave of absence from our jobs so that we can stay in Dallas for a while, and be there for you and C.J."


"Blaine, I really appreciate it, but you guys don't have to do that,"  Catlin says.


"No, but we WANT to,"  Sandy says.  


"At least until Brittany's killer is caught,"  Blaine says.  


Catlin looks at his sister for a moment after hearing her words about Brittany's killer being caught, a blank expression on his face.  "Yes," he finally says, snapping out of it.  "Well, let's get out of here.  Son?  Ready to go?"





"Yeah,"  C.J. replies.  "Yeah, I'm all set, Dad."  


As the group heads to their cars, all parked in a row nearby behind a hearse, and the crowd of attendees begins to disperse, they are unaware that they are being watched from a distance by a man standing behind a tree a good distance away.  The man, dressed in a long black over coat, a black cap, and sunglasses, watches as the Ewing and Cory families get into their cars.  Then the man's eyes fall on Brittany's casket, sitting there, waiting to be lowered into the ground.  The mystery man begins to cry.


Ann comes into the foyer to answer the ringing doorbell at Southfork that Saturday afternoon.  She opens the door to find Donna on the porch.


"Donna, hello," she says.


"Hello, Ann," says Donna.


"Come in."


Donna walks into the house.  "Thank you.  Is Bobby around?  I need to talk to him."


"I am right here," Bobby says, walking into the foyer from the den.  "How are ya?"


"I'm fine.  I'm sorry to interrupt your Saturday, but I need your advice on something."


"Nonsense, you know I'm always happy to see you.   Let's go talk.  Let's go in the living room."

"Can I fix ya a drink, Donna?"  Bobby asks as he and Donna walk into the living room.


"A drink would be nice," she replies.


Bobby walks to the bar and begins fixing drinks for himself and Donna.  "So, what's on your mind?"


"Matt Culver came to see me last night."


"Oh?  I didn't know Matt was in town."


"He was only here for a few hours, on business.  Bobby, did you know that Tim Haskins, the railroad commissioner who replaced Judith Ryland when she was fired from that post, is resigning?"


"No, I didn't,"  Bobby says, handing Donna her drink.  


"Well, he is.  His wife was recently diagnosed with cancer, and he is resigning to spend time with her and help her through it.  And, Matt has asked ME to replace Haskins as Railroad Commissioner."


"What?  Donna, that's terrific,"  Bobby says.  "Congratulations."


"You really think so?  I haven't given Matt my answer yet, but I said I would before the end of the weekend."

"Donna, of COURSE I think it's terrific,"  Bobby says.  "And I can't think of anyone more qualified or perfect to head that commission than you."


"Then why do I feel so uncertain?"  Donna asks.


"I dunno.  Why DO you feel so uncertain?  Donna, you've got more experience with government, both state and national, and with all kinds of committees and commissions than just about anybody else I know.  What's really bothering you?  Is it Ray?"


"That's one thing.  Ray and the boys.  This job would bring with it a lot of responsibilities.  Ray and I have settled into a quiet and comfortable life with Conner and Dylan at the ranch."


"Donna, for all the years I've known you, and that's quite a few, you've always been active in politics, civic affairs and public service.  Can you honestly tell me that you'd be happy with comfortable and quiet for the rest of your life?"


Donna smiles.  "Probably not.  I do have to admit that I was starting to go a little stir crazy with nothing to do but keep house.  And I really do want this."


"Have you talked it over with Ray?"  Bobby asks.


"Yes, we spent a long time discussing it last night, and he told me that he's fine with it, if it's what I really want."


"Then call Matt Culver and tell him you accept."


"There is just one other thing to consider here,"  Donna says.


"Oh?  What's that?"


"As Railroad Commissioner, I might have to go up against Ewing Oil at some point."


"And I have every confidence that, if and when that time comes, you'll do the right and ethical thing, no matter who's involved,"  Bobby says.


Donna smiles as she gives Bobby a hug.  "Thank you for your confidence, and for the encouragement."


"Hey, what are favorite brother-in-laws for, huh?"

Los Angeles....

A taxi is parked across the street from 423 West Sycamore Street in Los Angeles that  

afternoon.  After sitting in the taxi for a few minutes, Courtney gets out of the car and looks at the house. While she watches, a car drives up and parks on the street in front of the house.  As Courtney watches, Jennifer Reed and little Jacob get out of the car.  Courtney watches the little boy with longing, her heart breaking, as she knows this is her son, her baby she gave up for adoption 9 years earlier.  Jennifer and Jacob take out some bags of groceries from the car, then go into the house.  Courtney's eyes fill with tears. She desperately wants to walk across the street and ring the doorbell of the Reed home, but she knows she can't.  She stands there, watching the house for what seems to her like a long time, but in reality, was only about a minute.  Finally, Courtney walks back to the taxi and gets in.  A couple of seconds later, the taxi drives away.

Doubletree Hotel, Los Angeles....later

Christopher paces anxiously around his and Courtney's hotel suite that afternoon.  He takes his cell phone from his pocket and as he's about to dial Courtney's number, she walks in.  


"Courtney, thank God," he says, walking over to her.  "Where've you been?  I've been worried sick."


"I'm sorry, Christopher.  I didn't mean to worry you."


"It's okay, I'm just glad you're back.  Where'd you go?"

"I went back to Jennifer Reed's house."


Christopher sighs.  "Courtney, that wasn't a good idea....."


"Don't worry,"  Courtney says.  "I didn't ring the doorbell or anything.  I took a cab there, and I just watched the house.  Jennifer Reed and Jacob, they came home, and I watched them get out of the car and go into the house.  My little boy."

"That had to have been really hard for you," says Christopher.  


"You have no idea how hard,"  Courtney says.  "That's why I've made a decision. Christopher, I don't care what Jennifer Reed said.  I know Jacob is my little boy, and I want him.  I want him, Christopher.  I want my son back."


"If that's what you want, then we'll get him," Christopher says.  "We'll hire a lawyer, and we'll get your son back."


"You've already done so much for me, Christopher, how can I ask more of you?"


"Courtney, months ago, when you first told me you'd had a baby you gave up for adoption, I promised you we were gonna get him back.  I meant it then, and I mean even more now, especially after seeing Jacob, and seeing the love in your eyes when you saw him.  Courtney, don't worry........we're gonna get Jacob back.  I promise."


Tears in her eyes, Courtney puts her arms around Christopher and they embrace, both worried about the long journey ahead of them as they plan to get Courtney's son back from his adopted family.



                                  ALSO STARRING



                          as Catlin Ewing



                          as C.J. Ewing



                          as Bum



                          as Courtney Wapner



                          as Senator Matt Culver



                          as Blaine Ewing Cory



                          as Sandy Cory



                          as Clarice Ewing



                          as Jeanne Ewing



                          as Brenda Purvis



                          as Jennifer Reed



                          as Jacob Reed

Write a comment

Comments: 18
  • #1

    Ada Vincent (Friday, 10 February 2017 18:39)

    Great episode as usual loved it

  • #2

    Janie Fleischer (Friday, 10 February 2017 19:01)

    You nailed it again John. I loved every word of this episode. I don't know how you keep doing it but the drama always continues. Thank you so much John

  • #3

    Kathy (Saturday, 11 February 2017 00:17)

    Thanks John. Good to see the Ewings a united front again against Cliff and his family. I watched Another World in the 80s. Remember the Clarice character a little bit. That was a long time ago. The characters I remember the most are Rachel and Mac. Great episode.

  • #4

    Chris Hawkins (Saturday, 11 February 2017 08:11)

    I can visualize the storyline as it as we, great work, love the episodes, keep them coming, thanks for all your work and time! I truly enjoy them!

  • #5

    Karen Duckworth (Friday, 24 February 2017 02:33)

    Oh my gosh! !!! I swear you are getting even better at your plot lines and pulling old in with the new!!! LOVED Haley.Mills brought in (Clarice), LOVED Sue Ellen cleared from drinking, LOVED putting Donna back to public office, LOVED John Ross giving Brad Stone a tongue-lashing, LOVED Cliff, Tripp, and Brad vowing to bring Ewings.down -just like the old days! !!
    PERFECT JOB, John....eventually, your scripts/ episodes will bring you BIG recognition! !!!

  • #6

    Marie Kinsey (Saturday, 25 February 2017 00:18)

    Loved this episode you really know how to pull us in...now on to the next episode.

  • #7

    Julia Cherri (Sunday, 05 March 2017 23:29)

    John, I have been laid up and away from home since Christmas Eve with a horrible broken shoulder and just got back on the computer tonight. I so enjoyed this episode as it was full of excitement. I, however need to go back and review some of the prior episodes as I have either missed some or I am getting more forgetful that I thought. I cannot remember how Brittany died. The last episode I can remember was at the Ball. I am going to try and go back and read that one and any other ones prior to this one. I am so glad to finally get home and back to reading all my favorite stories. Thank you so much. You have made an old lady very happy. God Bless You, John.

  • #8

    Derek Mathews (Saturday, 18 March 2017 15:17)

    This was a great episode. Can't wait for the Ewings to bring down Tripp McKay, Cliff Barnes, and Brad Stone. It was predictable that Cliff was going to use McKay's power as CEO to go after the Ewings. But with Brenda working for John Ross, the Ewings have an ace up their sleeve. Jimmy and Amanda have no idea they are being upset by Justin, and everything. And it was good for John Ross to apologize to his mother because he was a little too hard on her because he didn't believe she was drugged. Now he believes her, and that tongue lashing he gave Brad Stone was great. Brad Stone has deserved that for what he has done to John Ross's marriage, what he did to his mother, and so on.

  • #9

    Derek Mathews (Saturday, 18 March 2017 15:24)

    Maybe it's best that John Ross, and Caitlin Ewing are not that good of friends. They don't seem to like each other that much anyway. Same goes with the same CJ. And it was good for Caitlin to tell Sue Ellen about his past with Brittney. See, this is what I'm talking about. She has shared her past with him when it comes to JR, and Caitlin has done the same when it comes to Brittany. Both of them didn't treat them well, but they both loved them at the beginning of the day. Good to see Christopher, John Ross, and Bobby band together, and go after common enemies. And I absouletely hope that Courtney gets her son back. She deserves to get him back.

  • #10

    Teri Bauguess (Tuesday, 21 March 2017 20:26)

    My first and maybe only comment, Courtney GAVE up this little boy nine years ago and now she wants him back???? All I can say is SELFISH. He has a good life with parents that he seems to love and (at least) a mother who loves him. How can you go a try to take this child away.

    Very curious to know who the lurking man at the funeral was!!! Can't wait to read the next episode. Thank you John like always this is exactly as the original Dallas would have been written. LOVED IT!'

  • #11

    Kimberly (Thursday, 08 June 2017 18:57)

    Catlin kind of irritates me lol. Asking John Ross to take care of his mom sue ellen while his gone... Uh really Dude his right his been doing it practically his whole life with no questions asked and you come and take over like you did at the ball and and Sue Ellens house Please John Ross knows what to do. I hope they find a way to prove that Sue Ellen is innocent even if its in self defense cause she wasn't herself if she did kill Brittney. John Ross needs to get that waiter that spilled that drink on Sue Ellen that was paid by Brad Stone that go to the police and give a statement about what he did and what he knows. I hope I remember everything from last night lol no time to comment last night. I cant wait to see what cliff , tripp, brad are going to do lol, Christopher and Courtney went to the house where her Son Jacob is and they got to see him cause he wanted to go next door. I am with Courtney and Christopher that's her son and they need to get Jacob away from Jennifer Reed!!! I think Jimmy and Amanda just got Busted I cant wait for Justin to let them in on the Surprise that I can walk since about Christmas lol! I think Matt maybe going to cause extra problems for Ray and Donna not that his trying the whole Heath Allen put a dent in their marriage and this railroad commission job will to like back in the day when donna was Deep in her neck in Politics. I think shes awesome as a mom to her daughter and grandma to her grandson then pretty much a mom for Dylan and conner . I just hope Ray if he does let her and he agrees that it doesn't cause more dense in their marriage like health allen has do to Donnas worried about him getting hurt. Well Ray may end up turning the tables worrying that this railroad commission job may hurt him , their marriage so we shall see! I don't think Matts intentionally doing his just offering her and awesome opportunity. It was a nice Funeral for Brittney, I just hate this for Cj that his moms gone when he was just thinking about going and making amends with that retched woman lol. Aright now its time for Dinner and Episode 132!!!

  • #12

    do oferty (Monday, 04 September 2017 11:29)


  • #13

    studentki seks (Monday, 04 September 2017 12:33)


  • #14

    czytaj więcej (Tuesday, 05 September 2017 11:18)


  • #15

    zobacz więcej (Friday, 08 September 2017 12:12)


  • #16

    do oferty (Saturday, 09 September 2017 04:22)


  • #17

    portale wróżbiarskie (Thursday, 14 September 2017 09:23)


  • #18

    wróżba (Friday, 06 October 2017 11:52)
