EPISODE 134 - Arrested Development

Previously on DALLAS....

------------------Shawn gave John Ross a key to Tripp's private office at Westar.

------------------Ray discovered that Heath is his son.

------------------Todd Baxter returned to Dallas after obtaining a position in the Dallas District Attorney's office.  

------------------Dylan began to drink.

------------------As Jill settled in at Ewing Oil, John Ross confided in Christopher that Tripp and Brad had a spy planted at Ewing Oil.

------------------Pamela was upset when she saw Tripp having dinner with another woman, whom Tripp later explained to Cliff was a business associate.

------------------Bobby and Ann headed to California to be with Emma as the time drew near for her to give birth.

------------------John Ross had Bum break into Tripp's office at Westar using the key Shawn gave him, and plant a bug.

------------------Justin told Jill it was time for him to set his plan for revenge against Amanda and Jimmy in motion.

------------------Todd was put in charge of prosecuting the Brittany Ewing murder case.

------------------When the forensics report on the knife found near the scene of Brittany's murder came back, the police discovered that the knife had Sue Ellen's fingerprints on it!

Ewing Oil....late evening

Sue Ellen is in her office at Ewing Oil that night, staring out the window, trying to concentrate on her work, but her mind keeps going back in time to New Year's Eve and the Oil Baron's Ball-----the night Brittany was murdered.  As hard as she tries, Sue Ellen still cannot remember everything that happened to her that night.  Sue Ellen walks over to her

desk and picks up the photo of her and J.R. taken so long ago, right after their second marriage in 1982.  Sue Ellen stares at the photo for a few moments, a tear slowly falling down her face.  She takes a seat at her desk and gently replaces the photo, but continues

to look at the photo.  Catlin comes to her door.  He watches her for a second before knocking.  


"Catlin, come in," she says.  


He walks into the office and over to her desk.  "You okay, Sue Ellen?  I just left my office and thought I'd stop by here and we could go to dinner before we went home."


"Yes, I'd like that," she says, again looking at the photo of her and J.R.  Curious, Catlin looks at the photo as well.  "This was taken right after J.R. and I were married for the second time, in 1982,"  Sue Ellen says.  


"That's a lovely photo,"  says Catlin.  "You're as beautiful now as you were then."


"Thank you."


"You were thinking about J.R.?"


"Among other things,"  replies Sue Ellen.  "I was thinking about how much has happened since then.  How much has changed."


"1982 was an awfully long time ago."


"Yes, several life times ago."  Sue Ellen stands from her seat at the desk and looks at him.

"Catlin, I'm very glad that you came here tonight.  Before you came in, I was thinking how much I wanted a drink.  How I just wanted to numb the pain and forget everything that's going on."


"Sue Ellen, you know that's not the answer,"  Catlin says.


"I know.  Can we just get out of here and go to dinner?"


"Yes.  Let's go.  I'm starved.  I didn't have any lunch today."


Sue Ellen opens her desk and takes out her purse.  As she and Catlin close her office door, Detective Steven Jones and another man step off the elevator at Ewing Oil and approach them.


"What the heck are they doing here?"  Catlin wonders.


"I have no idea,"  Sue Ellen says.


"Mrs. Ewing, Mr. Ewing, good evening,"  Steven says, walking up to them.


"Detective Jones, what can we do for you?"  Catlin asks.


"We went by your house first, Mrs. Ewing,"  Steven says.  "We need for you to come down to the station for questioning."


"Questioning?"  Asks a nervous Sue Ellen.  


"What kind of questioning?"


"About the murder of Brittany Ewing,"  Steven replies.  "Some new evidence has come to light.  And, Mrs. Ewing......you might wanna call your lawyer and have him meet you at the station."




Sue Ellen's face turns pale white as a frightened expression crosses it.  She fights back tears as she looks at Catlin, then at the two detectives about to take her to the police station.

Dallas Police Station....later

A frightened Sue Ellen sits with Jay in an interrogation room at the Dallas Police Station one hour later.  After waiting for what seems like forever to Sue Ellen, Steven and the other detective walk in.


"Sorry to keep you waiting, Mrs. Ewing, Mr. Smithfield,"  Steven says.  "This is my new partner, Detective Craig Anderson.


"Detective,"  says Jay.



 "Mr. Smithfield.  Mrs. Ewing,"  Anderson says.  "You knew my grandparents, Mrs. Ewing."


"Who were your grandparents?"  Sue Ellen asks.


"Well, my grandmother is still alive, but my grandfather passed away 12 years ago. Punk and Mavis Anderson."


"Oh?  Your Punk and Mavis's grandson?"


"Yes I am,"  Craig replies.  "I'm sure you also know my little brother, Scott.  He lives with my grandmother now."


"Yes, I do,"  says Sue Ellen.  


"You said that you have some new evidence in this case?"  Jay asks.


"Yes,"  Steven replies.


"Mrs. Ewing, have you ever seen this knife?"  Craig asks, placing the clear plastic bag containing the knife that killed Brittany on the table.  


Sue Ellen looks at it for a moment.  "Should I have?"  She asks nervously.


"Just tell us,"  says Steven.  "Have you seen this knife before?"


Looking at the weapon, Sue Ellen thinks back in time.  Various images flash through her mind, including a passing image of a knife that looks almost identical to the one in the bag.  "I.......I can't be sure."


"Just look at the knife very carefully, Mrs. Ewing,"  Craig says.  


Again, Sue Ellen looks at the knife and thinks back.  She begins to cry.


"Mrs. Ewing?  Have you seen this knife?"  Craig asks.


"I think......I think I have."


"Sue Ellen, think very carefully before you answer,"  Jay says.


"I think I saw this knife on the night of the Oil Baron's Ball,"  Sue Ellen replies in tears.


Steven, Craig, and Jay all exchange looks.  


"Mrs. Ewing,"  Craig says.  "This knife is the weapon that was used in the murder of Brittany Ewing on New Year's Eve.  It has your fingerprints on it.  Can you explain that?"


"My......my fingerprints?" Asks a frightened Sue Ellen.


"Yes,"  Steven replies.  


"No, I don't know how that happen.  I just know that......"


"You know that WHAT, Mrs. Ewing?"  Craig asks.


"I think the knife was in my......"


"Sue Ellen, as your attorney, I'm advising you not to say another word,"  Jay tells her.


"Was this knife in your hand, Mrs. Ewing?"  Steven asks.


"Yes,"  Sue Ellen blurts out, crying.  "Yes it was.  Dear God, it WAS!"  


"Mrs. Ewing, had you been drinking that night?"  Steven asks.  "Your family told me when I questioned them that you had been sick, but when I saw you, you appeared intoxicated."


"I wasn't drunk."


"Can you tell us what happened that night?"  Craig asks.  "When was the last time you saw Brittany Ewing?"


"I don't remember.  I don't remember anything that night after......"


"After what, Mrs. Ewing?"  Steven asks.  


"My client is under considerable stress right now,"  says Jay.  


"We understand that, Mr. Smithfield, and we're sorry,"  Craig says.  "But we have a murder to investigate.  Mrs. Ewing, you said that you hadn't been drinking that, but, you also claim you can't remember much of what happened on New Year's Eve.  How do you explain that?"


Through her tears, Sue Ellen looks across the table at the two young detectives.  "I had been drugged."


"Drugged?  You mean, you were on some kind of medication?"  Steven asks.


"No.  Brittany drugged me."


"You're saying that Brittany Ewing drugged you on the night of the Oil Baron's Ball?"  Steven asks.  "The night she was murdered?"


"Yes.  She slipped something into my drink to make it appear as if I had been drinking alcohol."


"And why would she do that?"  Craig asks.


"To embarrass me,"  replies Sue Ellen.  "To make everyone think that I had fallen off the wagon."


"You and Brittany Ewing had a lot of bad blood between you, didn't you?"  Craig asks.


"Sue Ellen, you don't have to answer that,"  says Jay.  


"Please, what does this knife mean for me?"  Sue Ellen asks in tears.  "I honestly do not remember what happened that night."


"Mrs. Ewing, I'm sorry,"  Craig says.  "Since you're an old friend of my family's, I really hate to do this.  Please stand."


Sue Ellen looks at the two detectives, then at Jay, her eyes filled with tears.  Then she does as she's told and stands from her seat.  Jay, Craig, and Steven also stand.


"Sue Ellen Ewing,"  Steven says.  "You have the right to remain silent.  Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.  You have the right to an attorney.  If you cannot afford one, one will be appointed to you by the court....."


As her rights are being read to her, a look of utter terror comes over her face.  A moment later, Sue Ellen is escorted from the interrogation room.  Seated in the waiting area outside the interrogation room, Catlin sees Sue Ellen being brought out by Steven and Craig.  He stands and walks over to them.  


"What's going on here?"  Catlin asks, frantically.  "Sue Ellen, what's happening?"  


"Mrs. Ewing is under arrest,"  Steven replies.


"Under arrest, for what?"  


"The murder of your wife, Brittany Ewing,"  Steven says as they walk past Catlin.


"This is ridiculous!"  Catlin yells.


"Catlin, calm down,"  Jay tells him.


"How the hell can I calm down?  Sue Ellen has been ARRESTED, Jay.  You have to do something!"


"Look, there's nothing anyone can do tonight.  Sue Ellen will be arraigned in the morning, and bail will be set."


"So she's gonna have to spend the night in this damned jail?"  Catlin asks.


Jay looks at him.  "I'm afraid so.  But I'll see what I can do about getting her put in a cell by herself, so she doesn't have to be in with the other inmates.  Just......hang tight."  


As Jay walks away from him, Catlin looks over at a terrified Sue Ellen as she is being booked into custody for Brittany's murder.  Dazed, confused, and feeling as if she is living a nightmare, Sue Ellen is forced to hand over all of her personal belongings, then she is fingerprinted and photographed.  For Sue Ellen, it's almost as if history is repeating itself, her mind flashing back to 1980, when she was arrested for shooting J.R. under similar circumstances, another time she was unable to remember what she had or had not done on a night of tragedy.


John Ross and Krystina are in the process of making love that night when John Ross's cell phone vibrates on the table next to the bed.  The couple stops kissing.  "Now who the hell can that be at this hour?"  John Ross wonders, annoyed at the interruption.


"Only one way to find out,"  says Krystina.


John Ross reaches over and picks up his phone, looking at the screen.  "It's Jay," he says, then quickly answers.  "Jay, what's up?"  John Ross asks.  


"John Ross, I just wanted to let you know that I'm at the police station,"  Jay says.  


"The police station?"  John Ross asks, sitting up in bed.  "I know you're a damned lawyer, but you wouldn't be callin' me unless somethin' was wrong."


"Yeah, I'm afraid something's wrong.  John Ross, your mother has been arrested."


"Arrested?  What the hell for?"


"For the murder of Brittany Ewing,"  Jay says.


"I'm on my way."


"No, John Ross, there's no need.  You won't be able to see Sue Ellen this time of night, and she won't be arraigned until morning.  I just felt that you should know.  I'll call you in the morning when I find out when her arraignment is."


"Thanks for calling,"  John Ross says.  He puts his phone down, his face turning pale.


"John Ross?"  Krystina says.  





"Mama's been arrested.......for Brittany's murder."


"What?"  Krystina asks, sitting up in bed. "Oh my God."  She puts her arms around John Ross, as he is visibly upset by the news of his mother's arrest.




Southern Methodist University Campus.... the next morning

Like much of the rest of the country, Dallas had been experiencing a strange winter, with daytime temperatures in the mid-80s for a couple of days, then dropping all the way down to the upper-40s a couple of days later.  







On a particularly unseasonably warm morning, Jimmy is on the campus at Southern Methodist University doing his morning jog before he has to head back to his apartment in  a little while, shower, change, and get ready for his first class in a couple of hours.  Jimmy enjoyed working out a few days each week, and especially enjoyed a good, brisk morning jog, especially on warm days like this.  The exercise provided a good escape from Jimmy's school studies, as well as from the stress of every day life.





As Jimmy continues his run, his former girlfriend, Katelyn Spencer, is also jogging on campus.  As the two come to an intersection of the paths they are each running on, they meet, and, not paying much attention to their surroundings, Jimmy and Katelyn accidentally bump into each other, the force of which knocks Katelyn  to the ground.  


"Hey, why don't you watch where you're going?"  She asks angrily, unaware that it was Jimmy who ran into her.


"Oh, hey, I'm so sorry, are you okay?"  Jimmy asks, grabbing her by the hand to help her up.  Once he helps her up, he sees who she is. "Katelyn" he says.





Katelyn looks at him and smiles.  "Well, Jimmy Beaumont. Imagine running into you on campus this early in the morning."


"Yeah, I often come here and run before class.  But what are you doing here?"


"I decided to come back to school this semester.  So how are you?  It's been a while."



"Yeah, it HAS been a while,"  Jimmy says. "Well, if you'll excuse me."  Jimmy starts to walk away from her.


"Hey, what's your hurry?" Katelyn asks. "Maybe we could run together.  Do a little catching up?"


Jimmy stops and turns back to her.  "A little catching up?  As I remember, the last time I saw you was at that fundraiser for the J.R. Ewing Foundation, and it wasn't pretty.  We parted on a very sour note."


"That was several months ago, Jimmy,"  Katelyn says.  "Things have changed.  I'd like to put all that ugliness behind us."


"I doubt your boyfriend would take too kindly to that."


"My boyfriend?"


"Yeah.  Jeremy Shepherd.  Last I heard you'd hooked up with him."


"Oh, him.  Jeremy and I dated for a while, but, that's been over for about three months now. He turned out to be a real jerk."


"I could've told you that,"  says Jimmy.  


"Jeremy was just a rebound romance anyway.  I was on the rebound from you.  Jimmy, I'm sorry for all the things I did.  I was just hurt.  I really cared for you, Jimmy, and it hurt a lot to find out you weren't into me like that."


Jimmy lowers his head.  "Look, Katie.......I know I hurt you, and for that, I'm sorry.  I never meant to hurt you.  I just wasn't able to return your feelings."

"I know.  I guess Amanda had something that I didn't."




"Jimmy, don't worry.  I'd never say anything to Justin.  Not with him in a wheelchair, probably for life.  Besides, Amanda and I don't talk anymore, anyway."


"Thank you."


"Jimmy, would you like to grab some coffee?"  Katelyn asks.  "My treat.  And, I mean as friends."


"Uh, yeah,"  Jimmy replies.  "I guess we could do that.  I have a little while before I have to go back to my apartment and shower before my first class."


Katelyn smiles.  "Great.  The Campus Coffee Shop?"


"Lead the way,"  Jimmy says.



Christopher, Courtney, Lucas, Heather, Michael, and Lucy are gathered in the dining room at Southfork for breakfast that morning.


"Courtney, is everything alright?" Heather asks.  "You seem a little down this mornin'."


Courtney sighs.  "I'm sorry, I'm just thinking about my son."


"Yeah, Courtney and I are flying back to L.A. today to confront Jacob's adoptive parents," says Christopher.  "Jennifer Reed lied to us when she said that Jacob's adoption was private, and we're gonna force her to admit it."


"I just wish that we could avoid a whole, ugly custody suit,"  says Courtney.


"Well, I sure hope everything works out for you, Courtney,"  Lucas says.  


"Thank you, Lucas."


John Ross and Krystina come down the stairs at that moment and walk into the dining room.


"Morning John Ross, Krystina,"  says Christopher.


"Mornin',"  John Ross says, pouring himself a cup of coffee.  


"Aren't you guys gonna have any breakfast?"  Lucy asks.


"No, we have to get downtown,"  Krystina replies.


"Downtown?  Why?"  Christopher asks.


"Jay Smithfield called me late last night,"  John Ross says.  "Mama's been arrested.  Her arraignment's this mornin'."


"What?"  Lucy asks.


"Sue Ellen arrested?  Why?" Christopher asks.


"For Brittany Ewing's murder.  Just about all of you here were so happy when my mother hooked p with that loser, Catlin Ewing.  Well, now you see the result of that little relationship.  If it hadn't been for him, she wouldn't be wakin' up in county jail this mornin'."


"Or maybe if you'd stayed out of it and not brought Catlin's crazy wife to Dallas to break them up, this wouldn't be happening,"  Lucas says.


"You got somethin' to say to me, Lucas?"  John Ross asks.  "Because if you want, we can take this outside right now."


"Ready when you are,"  Lucas says, quickly standing to his feet.


"Alright, knock it off, you two,"  Christopher says, standing, ready to break up any fight that might get started.


"No, hell no, Lucas started this."


"I'm just saying if you'd stop meddling in other peoples' lives, things like this wouldn't happen,"  says Lucas.


"You best shut the hell up at me, boy!"  John Ross says, walking over to his cousin.




"Alright, STOP IT, BOTH OF YOU!!!"  Heather yells, standing from her seat and quickly getting between John Ross and Lucas.  "If you two wanna beat each other senseless, then take it out to one of the pastures and let the cows watch, but I can promise you, this is NOT happening in front of my son!"


John Ross and Lucas glare angrily at each other for a few seconds.  "Come on, Krystina,"  John Ross says.  "Let's get the hell outta here."


"Gladly,"  Krystina says as she and John Ross walk out.


Lucas and Heather retake their seats, as the family all exchange awkward looks.



Dallas County Courthouse....later

More than an hour later, John Ross and Krystina are seated in a courtroom at the Dallas County Courthouse waiting on Sue Ellen's arraignment when Jay walks in.  Seeing him, John Ross  and Krystina get up and meets him.


"Jay, how long is this gonna take?"  John Ross asks.


"Shouldn't take long, John Ross."


"Jay, what's goin' on?"  John Ross asks.  "Why the hell did they arrest my mother?"


"On what evidence, Jay?"  Krystina asks.


"They found the murder weapon.  And......it had Sue Ellen's fingerprints on it."


"Oh my God,"  says Krystina.  


"Jay, that's not even possible.  That night she was so messed up from that drug Brittany slipped her, that there is NO way she would've been able to kill anybody. The woman couldn't even stand up by herself."




"By the way, John Ross,"  Jay says.  "That kid you tracked down.  The one you said admitted to you that he helped Brad Stone and Brittany Ewing with the scheme to drug Sue Ellen the night of the Oil Baron's Ball.....do you think you could find him again?"


"I think so.  Why?"


"Because we're gonna need him to help us establish that your mother WAS drugged that night.  Otherwise, given Sue Ellen's history with alcohol, the prosecution could just say that she fell off the wagon and had been drinking, since there's no physical proof that she was drugged."


"Couldn't they also claim that the Ewings paid this kid to lie and say that he helped Brad and Brittany drug Sue Ellen?"  Krystina asks.


"Yes, they could,"  Jay replies as the bailiff approaches the front of the courtroom.  "Court's about to start.  We'll talk later,"  Jay says, hurrying to his seat.


John Ross and Krystina make their way forward and take seats behind Jay.  "What the hell is he doin' here?"  John Ross wonders aloud as he sees Todd Baxter walk into the courtroom and take his seat at the prosecution's table.  Catlin and CJ are seated a few seats down and John Ross exchanges angry looks with them.


A few seconds later, Sue Ellen is escorted into the courtroom.  She looks at John Ross, tears in her eyes, and then takes a seat beside Jay at the defense table.  Christopher and Courtney walk into the courtroom and make their way to the seats beside John Ross and Krystina as the bailiff begins to speak.


"Superior Court of Dallas County is now in session, with the Honorable Judge Claire Banning  presiding,"  the bailiff says.


The judge walks into the courtroom and takes her seat at the bench.  "Good morning," she says.  "Please be seated.  May the court have the first case on the docket?"


"Your Honor this is case number CR 12-187, the People of the State Of Texas versus Sue Ellen Ewing."


"I see that this is Mrs. Ewing's arraignment hearing,"  says Judge Banning.  "Mr. Smithfield, you are the attorney of record for Mrs. Ewing?"


"Yes, Your Honor,"  Jay says, standing.  


"And counsel for the People?"


Todd stands to his feet.  "Todd Baxter, Your Honor, representing the People of the State of Texas."



"Mrs. Ewing, you have been charged in the murder of Mrs. Brittany Peterson Ewing.  In this preliminary hearing, the Court will determine whether or not to set bail.  Mr. Smithfield?"


Jay stands.  "Your Honor, Mrs. Sue Ellen Ewing has lived in Dallas for much of her adult life. She is a well known and well respected business woman in this community, and if released on bail, she would pose absolutely no threat to the community."


"And Mr. Baxter, what is the State's position on bail being set in this matter?"  Judge Banning asks.


Todd stands to his feet.  "Your Honor, the State objects to bail being set in this case.  The State feels that, given Mrs. Ewing's vast wealth and connections, that she could pose a flight risk."


"A flight risk?"  John Ross yells out.  "Are you kiddin' me?  That's bull and you KNOW it, Baxter!"


The courtroom erupts with rumblings from the crowd as the judge bangs her gavel.  "Order!  ORDER in the court.  Sir, I don't know who you are, but one more outburst like that, and I will not only clear the courtroom, but have YOU held in contempt."


"Your Honor, I apologize for that outburst,"  Jay says.  "Mrs. Ewing is very close to her family, and they're all very anxious to have her home.  Your Honor, if I may say something?"


"Yes, of course, Mr. Smithfield."


"Your Honor, as I stated earlier, Mrs. Sue Ellen Ewing is very well known not only in Dallas, but in the entire state of Texas.  She is a prominent businesswoman here in Dallas as one of the owners of the Ewing Oil company.  Her family is here.  She has a son, a daughter-in-law, and two grandsons.  Mrs. Ewing is about the last person who would ever pose a flight risk, and her family would be willing to post any amount of bail and Mrs. Ewing is willing to abide by any restrictions the Court sees fit to impose."


"Mr. Baxter?"  Judge Banning says.


"Your Honor, the State still feels that Mrs. Ewing would pose a flight risk."


"Your Honor, the attorney for the State is simply acting vindictively toward my client due to a past personal issue he has with my client's son."


Judge Banning looks at Todd.  "Is this true, Mr. Baxter?"


"No, Your Honor,"  Todd replies.  "My objection to Mrs. Ewing being granted bail is because she could pose a flight risk, and because of her past behavior, not because of any personal issue I have with Mrs. Ewing's family."


The judge looks at Todd, then at Jay.  "Given the circumstances, I am inclined to go along with Mr. Smithfield.  I do not see Mrs. Ewing as posing any great flight risk.  Therefore, bail is set at one million dollars.  Please pay the cashier, and Mrs. Ewing, you are free to go.  But, the rules of bail apply.  Do not leave town without pryor written permission from the Court." The judge bangs her gavel.


Sue Ellen breathes a sigh of relief, as does her family.  As a disappointed Todd looks on, Sue Ellen thanks Jay for his help, then stands and embraces John Ross, then Krystina, then Christopher and Courtney.  Jay walks over to Todd.


"I had no idea you were gonna be assigned to this case,"  Jay says.  "Why didn't you tell me?"


"No reason,"  Todd says as John Ross walks over.



"Your little scheme failed, Baxter,"  John Ross says.


"No idea what you're talking about, Ewing."


"You know damned well what I'm talkin' about.  So how'd you do it?  How'd you get yourself appointed on this case?"


"I didn't,"  replies Todd.  "The new D.A. appointed me to the case."


"Well, enjoy it while you can, Baxter, because I'm gonna see to it that you are not only removed from this case, but also from the D.A.'s office."


"You can't scare me anymore, John Ross.  Keep talking like that, and I'll have you charged with threatening a public official."  Without another word, Todd smiles at John Ross, then picks up his brief case and walks away.


"How the HELL did he get put on this case?"  John Ross asks Jay.


"I have no idea."


"You have got to do somethin'.  Get Todd Baxter's ass thrown off this case, Jay.  You know as well as I do how much your cousin hates my fam'ly and that he'll use his position to try to bury my Mama to get back at me!"


"John Ross, I'm gonna do all I can.  But the best thing YOU can do......is not to try and intimidate him again like that.  Now just relax, and take Sue Ellen home.  Let ME handle Todd."


"You better handle it,"  John Ross says, then walks away.  

Austin, Texas....

Donna is working at her desk in her new office at the Texas Railroad Commission later when her secretary buzzes her office.  "Mrs. Krebbs, your daughter is here."


Donna smiles.  "Thank you, Charlene, send her in."  Donna stands from her desk and walks over to the door.  


A few seconds later, Margaret walks into the office.  "Hi, Mom."


"Oh, hello, my sweetheart,"  Donna says, hugging her daughter.  "It's so good to see you."


"Great to see you too, Mom."


"One of the positive things about my taking this job is having to be here in Austin so much and getting to see my beautiful daughter more often."


"Well I'm glad I get to see you more often, too."


"Where's my beautiful grandson?"  Donna asks.


"He's with Luann.  Are you going back to Dallas tonight, or could I possibly convince you to stay the night?"  


"If it means getting to spend some time with my daughter and grandson, then yes, I think I can be persuaded to spend the night in Austin.  I have a meeting late this afternoon, anyway."


"Good,"  says Margaret.


"So, when are you gonna make a trip to Dallas to visit?"




"You keep saying that.  Is there a reason you've been avoiding coming for a visit?"


"No, why would there be?"  Margaret asks.


"Maybe you're avoiding your father?  Look, Margaret, I know that finding out that your father has a son that none of us, including him, knew about, came as a big shock to you.  It did to all of us."


"Have you met him yet?  My new.....brother?"


"No, I haven't,"  Donna replies.  "But, your father wants to have Heath over for dinner one night, and I'm really hoping that you and Matt could come."


"So that we could be just one big, happy family, right?  Mom, how are you coping with this?"


"Coping with what?"  Donna asks.  "So, your father has a son.  Something he's always wanted.  And, it's not like Heath is the product of an affair your father had while he was married to me."


"Oh, of course not,"  Margaret says.  "It was a sleazy one night stand before he ever met you."




"I'm sorry, Mom.  This is just going to take some getting use to."


"Well, why don't you let me take you to lunch and we can talk?"


Margaret smiles.  "I would LOVE that."


"Just let me grab my purse and we can go."

Ewing Oil....afternoon

Christopher is working at his desk, looking over a list of all Ewing Oil employees, in an attempt to try to weed out the spy John Ross had told him about a few days earlier.  Someone knocks at his door.  "Come in," he says.


John Ross walks into the office.  "Hey," he says.


"Hey, John Ross.  How's Sue Ellen?"


"She's real shaken up, but she's fine.  I was gonna stay with her, but, Catlin Ewing and his sister are there, so Krystina offered to stay.  Didn't you say somethin' to me yesterday about you and Courtney flyin' out to California today?"


"Yeah we were supposed to, but we decided to postpone the trip until tomorrow.  With my Dad in California with Ann, and you and Sue Ellen both out of the office, it wasn't a good time for me to be gone, too."


"Jill was here."


"Yeah.  Well, I didn't really feel right about leaving Jill here alone all day, especially since she hasn't really learned the ropes at Ewing Oil yet."


"Christopher, the woman ran Westar, an even bigger comp'ny than Ewing Oil,"  John Ross says.  


Christopher looks at his cousin for a second.  "John Ross, I've been looking over this list of all employees hired in this company over the last six months.  And I have Bum and a couple of his associates doing background checks on several of them, but, having each one of them checked out individually is gonna take a lot of time.  Time that we may not have if Tripp McKay has a spy planted here at Ewing Oil."


"You got that right, but, I'm on top of things,"  says John Ross.  "I've already taken the necessary steps to find out who Tripp McKay is in touch with and who he's meetin' with."


"What do you mean by that?"  Christopher asks.  "John Ross, what have you done?"


"I had a bugging device planted in McKay's office,"  replies John Ross.  


"You did WHAT?"


"I had McKay's office bugged.  And I'm workin' on gettin' one planted in his apartment, too. That way, we know exactly what that guy's up to at all times."


"John Ross, that was a really stupid thing to do,"  Christopher says.  "If McKay happens to find those bugs....."


"He won't, Christopher.  Look, I know what I'm doin'.  We have to find out who McKay's spy is, and we don't have time to go through every single one of our employees to do it."


"John Ross, I haven't wanted to bring this up, but.......maybe the spy is someone we haven't really thought of.  Someone right under our noses."


"Someone......like who?"


"Like maybe.......Jill."


"What?  Jill?  Christopher, are you NUTS?"  John Ross asks.  "Jill is my sister."


"John Ross, I know that,"  Christopher says.  "But let's not forget, Jill was CEO of Westar, and she and McKay had a thing once."


"That was a long time ago.  She can't stand the guy now and wants revenge on him for kickin' her outta Westar as much as we do.  There's no way that she would be workin' for him as some damned double agent.  So you can just put that idea outta your mind."  

John Ross walks past his cousin and leaves Christopher's office.  After he's gone, Christoper privately wonders if John Ross is right about Jill not being the spy, or if he should still be concerned about her.











The District Attorney's Office....late afternoon

As Todd is looking over some papers at his desk, someone knocks at his door.  "Come in," he says.


Jay walks into the office.  "Todd."


"Well, Jay.  Come in.  You want a drink?"


"No, thanks."


Todd stands and walks over to his bar.  "Mind if I have one?"


"No, of course not.  Todd, what the hell is going on?"


"What do you mean?"  Todd asks, pouring himself a drink.


"You come back to Dallas to accept a position in the D.A.'s office, and suddenly, just like that, you're put on the Ewing murder case?"


Todd turns to his cousin.  "I didn't ask to be put on this case, Jay.  It just worked out that way."

"Well then you need to ask to be removed from this case, Todd,"  Jay says.



"And why should I do that?"


"Is the D.A. aware of your history with the Ewings?"


"My history with the Ewings is irrelevant,"  Todd says.


"Irrelevant?  Todd there is NOTHING irrelevant about your family's history with the Ewings where this case is concerned,"  says an angry Jay. "J.R. Ewing blackmailed your father years ago, causing John to develop this intense hatred for that he still harbors to this day.  Then J.R.'s son blackmailed you and nearly ruined your life and your little brother tried to kill John Ross.  And now YOU'RE in charge of prosecuting John Ross's mother, J.R.'s ex-wife?  This case just REEKS of conflict of interest."


"Jay, I know how to be professional in my job,"  says Todd.  "I will prosecute this case according to the evidence, not because of the way I feel about John Ross Ewing.  Getting this job in the D.A.'s office means everything to me.  I would never do anything to jeopardize that.  I've grown up a lot since I left Dallas and came back.  I will be professional in prosecuting this case and will NOT let my personal feelings get in the way."


Jay looks at his cousin for a moment.  "I really hope you mean that, Todd.  Because if not..... If at any time it looks to me like you're using this job as a means to hurt the Ewings, especially Sue Ellen.........then I'll do everything in my power to get you taken off this case, and if I have to......I'll do all I can to get you out of the D.A.'s office.  Understood?"


"Understood,"  Todd says, quietly, mustering his will to hold back his anger at his cousin's threat.


"Good,"  Jay says.  After a brief hesitation, Jay turns and walks out of the office.


Todd sighs deeply as he takes a sip of his drink.  "Yes, Jay," he says.  "I'm going to act very professional in this case.  And I'm going to win.  I'll see that Sue Ellen Ewing spends the rest of her life behind bars."

Ewing Oil....night

Christopher comes out of his office at Ewing Oil that night, having worked late at the office, and his curiosity is aroused when he sees Jill come out of her office carrying a file folder.  He hurries to catch up to her as she heads for the elevator.  "Jill?"


"Oh, Christopher,"  she says, turning around.  "You startled me.  I thought everyone was gone for the night."


"I had some work I had to finish.  What are you doing here this late?"


"Same,"  Jill replies.  "I just had some things I needed to take care of before leaving for the night."


"I see.  What's that you have there?"  Christopher asks, looking at the file in her hand.  


"Oh, it's just a file on some prospective deals Ewing Oil is working on,"  Jill replies.  


"Really?"  Christopher asks, suspicious.


"Yeah, I, uh, I thought that I should familiarize myself with some of Ewing Oil's current and future projects, so, what better way than taking some work home and studying it?"


"Yeah,"  Christopher says.  "Well, have a good night, Jill."


"Yeah, you too, Christopher,"  Jill says, her tone nervous.  "Good night."  Jill quickly hurries to the elevator and gets on, giving Christopher one last look as he continues to watch her.


After the elevator doors close and Jill is gone, Christopher sighs, a worried look on his face. Could Jill really be the spy for Tripp McKay?  He wonders to himself.

Sue Ellen's home....later....

Catlin comes down the stairs that night looking for Sue Ellen and finds her sitting alone in the dark in her living room.  He stands at the doorway watching her for a moment as she sips on a cup of hot cocoa and stares out the window into the darkness.  Feeling terrible guilt for what Sue Ellen is going through, Catlin lowers his head for a moment, then looks at her again.  Finally, he walks in to her.  


"Sue Ellen?"


"Oh, did I wake you when I got up?"  She asks.


"No, you didn't,"  Catlin replies.  "I woke up and you were gone."


"I couldn't sleep."


Catlin takes a seat beside her and gently rubs her shoulder.  "You must be absolutely exhausted.  You couldn't have slept last night, either, not in that jail."



"You're right, I didn't.  I'm afraid.  Terribly afraid,"  Sue Ellen says in tears.  "I have felt this way before.  When I was arrested after J.R. was shot.  I couldn't remember what happened that night, or whether I had I shot him or not.  Just like now.  I can't remember whether or not I killed Brittany."


"Sue Ellen you did NOT kill Brittany."


"How do you KNOW that?  Catlin, I don't even know if I killed her.  After she drugged me that night, I don't remember anything. It's just like when J.R. was shot.  I had been drinking, and I blacked out.  And Kristin, my own sister, took full advantage of my weakness."


"I still have a hard time wrapping my head around what you told me about that,"  Catlin says.  "That you're own sister framed you for shooting your husband."


"Kristin was sick.  Twisted.  She was capable of just about anything.  But this time, there is no Kristin framing me."


"How do we know?"  Catlin asks.




"How do we know someone isn't framing you for Brittany's murder the way that your sister framed you for J.R.'s shooting all those years ago?"


"But who, Catlin?"


"I don't know.  God, Sue Ellen, I'm sorry.  I am SO sorry for all of this."


"Sorry for what?"  Sue Ellen asks.


"Sorry for bringing this into your life.  If you hadn't become involved with me, then Brittany never would've come into your life, and you wouldn't be going through this right now."


Sue Ellen reaches out and gently touches his face.  "Catlin, my darling.  This is NOT your fault.  I love you.  You make me so happy, and I don't regret for one minute getting involved with you.  I couldn't get through this without you."


"Why don't we go up to bed?  At least try to get some sleep."


Sue Ellen nods.  "I just want you to hold me."


"Okay.  Come on, let's go."  Catlin holds out his hand.  Sue Ellen takes his hand and they stand together.  After a brief kiss, they head upstairs together.

Southfork....the next morning


Lucas, Heather, and Michael are seated at breakfast the next morning when John Ross, Krystina, and Lucy walk into the dining room.


"Morning, guys," Krystina says.


"Goor morning," says Heather.


"Morning, Krystina.  John Ross,"  Lucas says.


"Lucas."  John Ross says, somewhat coldly.  "Where's Christopher?"


"He stayed in town last night, at Courtney's apartment,"  Lucas replies.


"Guess I'll see him at the office then,"  John Ross says.  "Darlin', I gotta get goin'."


"Aren't you gonna have any breakfast?"  Krystina asks.


"I'll grab a donut or a bagel later.  I got a real early meetin'."  John Ross walks over to his wife and kisses her.  "Why don't you come into town and have lunch with me, say about one o'clock?"


"I'd love to,"  Krystina says.  John Ross kisses her again, then walks out.


"Well, Southfork sure is empty this morning,"  Lucy says.  "Bobby and Ann in California, Christopher and Courtney not here, and now John Ross not staying for breakfast."


"Yeah it's quiet,"  says Michael.

A road on Southfork....a few minutes later

John Ross is waiting down a road which cuts through one of the pastures at Southfork a few minutes later when Shawn's car turns onto the road from Braddock Road, drives up and comes to a stop behind John Ross's corvette.  Shawn gets out and walks over to him.





"John Ross,"  Shawn says.


"Shawn,"  says John Ross.


"So what is it you need this time?"




John Ross reaches into his pocket and takes out a mini envelope. He opens it, and pours a small listening device into his hand, showing it to Shawn.  "I need for you to pay a little visit to your brother's apartment. And plant this some place in the livin' room."


"Is that a bug?"  Shawn asks.


"Yes it is.  I want that planted in Tripp's livin' room ASAP."


"Okay,"  Shawn says, taking the device.  "I'll take care of it.  My brother gave me a key to his apartment.  Said I could stay there any time I wanted, if I wanted to get away from Mom for a while."


John Ross again reaches into his jack pocket and pulls out an envelope, which he hands to Shawn.  


"Thanks,"  Shawn says, taking the envelope.


"I hope you're keepin' all that money in a safe place,"  John Ross says.  "Last thing we need is for your mama to find that stash of cash and start askin' all kinda questions."


"Yeah, well, that shouldn't be a problem,"  Shawn says sadly.  "Since my Mom started dating Dr. Cooper, she hardly even notices me.  Much less has time to snoop in my stuff."


"Sorry to hear that,"  John Ross says.  


"Thanks.  Well, I'd better get to school.  I'll take care of this job this afternoon, John Ross." Shawn walks back to his car as John Ross watches the boy, feeling sorry for him.


"Oh, hey, Shawn,"  John Ross calls to him as the boy is about to get into his car.




"Listen, I got an idea,"  says John Ross.  "You take care of plantin' that in your brother's place this afternoon.  And tomorrow's Friday, so, how 'bout you come over here after school. Alex is spendin' the weekend at Southfork, and Krystina and I were gonna take him bowlin' and to dinner tomorrow night.  Why don't you come with us?"



Shawn smiles.  "You really mean it?  You want me to tag along on your family night out?"


"Sure, why not?  After all, you're Alex's best friend, and, as Ann's nephew, you're part of the fam'ly."


"Thank you, John Ross.  That means a lot.  I'll see you later."


"Yeah, you have a good day at school, man,"  John Ross says.


Shawn gets into his car.  John Ross watches as he drives away. He feels bad for the boy, Shawn having lost his father and having a neglectful mother.  Not that Sue Ellen was a neglectful mother to him, but John Ross sees a lot of himself at that age in Shawn.







Meanwhile, Alex is driving down Braddock Road past Southfork on his way to school when he sees Shawn's car pulling out of the pasture road up ahead.  Alex slows down, wondering what Shawn was doing on Southfork that time of the morning.  As he passes by, he looks down the little dirt road to his right where Shawn had come from, and he sees another car a distance up the dirt road.  A short ways past the dirt road, he slows his car down again.  Looking in the rear view mirror, he sees the black corvette coming out of the dirt road that cuts through Southfork.......John Ross's car, which turns left onto Braddock Road headed toward Dallas.




John Ross?  Why would John Ross be secretly meeting with Shawn in the middle of a pasture at Southfork at 7:45 in the morning?  Alex wonders to himself.  





Courtney's apartment....

Christopher is Looking out of the living room window at Courtney's apartment that morning

when Courtney comes in from the bedroom.  "Ready to go?"  She asks.


Christopher turns and looks at her for a moment.  "Wow, you're so beautiful."


Courtney smiles.  "Well, thank you, Mr. Ewing," she says, walking over to him.  Christopher kisses her.  After a moment, Courtney pulls out of the kiss and looks at him. "Christopher, are you sure you don't wanna postpone the trip to L.A. for a few days until your father comes back and Sue Ellen feels up to coming back to the office?"


"No,"  replies Christopher.  "Everything will be fine.  I just have to go in to the office for a little while this morning, and then we can leave for California this afternoon."


"Good,"  Courtney says with a sigh.  


"You okay?" He asks.


"I'm fine.  Just nervous about this.  I mean, suing Jennifer Reed and her husband for custody of Caleb is a really big step."


"You're not having second thoughts, are you?"  Christopher asks.


"No, absolutely not.  Christopher, I want my little boy back.  I regret the day I ever gave him up for adoption."


"Courtney you were so young.  Barely 16.  You were in no position to raise a child at that age."


"Lots of girls do it.  Another thing that worries me is......what to do when the question of Caleb's father comes up.  I've been thinking an awful lot about this.  Christopher, I think the best thing for me to do is to say that Chase is the father."


"What?  You mean lie?"


"If I don't, then this whole thing could turn into one big mess.  Christopher, when Caleb was conceived I was only 15.  Chase's brother Joseph was 24.  That could get him into a lot of trouble, even though I did lie to him about my age."


"And what happens if you do say that Chase is the father?"  Christopher asks.  "Courtney, what if Chase Gioberti wants to be a part of Caleb's life?  Are you gonna continue to pass him off as Caleb's father from now on?"


"Christopher I DON'T know,"  Courtney says.  "I'll cross those bridges when I get there.  Right now, I can't think past going to see Jennifer Reed again with this information we have."


The doorbell rings.  Courtney walks over to the door and opens it to find Jay in the hall.


"Jay, come in,"  Courtney says.


"Morning Courtney, Christopher."


"Jay, what's up?"  Christopher asks.  "What are you doing here this early?"


"I need to talk to you both.  I tried calling your cell phones, but there was no answer, so I called Southfork and Lucy told me you were here."


"Is anything wrong?"  Courtney asks.


"No.  But, this is important,"  Jay says.


"Is this about the custody case?"  Christopher asks.


"Yes.  Courtney, I'm really sorry, but I'm afraid I won't be able to represent you."


"What?  Why not?"  Courtney asks.


"Jay, what's goin' on?"  Asks Christopher.


"Well, you know that Sue Ellen has retained me as her defense attorney, so all of my time has to be devoted to building a case for her."


"Of course, I understand,"  says Courtney.


"But look, I can recommend some very good child custody attorneys for you,"  Jay says.  "In fact, one I went to law school with, you might be familiar with, Christopher.  His name is Drew Demarest."


"Drew Demarest?  The name's familiar, but I can't place him."


"I'm sure you knew his late grandfather, Scotty Demarest?  He was a friend and colleague of my grandfather's."


"Yeah, sure, I remember Scotty.  Not well, but I remember meeting him once or twice when I was a kid, and my Dad always spoke very highly of him."


"Drew has an office here in Dallas, and I could give him a call for you this morning if you'd like."


Christopher looks at Courtney.  "Yes, please," she says.  "Jay, thank you."


"You're welcome.  Like I said, Drew is very good.  Well, I'd better get going.  I'm meeting with Sue Ellen and your cousin Catlin in my office first thing this morning.  I'll give Drew a call when I leave here, and he should be in touch some time today."


"Jay, I really appreciate this,"  Courtney says.


"No problem.  See you both later,"  Jay says as he leaves.


Courtney closes the door behind him.  Christopher walks over and puts his arms around her. "You okay?"


"I'm fine,, I'm just.....disappointed that Jay won't be handling my case, but, I also understand. Sue Ellen needs him right now more than I do."


"Well, if this Drew Demarest is anywhere near as good an attorney as his grandfather was, he'll win this case for you."


"I sure hope so,"  Courtney says.  "Christopher, what kind of mother do you think I'll make?"


"You will be a WONDERFUL mother, Courtney.  Never doubt that."  


Courtney throws her arms around Christopher and embraces him.

Southern Methodist University....



That morning, Jimmy and Katelyn are running together on the campus at Southern Methodist University.


"You about ready to call it a morning?" Katelyn asks.


"What's the matter?"  Jimmy asks.  "Gettin' tired?  I'm just gettin' my second wind."


"Oh my God, Jimmy Beaumont, what are you, like, Superman or something?"  Katelyn asks.  "How do you do this?"


"I'm just use to it.  I run every morning before class, and work out a few times a week.  It builds your stamina."


"Well, you definitely have more stamina than anyone I know,"  Katelyn says.  


Jimmy looks over at her as they continue their run, and he smiles.  "Okay, we can stop here."


"Oh, THANK YOU!"  Katelyn says, she and Jimmy coming to a stop at a park bench. Katelyn leans over the bench and tries to get her breath.  


"I'll share another secret of stamina with you,"  Jimmy says, looking at her.  "Don't smoke."


Katelyn looks up at him.  "How'd you know?"


"Well, for one thing, I can smell it on your clothes, and you get out of breath so easily. So when did you start smoking?  You didn't smoke last year when we went out."


"Actually, I started smoking in my senior year in high school.  You know, peer pressure.  By the time you and I started going out a year ago, I had quit for several months."


"So why on earth would you start back?"  Jimmy asks.


"Life.  Stress.  I started smoking again when I was going out with Jeremy.  Before I knew it I was hooked again."


"I'm sorry."


"Don't be,"  Katelyn says.  "I did it to myself by dating that guy.  I should have realized that you weren't really into me and just let it go."


"Katie, I really AM sorry.  I realize now that I treated you pretty badly.  My feelings were all confused.  Look, I went through a really bad experience with a relationship a long time ago, and the pain of that left a really sour taste in my mouth.  I was scared.  And not ready to jump into another relationship but then Amanda and Justin just........kind of......"


"Forced me on you?"  Katelyn asks with a smile.  

"I wouldn't have put it like that, exactly,"  Jimmy says.  "But they didn't make it easy to say no to going out with you.  And frankly, neither did you.  I'm sorry I hurt you, and I really mean that."


"Thank you, Jimmy.  Thank you for saying that.  Jimmy, I really hope that you and I can start over.  As friends."


"As friends?  Yeah, I'd like that, Katie.  Why don't we start with dinner tonight?"


Katelyn smiles.  "You're asking me out to dinner?"


"Yes......as friends."


"And I'd love to."


"Okay, I'll pick you up around 7?"


"7 is good."


"Well, I'd better get home and take a shower.  I have class in a little over an hour."


"Yeah, me, too.  So, I'll see ya tonight at 7?"


"You bet,"  Jimmy says.  "See you tonight."  He smiles, then jogs away from her.  Katelyn watches Jimmy as he goes, a smile on her face as her attraction for him is even stronger than a year ago when they were dating.

Justin and Amanda's home....

As Justin is finishing his breakfast, Amanda is rinsing dishes in the sink and placing them in the dishwasher.  "You're really quiet this morning,"  Amanda says.




"You had a restless night, didn't you?"


"I had dreams.  More like.....memories."






Amanda turns around to face him, her heart pounding. "Memories?  What sort of.....memories?"


"Memories about the afternoon of my accident," says Justin.  


"You're.......you remember what happened that day?" Amanda asks nervously.


"Yeah, I do.  Well, just bits and pieces, anyway," Justin replies.


"Justin, y'know, I could stay home today.  I don't have to go to this meeting."


"No, I don't want ya to do that, darlin'.  This meetin' to plan the next fundraiser for the J.R. Ewing Foundation is real important.  You need to be there, as Mrs. Justin Ewing."


"I hate leaving you alone,"  Amanda says.


"I do just fine by myself, Amanda.  I been in this wheelchair long enough to know how to get around in it.  So you go on, and meet with those other ladies of the Daughters Of The Alamo, and plan us a real good fundraiser."


"Alright, then.  I will,"  Amanda says.  She walks over to the kitchen counter and picks up her purse.  


"You gonna be seein' Jimmy today?"  Justin asks.


Amanda is surprised by the question.  "No, not that I know of.  Why?"


"Oh, I just wondered if he was gonna put in an appearance at that meetin'.  I mean, I'm guessin' he still works at the Foundation at least some.  I never know since he don't come out here anymore, and hardly ever calls or texts."  Justin looks at his wife.  "I wonder why that is."


Amanda looks at him for a moment, her heart pounding inside of her chest, worried that Justin was starting to remember the accident and her one night stand with Jimmy.  "I have no idea," she says, nervously.  


"Neither do I,"  Justin says.  "It's not like I did anything to him.  Maybe he's just uncomfortable around me bein' in this wheelchair."


"I really don't know, Justin.  Well, I'd better be going.  Could you........"


"Yeah, you go on ahead, darlin', I'll do the dishes."


"You sure?"  Amanda asks.


"Amanda, I may be in a wheelchair, but my hands and fingers do still work, so, yeah, I can still turn on the dishwasher."


Amanda nods.  Picking up her purse, she walks over to Justin and kisses him.  "I'm not sure how long this will take.  Hopefully I'll be home by mid-afternoon."


"Take your time.  I'm just gonna sit back, relax, and see what else I can remember from that awful afternoon that put me in this wheelchair."



A worried Amanda looks at her husband for a moment. "Yeah.  Well, I'll see you when I get back."


"Yeah, you will,"  Justin says.  


Amanda leans over and kisses him again, then quickly leaves.


Justin wheels himself into the living room and to the front window.  He listens closely until he hears the sound of Amanda's car start.  Then he watches out the window and sees Amanda's car pulling out of the driveway.  After she's gone, Justin stands 

to his feet, pulls back the curtain, and looks out the window.  "Yes, darlin'," he says.  "I'll see you soon.  But not here.  You will never again set foot in my house, Amanda. And I'm about to make you and that backstabbing Jimmy pay for what you both did to me."









Ewing Oil....

As Christopher comes out of his office at Ewing Oil, he sees Jill getting off the elevator and 

heading to her office.  He walks over to her.


"Jill," he says.  








"Oh, Christopher, good morning," Jill says.


"How's it going?"


"Just fine, how are you?"


"I'm good,"  Christopher says.  "Jill, those files that you took home last night, did you bring those back this morning, by chance?"


"No, I didn't.  I was gonna read over them this weekend and bring them back on Monday."




"Jill, I cannot stress to you enough how important it is for those files to remain in this office,"  Christopher says. "They contain very sensitive information about deals Ewing Oil is working on.  If those files or the information contained in them fall into the wrong, it could cost this company millions of dollars."



"Christopher, that is not gonna happen,"  says Jill.  "I have them safely locked away in my desk at home.  Whose hands do you think they'll fall into?"

"I dunno, Jill," Christopher says. "But I'll feel a whole lot better when those files are back in this office.  You just be extra careful while you have them, Jill."


"I will.  Christopher, where is this coming from?"


Christopher looks at her for a moment.  "Just get those files back in the office as soon as possible, and never them out of your sight," he says, then walks away from her, leaving Jill confused and wondering why Christopher was so worried about her having Ewing Oil fill

Dallas Police Department....

Justin walks into the Dallas Police Department late that morning and approaches an officer at a desk.  "Excuse me," he says.


"Yes, can I help you?"  The officer asks.


"Who do I talk to about reporting a crime?"  Justin asks.


"What crime is it you wanna report?"  The officer asks.


"Attempted murder,"  Justin replies.

Ewing Oil....

Janice buzzes John Ross's office.  "John Ross, your brother James Beaumont is here to see you."


"Thank ya, Janice.  Send my brother in,"  John Ross says.  He stands from his seat at his desk. A moment later, James walks into the office.


"Hi, John Ross,"  James says.


"Well, James, what in the world brings you back to Dallas?"  


"I just came from Denver,"  James replies.  


"Denver?  What the hell were you doin' there?"


"I went to pay a visit to Alexis Colby after I read that piece of trash she wrote about J.R. and my mother."


"And how'd that go?"  John Ross asks.


"That woman......that WITCH......made me so furious I wanted to strangle her."


"Yeah, I know the feelin'.  I feltt the same way after I read that garbage."


"I have to do something, John Ross,"  James says.  


"Like what, James?"  John Ross asks.  "Uncle Bobby has already talked to Jay Smithfield about a law suit, but, we can't disprove Alexis Colby's allegations."


"No.  And, apparently, it's all true."


"How do you know?  Did Vanessa ever....."


"No,"  James says.  "My mother never mentioned Alexis or her affair with J.R. or any of this. But I checked out a doctor in London who's now retired.  This doctor was Alexis's physician at the time she had her miscarriage.  He confirmed everything the woman said."


"Could Alexis have paid him off?"


"I don't think so.  His name is Dr. Henry Fielding, and he's pretty wealthy, enjoying a very comfortable retirement after a long and successful career as a gynecologist to London's rich and famous."


"So it really is true, then?"  John Ross asks.  "Our father DID have an affair with Alexis Colby and got her pregnant 50 years ago.  If that's the case, then what can we do about it?  The woman told the truth in her book.  And there's nothin' we can do legally to get that book pulled from the shelves."


"That may not be true,"  James says.  "While I was in Denver I went to see Krystle Carrington."


"Why'd you go see Krystina's mother?"


"Because she knows Alexis Colby very well, John Ross.  Krystle told me some things about that lady that made me cringe.  And having read that garbage she calls an autobiography, a lot of Alexis Colby's real story was left out of that book.  That woman wanted to trash my mother in print.......but I came away from Denver with enough information on Alexis Colby to bury her."


John Ross looks at his brother with curiosity, wondering what information James had uncovered on Alexis.

Southern Methodist University....early afternoon....

Jimmy is coming out of Dallas Hall on the SMU campus that afternoon after class as someone calls his name from a distance.  "Jimmy?"  He hears a female voice calling.  Jimmy stops and looks around to see who it is, and if it's him being called or some other guy with the same name.  "Jimmy Beaumont?"  The voice calls again.  Jimmy looks toward the building and sees a young student heading toward him.






"Hey, Jimmy,"  the girl says.


"Sage, hey, what's up?"  Jimmy asks.


"I'm glad I caught up with you.


"Oh yeah?  Why, what's up?"  Jimmy asks.


"Do you have the notes from Professor Sullivan's class on Monday?"  Sage asks.  "I had a dentist's appointment, so I missed class that day."


"Yeah, I do,"  says Jimmy.  "I have them right here."  Jimmy opens up his book bag and takes out a notebook and hands it to her. "The notes from Monday, and, all last week and this week, too."


Sage smiles.  "Thanks, Jimmy.  You always take much better notes than I do."


"Well, thanks,"  Jimmy says, returning the girl's smile.  


"Jimmy, umm, do you have another class right now?"  


"No, I'm done for the day."


"Me, too,"  Sage says.  "Would you like to grab a bite to eat?  Maybe the campus cafe?"


"Yeah, I'd like that,"  Jimmy says.  "Let's go."  As Jimmy and Sage are heading toward the campus coffee shop, they are approached by two uniformed police officers and Detective Craig Anderson.  


"Are you James Richard Beaumont, Jr.?"  Craig asks.


"Yes, I'm James Beaumont, Jr.,"  replies Jimmy.  "Who are you?"









"I'm Detective Craig Anderson with the Dallas Police Department.  Mr. Beaumont, we have a warrant for your arrest."




"My arrest?"  Asks a stunned Jimmy.  "What the hell am I being arrested for?"


"The attempted murder of Justin Ewing," Craig replies.  "Please put your hands behind your head."



"Jimmy, what's happening?"  Sage asks.




"I don't know.  This is crazy.  I didn't do anything!"


One of the uniformed officers handcuffs Jimmy as he proceeds to read him his rights: "James Beaumont, Jr., you have the right to remain silent.  Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law....."


As his rights are being read, Jimmy looks at a shocked Sage, then at Detective Anderson, a stunned and dazed look on his face.  Jimmy can't believe that he's actually being arrested for the attempted murder of Justin!










Meanwhile, Amanda is finishing up a luncheon in downtown Dallas, meeting with members of the Chamber of Commerce as well as ladies from the Daughters of the Alamo in her capacity as planner for the next fundraiser for the J.R. Ewing Foundation.  As Amanda is chatting with one of the members of the Chamber of Commerce and his wife, a member of the DOA, Detective Steven Jones walks in, accompanied by two uniformed officers. They approach Amanda and the others.


"Excuse me,"  Steven says.




"Mrs. Amanda Ewing?"


"Yes, I'm Amanda Ewing.  What's this about?"








"Mrs. Ewing, I'm Detective Steven Jones, Dallas PD.  I have a warrant for your arrest, for conspiracy in the attempted murder of your husband, Justin Ewing."


"What?"  Asks a stunned Amanda as others around them look on in shock.


"Mrs. Ewing, please put your hands behind your back," says one of the uniformed officers, a female.  Amanda obeys the command, and the officer begins reading her rights, Amanda begins to cry, wondering how she could be arrested for Justin's attempted murder!



The office of Drew Demarest....afternoon



"Mr. Ewing, Miss Wapner, please do come in,"  says attorney Drew Demarest, welcoming Christopher and Courtney into his office at the law firm of Demarest & Hurst that afternoon.  "Have a seat.  Can I get either of you anything?"


"No, thank you, Mr. Demarest,"  says Christopher.  


"Oh, call me Drew, and I hope you don't mind if I call you Christopher and Courtney."


"No, not at all, please do,"  Christopher says.


Drew takes a seat at his desk, across from Christopher and Courtney.  "Good.  Christopher I've heard a lot about your family over the years.  In fact I vaguely remember your grandmother, Miss Ellie, and her second husband, Clayton Farlow, from when I was a kid."


"Well, that's great,"  says Christopher.  "I've heard a lot about your grandfather, as well.  My Dad always spoke very highly of Scotty Demarest."


Drew smiles.  "Thank you, Christopher.  My grandfather is the reason I wanted to become a lawyer.  I owe all my success to him.  That's why I still keep his portrait hanging on my 

wall."  Drew points to the wall across from his desk to a large portrait of his late grandfather, Scotty Demarest.  Christopher and Courtney look at the portrait.  "Sometimes, I can't believe he's really been gone almost 12 years."


"I know how you feel," says Christopher.  "I still miss my grandmother."


"Well, enough about our long gone grandparents,"  Drew says.  "Now, then, Courtney, I spoke to my friend Jay Smithfield, and he told me some of the details of your situation.   That you got pregnant when you were only 15, and gave the baby up for adoption."


"Yes, that's right,"  replies Courtney.  "I was very young and very scared, and in no position to raise a child at the time."


"Of course not,"  Drew says.  "You were still a child yourself."


"The biggest regret I have in my life is giving my baby up.  If I could go back and change that, I would."


"That's good, Courtney.  When this case gets to court I want you to tell that to the judge with exactly that same kind of emotion.  But now, I want you to tell me your story.  I want your entire life history leading up to the conception of your child when you were 15, and, tell me all you can about the child's father."


Courtney and Christopher exchange looks, then Courtney looks at the attorney in front of her.  

Dallas Police Department....

As Jimmy is being booked into custody, fingerprinted and photographed for a mug shot, he sees Amanda being brought into the police station.  "Amanda?"  Jimmy calls to her as she is brought up for booking.  "Amanda, what are you doing here?"







"The police, they arrested me for conspiracy in the attempted murder of Justin,"  replies a frightened Amanda.


"Amanda, how the hell could this be happening?"  Jimmy asks.  "There WAS no attempted murder."


"Jimmy, I don't know.  This morning, Justin said that he was remembering bits and pieces of what happened that day he fell."


"What happened to Justin was an ACCIDENT," Jimmy says.


"Alright, quiet, you two,"  says an officer. "Beaumont, let's go.  Mrs. Ewing, you go with Officer Denton."


Jimmy and Amanda exchange frightened looks between them, and as each are led in opposite directions, they see Justin standing at a desk a short distance away talking to an officer.  Both stop and look at Justin, then at each other, completely stunned by the sight of Justin standing and walking on his own two feet. 


"Justin?"  Amanda calls to her husband.


Justin turns and looks at Amanda, then at Jimmy.


"Justin, what the hell is going on here?"  Jimmy asks.  "You can walk?"







"Yeah, I can walk,"  Justin replies.  "I also remembered what happened to me that day on the cliff, Jimmy.  The day that YOU pushed me off the cliff."


Jimmy can't believe what he has just heard. "What?  No, Justin, you KNOW that's not what happened!  You FELL!  It was an accident!"


"No, Jimmy, you tried to kill me.  You were both in on it."


"Okay, let's go," the officer in charge of Jimmy tells him.


"NO!  JUSTIN, YOU KNOW THAT'S NOT WHAT HAPPENED!!"  Jimmy yells as the officer forces him down the hall.


"JUSTIN, YOU KNOW WE DIDN'T DO THIS!!!"  Amanda yells as she too is dragged away.  "JUSTIN!!!!!!  FOR GOD'S SAKE, TELL THEM!!!!!"


Justin smiles with satisfaction as Jimmy and Amanda are dragged away to their cells, confident that he is now getting the ultimate revenge on his cheating wife and backstabbing nephew.

Tripp's apartment....

Using his key, Shawn unlocks the door of Tripp's apartment and walks in.  "Tripp?" He calls out as he closes the door.  Taking his cell phone from his pocket, Shawn looks at the time.  "Good. Big bro shouldn't be home from work for at least an hour," he says to himself.  Looking around, Shawn begins searching for a place he could put the listening device John Ross gave him that morning.  Spotting a lamp, he walks over to it and takes off the lampshade.  He reaches into his pocket and pulls out the mini envelope, which he opens and pours the tiny listening device into his hand.  He looks at the top of the lamp, and finds the perfect spot to place the device.  Using a small piece of scotch tape, Shawn secures the device to the top of the lampshade, then replaces it on the lamp.  "Money well earned," he says with a smile.  Just as Shawn gets the shade back on the lamp, he suddenly hears someone unlocking the door to the apartment.  He turns around just as Tripp walks in.  









Startled to see his brother, Tripp stops in the doorway.  "Shawn?"


"Oh, Tripp, hey,"  Shawn says nervously.


"Shawn, what are you doing here?"





Caught off guard, a nervous Shawn simply looks at his brother, a dazed expression on his face, unsure of what to say or how to explain his presence in his brother's apartment....



                                       ALSO STARRING



                        as Heather McCabe Ewing



                        as Courtney Wapner



                        as Catlin Ewing



                        as Margaret Krebbs Culver



                        as Shawn Smith



                        as James Beaumont



                        as Jay Smithfield



                        as Todd Baxter



                        as Drew Demarest



                        as Detective Steven Jones



                        as Detective Craig Anderson



                        as Katelyn Spencer



                        as Sage 

Write a comment

Comments: 22
  • #1

    brian (Friday, 10 March 2017 18:39)

    awesome as always john love it keep DALLAS alive sir thank you

  • #2

    Ada Vincent (Friday, 10 March 2017 19:24)

    Great job but didn't expect that last part. You do a wonderful job. Keep up the goo writing. Love it.

  • #3

    Janie. Fleischer (Friday, 10 March 2017 21:48)

    This was a brutal episode to me. First I was so happy Todd was back and now I see he isn't the nice guy I wanted him to. Be. Everything was drama, drama, drama. I am glad James is back but OMG I did not expect what Justin is doing. Amanda and Jimmy are in so much trouble and some of it is lies. I know they betrayed and really hurt Justin but all in all I really thought Justin would be trueful the truth is bad enough. Great episode John and Thank you

  • #4

    Perry C. (Friday, 10 March 2017 23:04)

    As always.... never a dull moment! The twist and turns just keep coming. Great job and keep'em coming for us

  • #5

    Steve Mattice (Saturday, 11 March 2017 08:42)

    For some reason, I've never cared for Justin, he just seems so smug to me. I hope his little plan backfires. Great episode John, as always buddy!!!!

  • #6

    Marie Kinsey (Saturday, 11 March 2017 09:42)

    Another job well done. So much drama (you could have been the writer) just like the original Dallas. Poor Sue Ellen being framed once again for something I hope she didn't do. The revenge from Justin on Jimmy and Amanda...OMG I Can't wait for the next episode. Thank you for all the hard work you do for us your friends/fans.

  • #7

    Dizzy17 (Saturday, 11 March 2017 12:56)

    I STILL think either Brad or Merilee Stone did it

  • #8

    Karen Duckworth (Saturday, 11 March 2017 18:18)

    That was FANTASTIC!!! He really wants revenge like Jr would have done. Hate that Sue Ellen was charged with murder too. I'm wondering if Catlin killed her?? You keep getting better and better with your twists and turns on the continuing Ewing saga!! Keep 'em coming!!

  • #9

    Derek Mathews (Sunday, 12 March 2017 15:20)

    Lots of drama and surprises. I've never seen so many arrests in one episode LOL! Sue Ellen is being framed by Brad or Marliee Stone. That's obvious. Second Jimmy and Amanda being arrested for attempted murder and conspiracy to commit murder is a huge stretch. And I wonder what James has in store to bury Alexis Colby. I have very sure that John Ross is very curious about what James has on him. I'm sure Sue Ellen and Bobby, Ann, and anybody else who has a close connection to JR, or Vanessa Beaumont. Can't wait till the next episode.

  • #10

    Derek Mathews (Sunday, 12 March 2017 15:36)

    And another thing, Lucas is not a very smart man. John Ross has way more street smarts than Lucas does. Lucas is nothing but a blithering idiot who has way too many anger problems. That's why he can asses situations better than Lucas can, because he's aware of his surroundings. Lucas is not street smart at all. And I hope that Shawn comes up with an explanation of why he's in his brothers apartment.

  • #11

    Angela Chapman (Monday, 13 March 2017 15:40)

    Will there be more episodes? I haven't put my phone down since I started reading these! I wish they would put these on the television what an amazing job you have done! I can't get enough! Please don't stop writing. I just wish John Ross an Pamela were able to mend there relationship and Christopher an Elena as well I just loved them together!

  • #12

    Shirley Cotton (Saturday, 18 March 2017 21:31)

    Another great episode. When is your next one to be out? Just keep them coming!

  • #13

    Parker Bena (Sunday, 19 March 2017 14:32)

    I like Christopher and Courtney together. Keep THAT going.

  • #14

    Jonah McMackins (Tuesday, 21 March 2017 13:31)

    Great episode buddy. Justin finally got to carry out his plot and I'm glad of it, both Jimmy and Amanda deserve this! Can't wait to see wait to see who REALLY murdured Brittany! Episode previews will return along with the next episode
    JWP for life!

  • #15

    Julia Cherri (Monday, 03 April 2017 02:27)

    Oh my goodness! What an exciting episode this was. Again, I am seated on the edge of my chair and feel like I was present throughout the entire episode. So exciting and so many unanswered questions. I keep asking myself, did Sue Ellen really kill Brittany or did someone frame her? Will Todd continue on the case? Will Courtney tell the truth as to who the father is of her son? Will she win the case? Will John Ross find out who the spy is at Ewing Oil and is it Jill? Will Tripp ever find the listening devises in his office and at home? Hope John Ross can bring Tripp and others down. Will Justin prevail in getting Amanda and Jimmy on charges of attempted murder? Oh, I can hardly wait to read the next episode. You are such a good writer John. Please don't ever stop. Thank you so much for all your hard work.

  • #16

    Julia Cherri (Thursday, 27 April 2017 04:17)

    John, I read this episode again tonight and enjoyed it as much the second time around as the first time I read it. I have been so ill and out of it some of the time, I wanted to make sure I did not miss anything. Thank you again for all your hard work. I will go to the next episode later on today.

  • #17

    Kimberly (Saturday, 10 June 2017 22:35)

    So good John Im speechless lol. I am glad that sue ellen got out on bail. I hate that Courtney and Christopher have to get another lawyer because Jay is helping sue ellen but its understandable. I think Katelynn was a distraction to jimmy I don't think she was interested in jimmy anymore it was a way to keep him busy while Justin went to the police station. Plus the same for amandas meeting as soon as she was out the door Justin went down to the station. I think Christopher is looking at the wrong spy because when john ross asked Courtney for they resent hire files shes been jumpy and nervous ever since over who she says is about her son she calls caleb but the Reeds call Jacob. I also happen to think its funny even though I am not evil nor have and evil bone in my body that justins plan is planned out perfectly. Man there should have been a video or there faces to see him walk lol. I agree with Christopher like with any legit company that files she has needs to be back at Ewing oil asap. I wonder what Christopher's going to do or think when he finds out the only legit woman he thought he met besides not knowing about her son til she told him, the fact that shes spying for Tripp at Ewing oil that just Pamela lying about her name and who she was and turned out that his marriage to her was based on lies like his relationship to Courtney. I hate that Christopher cant find a really good woman that wont lie and cheat ect on him I know how he feels been there myself so its normal for him a while back not to have wanted to date after heather, then the break then Charlie and other woman from California went back to her ex, now Courtney I think Christopher needs to take what they call "Me" lol its hard to do but as a great guy as he and as Clay Walkers Songs She wont be lonely long and every fool that did her wrong its too late that to bad shes too far gone. he should have that thought! but in Christophers case when change the Shes to He and then when it talks about Men you change that shes as in the fools that did him wrong, heaven help me , its to late to far gone you see where I am going lol. I am glad james beautmonts in town of Dallas besides about seeing John Ross and about Alexis Colbys crappy book I cant wait to see what up james Sleeve lol if his anything like Justin and John Ross and as they are all Like their father J.R it will be good!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Plus Justin must have known that James was coming home to dallas lol just about time jimmy james son gets arrested for Attempt of murder! Shawn better come up with a quick lie since he got caught doing his job for John Ross and john ross told him to be careful and not get caught on these jobs. I am glad to see donna and Margaret getting to see each other in dallas as one of the perks for donnas new job in Austin. Jay better do more then threaten Todd about the Case against sue ellens his not going to stop til he gets a conviction even if he lies schemes. Also I was just thinking when John Ross told him in one of the earlier episodes about not getting caught well the same day that Shawn got caught by Tripp and by Alex after John Ross strict words don't get caught. I don't know what the cover will be but this could actually be the truth with out it being a lie lol John Ross or Shawn could just have a chat like a 5 minute one that John Ross saw that Shawn needed a father figure so since shawn looks up to john ross he goes to him from time to time just about life in general. Shawn or John Ross could say it be very believable but its true that John Ross does see that Shawn does need a father figure since he said he saw a lot in shawn the way he use to be when he as john ross was a kid. This all I got for tonight its almost 11 lol But I cant wait for the next Episode number135!

  • #18

    kurwy w okolicy (Monday, 04 September 2017 10:48)


  • #19

    matrymonialne seks (Tuesday, 05 September 2017 08:15)


  • #20

    sex oferty kobiet (Friday, 08 September 2017 09:51)


  • #21

    sextelefon (Wednesday, 04 October 2017 05:11)


  • #22

    sextelefon (Friday, 13 October 2017 11:23)
